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搬家了, 去CSDN: http://blog.csdn.net/alexgreenbar
Copy from: http://www.brianmcquay.com/investing-in-myself-realizing-my-value-as-a-programmer/437   Being a programmer, you have an invaluable skill that you need to learn to harness. Investors realize this already which is why they’ll spend stacks of cash to have you build them something that’l ...
Function is an important concept in javascript, and its invocation pattern is so hard to understand, fortunately, Douglas Crockford has greate explanation in his book "Javascript: the good parts", below is the snippet from that book on this topic.   /////////// 4.3. Invocation ...
-Xms40m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
本来Mac上写Objective-C程序有非常好的XCode集成开发环境可以用,但不幸的是XCode 3.2后不支持Foundation类型的项目类型了,没办法,只好尝试在命令行手工进行。   hello.m 如下:   #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { NSLog (@"hello, objective-c!"); return 0; }   那用什么编译链接呢?其实Mac本身用的也是gcc suite, gcc ...
1. 如果软件包提供了Installer, 简单了,只需要按照Installer提供的步骤,一步步照做既可,比如XCode的安装就是这样. 2. 通常Mac下的软件都会是一个*.dmg文件,这种文件类似iso文件,你可以把它当作一个镜像文件,在Finder下双击该文件,dmg文件就会自动mount, 这时你可以在桌面上发现一个新mount的设备,类似你mount的光盘,打开该设备,你会发现Application文件夹已经作为一个链接显示在mount的dmg文件中了,把你要安装的软件包拖入Application文件夹,安装完成. 3. 卸载:把相应的*.app目录从Application目录拖 ...
1. 七年前, 我的老板用Mac, 羡慕,不敢尝试,太贵,而且不熟悉它的OS,安慰自己,只有老外用。 2. 七年前,被老板逼迫用RedHat Linux做为开发环境,骗我说,国外的工程师都用Linux,你不会,没办法交流,于是乎,硬着头皮开始Linux之旅。 3. 五年后,公司关闭Beijing的研发中心,跳槽到IBM,于是离开了Linux,离开了才真正开始想,怀念过去瑞士军刀在手的感觉。 4. 一年前,家中的Dell laptop中毒,一气之下,格掉Windows,装Ubuntu,哈哈,老机器有了第二春,性能远超IBM办公用的T60。 5. 半年前,考虑Mac, 想看看Ap ...
1. 与Rachel好的时候:soldier down... 2. 最后一季和Phoeb帮Monica打包: can't work...
After one year hard work, RTC 2.0 and JF 1.0 have been released last month, it's worth investigating in any point of views: http:/jazz.net I have attached a simple introduction on them created by me.  
It has been a long time that not update my blog because the organization changes of IONA Technologies which I served for in the last 5 years. IONA has closed its APAC R&D Center on Jan. 31th 2008. It was 5 happy years for me in IONA and I'm very sad on the bad news. Anyway, I had to go on my li ...

Books : I want to read

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Convention is at the heart of Maven. Convention over configuration is a popular aphorism these days, and Maven fully embraces this concept. Convention over configuration is at the central philosophy of frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, and more recently, the EJB3 specification. In its most basic sens ...
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