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#MinGW 5.1.6 .PHONY:clean tidy rebuild SRCDIR = src LIBDIR = lib DOCSDIR = docs BUILDDIR = build CC = C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe SRCEXT = cpp DEPEXT = depend RM = del /f /q MKDIR = mkdir RMDIR = rmdir /q /s FLAGS = -g -Wall -O3 #-save-temps #-fdump-class-hierarchy #-dump_class_hiera ...
#ifdef HAVE_DECL_STRERROR_R # ifdef HAVE_STRERROR_R_CHAR_P std::string explain_errcode(int errcode) { std::vector<char> buffer(0xff); do { if (strerror_r(errcode, &buffer[0], buffer.size()) != ERANGE) return &buffer[0]; ...
下载必需工具, android sdk 的命令行工具。 正式下载地址可以去 http://develop.android.com 这里找,只下载命令行工具即可(Android Studio 比较大,自带IDE) 设置一些环境变量 ANDROID_HOME需要指向解压后的tools的上一级目录 (required) USE ...
.PHONY: clean compile link all VPATH=.. RVCT_HOME = /usr/local/bin OBJEXT = o EXEEXT = axf SRCEXT = c RM = rm -fr MKDIR = mkdir -p MV = mv -f CPPFLAGS = CFLAGS = CXXFLAGS = LDFLAGS = CC = $(RVCT_HOME)/armcc -c LD = $(RVCT_HOME)/armcc -o PROGRAMS = demo demo2 ...
遇到了一个宏没有完全展开的情况。 #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> /* Use printf inside the definition */ #define PRINTF(fmt, args...) do { printf(fmt, ##args); } while (0) /* Make printf represent as the encapsulated print */ #define printf PRINTF int main(int argc, char* *argv) { ...
通常在MAC上可以和其他linux机器一样用   autoreconf -vi && cd bin && ../configure && make  但是在需要编译iOS(iPhone, AppleTV, WatchOS)之类的二进制文件时需要有其他的设置   -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneSimulator.sdk \ -mios-simulat ...
http://archiva.apache.org/docs/2.0.1/adminguide/customising-security.html 写道 Security properties and password rules can be configured in the security.properties file, which by default is searched for in: ~/.m2/security.properties conf/security.properties in the Archiva installation   Security pr ...
https://digitizor.com/fix-homebrew-permissions-osx-el-capitan/ 写道 sudo chown $(whoami):admin /usr/local && sudo chown -R $(whoami):admin /usr/local  
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6762348/what-do-and-do-in-tcsh 写道 In tcsh redirection the ! symbol means overwrite the existing file even if noclobber is set.In other words, if noclobber is set then:cmd > file will write stdout to file if file does not existcmd > file will fail if file exi ...
在debian 或者ubuntu这类操作系统上libtool从2.2.6b版本开始,间接依赖库会在链接时被丢掉。导致会发生莫名奇妙的undefined symbol。   http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11802727/libtool-doesnt-provide-library-dependencies-to-link 写道 4down voteacceptedOn any Debian machine I use for development, I have to compile and install Libtool by hand, b ...
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35597157/gvim-crashes-when-running-python 写道 Finally solved the problem.It turned out that Python uses PYTHONPATH variable to resolve the PYTHON folder (used to load python libraries and so on). Here is the default value for Python 2.7:C:\Python27\Lib;C:\Python27 ...
    部署不同版本程序时比较有用的一个东西。mark一下。     chrpath 这个工具可以将写死的依赖去掉.   Usage: chrpath [-v|-d|-c|-r <path>] <program> [<program> ...] -v|--version Display program version number -d|--delete Delete current rpath/runpath setting -c|--convert ...
在官网上有介绍,但还是复制一下,以免忘掉   转自  https://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout.html Overview  Package   Class  Use  Tree  D
最近在linux上次编译时出现pthread_rwlock_t没有定义的现象.但是已经include了pthread.h,网上查了一些资料后发现,原因竟然是因为显示使用了-std=c99参数导致.   在c99没有完全实现时,如果不显示指定-std, 则gcc默认使用gnu89(或gnu90)标准. 一般而言,                gnuXX标准 = cXX标准 + GNU extension   而pthread_rwlock_t正好就是GNU extension的一部分. 所以指定使用c99就会把GNU extension禁用,造成pthread_rwlock_t未 ...
装过几个桌面环境之后,发现原来的登录界面的光标颜色由白变黑了。找来找去最后在一个bug贴里找到方法.   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-workspace/+bug/288502 写道 $ sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-themeThere are 7 choices for the alternative x-cursor-theme (providing /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme). Selection Path Pri ...
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