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首先我们来看下科班,计算机科学与技术的课程表。 数字电路原理、模拟电子技术、数字逻辑、数值分析、计算机原理、微型计算机技术、计算机系统结构、计算机网络、高级语言、汇编语言、数据结构、操作系统、数据库 ...
程序员的编程内功和外功有哪些?如何看待编程内功和外功的关系? 看了很多人的问题和他们的困扰。诸如: 新技术不断出现,旧技术不断淘汰,无法跟上新技术的步伐或担心学习的技术会被淘汰 学习那种语言比较有前途 那种语言比较好,不容易被淘汰 已经学了这个语言,要不要再学那个语言 等等诸如此类的问题。 其实电脑编程语言的世界里面是有编程语言的共性和通用的东西。当然每个语言也有自己的特性。 有个朋友在和我讨论编程学习的时候,提出了编程内功和编程外功的观点。他认为编程内功是所有语言通用的东西,外功是浮在表面上的那些具体的产品和工具。 外功是使用语言和工具的一种 ...
数据结构,操作系统,计算机网络,计算机组成原理这几门课在大学生计算机专业知识体系中有怎样的地位? 以上几门课程较HTML、Android、Java等课程的重要性如何?上述几门课程对软件工程专业学生的发展有怎样的影响? ...
都说程序员基础掌握得好学新东西就快,那比如Elasticsearch这种新技术,拥有了什么基础才会觉得这并不是一个新东西?之前想,出了这么一个技术,肯定同时又出了一个砖头书,去京东一看,果不其然。由此引发我思考:我们这行的新技术如雨后春笋,更新如此之快,就像小时候玩的乐高,不同的排列组合就成了不同的成品,程序不同的排列组合也就成了不同的新技术,要学,永远也学不完,学习成本太大了。如何减少这种无力感? 或者说降低学习成本?先说结论,是的!程序猿基础我认为可以分两部分来看    1.编程语言的基础    2.计算机基础编程语言的基础这个主要指对编程语言的理解,编程语言包括不限于:C/C++ Jav ...
作者:Slbom Wong 首先,关于“前端”的理解,有两种方式: 狭义地讲:切页面就是了(通常专指网页)。 广义地讲:是全平台上交互逻辑和表现与后台数据逻辑之间的技术中间层。 如果你的目标只是切页面、切更多的页面 ...
作者:萝魏紫根据我过去十几年的经验来看,计算机专业和非专业的重大区别出现在7年这个坎上面。也就是在高级工程师到软件架构师之间。注意这里的用词,是坎,而不是天花板。在刚开始入行的时候,除了简历指标,有的 ...
01/02/2014 The administration of President Barack Obama believes that if our neighbors prosper, then so will the United States. First, we must take on poverty, by creating jobs and improving economies. And because entrepreneurship is a key driver of economic growth, job creation and innovation, the U ...
Mil ArcegaJanuary 02,2014Five years after the financial crisis, many indicators suggest a recovery is finally taking hold in the world’s largest economy. U.S. gross domestic product is growing at its fastest pace in two years, and unemployment has fallen to pre-crisis levels. Despite the prognostica ...
Richard PaulJanuary 02,2014A new opera, written by a second-generation Nigerian-American, tells the story of Harriet Tubman, who, a century-and-a-half ago, escaped from slavery and led others to freedom.When Nkeiru Okoye was a little girl, she spent a lot of time shuttling between the United States ...
Joe DeCapuaJanuary 02,2014The U.N. estimates more than 200,000 people have been displaced within South Sudan by ongoing fighting. Another 10,000 people have fled to neighboring countries. Displaced people gather inside a mosquito net tent as they flee from fighting between the South Sudanese army ...
Henry RidgwellJanuary 02,2014LONDON — The operation to remove and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons continues to be delayed by security problems and bad weather. Several countries have sent warships to escort the weapons offshore - but the shipments have yet to reach the Syrian coast. However, offici ...
Jeff SeldinJanuary 01,2014WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is making another foray into the Middle East, hoping to give momentum to peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Officials say he will present both sides with a broad outline, or framework, of what a final deal could ...
01/01/2014 The United States announced two new foreign assistance efforts aimed at helping a number of Southeast Asian countries through regional and bilateral assistance to advance maritime capacity building.Speaking at a press conference in Vietnam, Secretary of State John Kerry announced an initi ...
01/01/2014 Two Thousand Thirteen ended without long-awaited elections in Guinea-Bissau aimed at fully restoring the troubled West African nation to democratic rule. The nation’s transitional government announced in November that more time was needed to prepare for the balloting, and voter registratio ...
12/31/2013 The United States government and people are committed to continuing to help the people of the Philippines recover from the devastation caused by last month’s Typhoon Haiyan. During a recent visit to the affected region, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry offered the condolences of the Amer ...
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