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本地化觉得不是很爽.所以先从工具入手,下面是翻译内容 原文地址 Rails本地化如何使用Rails的新特性实现应用的本地化 介绍: Sven Fuchs等人在Rails本地化与国际化的问题上做了大量工作,下面的demo展示使用目前已经实施的新技术来本地化你的web应用. DEMO 1.SETUP 首先是新建Rails应用,并且将项目的Rails版本固化: rails i18n_test rake rails:freeze:edge 为了本地化数据和时间的格式,需要安装插件( localized_dates) ./script/plugin install git://github.c ...
Installation Insoshi is written in Ruby on Rails, so installing Insoshi means downloading the source code and running it on your local computer.  There are several methods to do this, which we list in order of increasing involvement in the Insoshi project. Option #1: Source only (easy to download ...
当雅虎和新浪都杀进SNS市场之后,SNS的角逐就变得更加有趣,尤其是在“开心”域名的争夺背后,激发起人们对SNS的关注,但是热络的背后总是收到商业模式的困扰,无论如何发展,如何较好,如果没有一个相对较好的盈利模式 ...
Ubuntu 8.04 Rails Server Using Passenger - Part 2 May 13th, 2008 Introduction Here is the, the long awaited second part of my extensive guide on setting up a rails server running on Ubuntu 8.04. Everything should be going smoothly so far and you should be at the point where we need to setup Apache an ...
Ubuntu 8.04 Rails Server Using Passenger May 6th, 2008 Introduction So before my monstrous OpenSolaris 2008.05 post on setting up a Ruby on Rails server I decided to write a guide on setting up a Ubuntu 8.04 server guide for all you Slicehost users! I decided to write this guide because of the new op ...
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