1 ps -ef  or  ps aux 搜索所有进程 2 ps -ef|grep weblogic 搜索所有进程,包含weblogic 3 kill -9  kill the process,depends on processid 4 find . -name  filename(文件名)定点开始将文件写到标准输出。使用tail命令的-f选项可以方便的查阅正在改变的日志文件 5 tail -f filename  动态查找指定文件名 6  commandanme & (& stands for the job will run in the background ) for ...
String is immutable ,and StringBuilder ,StringBuffer both of them are mutable,they can change their value criteria to choose among them when your text value are not chageable ,you can use the String ,beacuse a String Object is immutable. when your text value are changeable and unsynchronized ,you can ...
String is immutable whereas StringBuffer and StringBuilder can change their values. The only difference between StringBuffer and StringBuilder is that StringBuilder is unsynchronized whereas StringBuffer is synchronized.
schema is a collection of database objects of a user
use the create profile statement to create the profile which a set of limits on database resources if you assign the profile to the use ,the use can not exceed these limits Setting Profile Resource Limits: Example The following statement creates the profile app_user: CREATE PROFILE app_user LIMIT ...

database snapshot(2)

3 、在源数据库上,创建要同步表的快照日志 Create snapshot log on medal_order;
1 create database link create public database link dblink_sportsdb connect to scott identified by scott  using 'gxfmisys' 其中 dblink_sportsdb为dblink的name
database link is the schema object in one database that enables you access  objects on another database. the other database do not need be Oracle Database
[b]join:[/b] return rows at least one match in tables inner join is the most common join type used in applications ,and can be regarded the default join type outer join[u][/u]: outer join does not requires each record in the two records,outer join retains each record, full join:return rows from the ...
satyaki> satyaki> satyaki>select * from v$version; BANNER ---------------------------------------------------------------- Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod PL/SQL Release - Production CORE      Production TNS for Linux: Version 10.2. ...
the lock is aiming to solve the porblem that when parallel minipupating the database,it can protect the data the lock is divided into the  following: 1 S .such as select * from tablename 2 RS .such as select * from tablename  where 3 X .such DDL statmtemnets 4 RX such as select * from tablename for u ...
完成下列操作,写出相应的SQL语句    1. 创建表空间neuspace,数据文件命名为neudata.dbf,存放在d:\data目录下,文件大小为200MB,设为自动增长,增量5MB,文件最大为500MB。(8分) 答:create tablespace neuspace datafile ‘d:\data\neudata.dbf’ size 200m auto extend on next 5m maxsize 500m; 2. 假设表空间neuspace已用尽500MB空间,现要求增加一个数据文件,存放在e:\appdata目录下,文件名为appneudata,大小为500MB, ...
增量是以一个时间段为计量单位,记录该段时间内较以前增加的数据记录。 增量抽取是将该段时间内增长的记录查找出来。 增量抽取一般有三种抽取模式,用于捕获源系统新增的数据到系目标库中 1)、时间戳方式,要求源表中存在一个或多个字段(时间戳),其值随着新纪录的增加而不断增加,执行数据抽取时,程序通过时间戳对数据进行过滤,抽取结束后,程序记录时间戳信息。 2)、触发器方式。要求用户在源数据库中有创建触发器和临时表的权限,触发器捕获新增的数据到临时表中,执行抽取时,程序自动从临时表中读取数据。 3)、全表对比方式,每次从源表中读取所有记录,然后逐条与目标表进行对比,有则插入,没有则放弃。 ...
n addition to renaming tables and indexes Oracle9i Release 2 allows the renaming of columns and constraints on tables. In this example once the the TEST1 table is created it is renamed along with it's columns, primary key constraint and the index that supports the primary key:     SQL> CREATE TAB ...
什么是SOA SOA:面向服务的体系结构(Service-Oriented Architecture,SOA,也叫面向服务架构), SOA是指为了解决在Internet环境下业务集成的需要,通过连接能完成特定任务的独立功能实体实现的一种软件系统架构。 SOA 是一个组件模型,它将应用程序的不同功能单元(称为服务)通过这些服务之间定义良好的接口和契约联系起来。接口是采用中立的方式进行定义的,它应该独立于实现服务的硬件平台、操作系统和编程语言。这使得构建在各种这样的系统中的服务可以以一种统一和通用的方式进行交互。 SOA与传统服务的区别 传统的Web(HTML/HTTP)技术有效的解决了人与信息系 ...
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