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http://dl08.topsage.com/club/en ...
Nothing on you --BoB -
finally , Not to jump, a hard d ...
Jump or not -
I try to find another English ...
Nothing on you --BoB
- 博客分类:
- java
本来电脑里有一个安装版的tomcat, 网上看了些例子,需要重新下一个tomcat的免安装版。
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">将port中8005修改成8006(或者其他未使用端口);
<Connector port="8080" ...
- 博客分类:
- java
String path = ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getRealPath(""); Properties properties = new Properties(); try { InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(path+"/config.properties"); properties.load(inputStream); OutputStream outp ...
好不容易找到的js 版销售漏斗,这个是还在开发中的highchart控件,里面有些功能不完善,不过满足基本的显示功能,有兴趣可以参考下。我在FF,ie6+下测试过,没问题
First this two book can help to learn what is html5 and how to develop.
1,《HTML5: Up and Running》
HTML5: Up and Running 中文名:HTML5揭秘
作者:Mark Pilgrim
该书详细介绍HTML 5新特征,使用实例展示HTML 5强大的功能,另外书中还详细介绍HTML 5开发技巧。该书适合前端Web开发工程师参考使用
2,《Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and Java》
Building A ...
<iframe id="frame_content" src="iframe_b.html" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"
<script type="text/javascript">
function reinitIframe(){
var iframe = document.getElementById("frame ...
Flex APIs,类库,组件等。
- 博客分类:
- flex
Adobe Flex cookbook beta
AnimatedGIfLoader Flex Component
Allows you to load animated gif files into your Flex applications
Provides an easy way to integrate flowcharts, uml or any other diagrams ...
you can only find the jkd jar in you bi install dir, My example will use many jars , such as cecore.jar,celib.jar,cesession.jar,corbaidl.jar, ebus405.jar and logging.jar .
thanks for my colleague, I find out this solution, this is connect to BI server use jsp, it not easy to go to this point ...
The default advancedwon't show any toolTip and truncate to fit the width , so I look for solution quit long time, and figure out this solution .you can add the follew code into AdvancedDataGrid
<mx:AdvancedDataGridHeaderRenderer >
We have many tool to deal with database, as giant Hibernate , famous Spring JDBC template , Spring Jpa , there are too many that , en , I can't mention all .
at first we use JDBC , haha , just like something belove code, quit a lot code
Connection con= null;
PreparedStatement pStmt=null ...
Parsley is a flex framework, support Ioc and MVC fiuger, you can get it from http://www.spicefactory.org/parsley/ .
I have use congriom , pureMVC and parsley, the first don't support IOC, congriom and pureMVC both have lot code to design , you konw, pureMVC have a better sturcter than congriom ...
I have some .flv file download , and I create a file to show this files, seen that my computer has no flv displayer .
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
gwt for eclipse install error
I try to install plugin whit this url http://dl.google.com/eclipse/plugin/3.6
. but I get error below .
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Google App Engine Java SDK 1.4.2 1.4.2.v ...
"Shan Guo Sha" is a cardgame , suitable for 4 to 8 people to play. People can get lot of fun in it , but there are one question, if you are not chinese , will be difficult to play, cause there are all printed in chinese.
There are four type of people in this game
My lord : 主公 t ...
I am a java programer , you know , is not a easy job for a girl, but I can handle well. Now , I have an offer from another company , It pay quite heigher than what I have now. You konw , about 1.5 . But I just jumped six months ago. I am afrade that I can't improve my java exprience in this short ...
Nothing on you --BoB : I love this song so much, Maybe you heard of this song somewhere, Let me give you a url:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnA1tQFrfDQ , maybe you can't access this website in china, so I give you another url : http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/88402 , a little girl prifer it , ...