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开始约会making an appointment ★Dou you mind if I call on you tomorrow?(我明天拜访你,你不建议吧!) Call on=to visit someone访问;拜访(某人) He called on me last Sunday.(他上星期天来看过我) ★Do you think you could come to my home tomorrow? (你认为你明天能到我家来吗? ★I hope to see you in my office tomorrow.(我希望明天你到我办公室来一趟) ★I'd like to meet you ...
一般来说,衡量一个人口语水平高低主要看以下几个方面:   1.语音、语调是否正确,口齿是否清楚;   2.流利程度;   3.语法是否正确,用词是否恰当,是否符合英语表达习惯;   4.内容是否充实,逻辑是否清 ...
* Don't get me wrong[误解].(不要误会我。) * I'm under a lot of pressure.(我压力很大。) * You're the boss.(听你的。) * It doesn't make any sense!(毫无意义!) * If I were in your shoes[处在某人的位置].(如果我是你的话。) * What's this regarding?(这是关于哪方面的?) * Over my dead body!(休想!) * Can you give me a hand[帮手;援助]?(你能帮个忙吗?) * We have thirty ...
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