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I'm trying to grab multiple objects with double hands.but when it build over crashed with no build error show on output IDE. leave it here in case somebody has the same issue.
RightPhysicsHandler = CreateDefaultSubobject<UPhysicsHandleComponent>(TEXT("AlienPhysicsHandle&quo ...
TryGetPawnOwner always returns none, Set your skeletal mesh and its anim_bp in that BP you created, Open up your Anim_BP and use "Try get pawn owner" and "Cast to Test_BP",Place that actor on the level and you just created and see if the casting is still failing.To get the c ...
Touch 的原型研制开始于DK1时代,在位于拇指摇杆和食指开关上,还有中指的抓取键上,都装有能感应你手指的传感器,内置的传感器阵列跟踪手指自然社交动作,比如,伸食指指着某个地方,抓东西,挥舞以及竖大拇哥等姿势。在初步原型阶段,拇指和食指的动作是离散的(0 和 1),相对于HTC VIVE(灯塔定位系统可实现亚毫米级检测)和PS MOVE,Oculus Touch能更好地模拟人类手部的运动,比如手指姿态还原,震动反馈等
Button Touch State
In addition to buttons, Touch controllers can detect wh ...
Many tools provide a plug-in capability, allowing them to be extended to provide output in the format.
Mesh modeling
3ds Max: Windows only; commercial. Among survey respondents, 3ds Max was the unanimous choice of commercial tool for object modeling with Ogre.
AC3D: Windows, Mac, Linux. Com ...
We usually use constraints/capsules for a skeletal mesh's hit box, but how can we use our own animated collision mesh?
The Physics Asset is exactly what you need. Ignore the capsule component and use the physics asset for your hit box checks.
right click on your physics body, and clock on ...
if you want add some platform depended code you can use this macros:
or try to use this:
if ((Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win3 ...
The first thing that you will need to do is create a GitHub account.
On your dashboard, click the “+ New Repository” option, Click “Create Repository”. Now that the repository is created.
you need to get the repository onto your computer. To do this, download and install "Github Deas ...
trying to extend a class from two AClass to add some attributes and methods to it. but it compile error.
UCLASS classes can not have multiple inherited classes, except for interfaces.
So each UCLASS can only have one direct inherited class and as many interfaces (UINTERFACE) classes as you ...
Command: Update Error: Previous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted Error: Please execute the 'Cleanup' command. Completed!:
I've been in similar situations. Have you tried running cleanup from the root of your workspace? I know sometimes a ...
ERROR : UBT error : Failed to produce item: G:\UE4.14\Engine\UnrealHeaderTool-Core.dll\Binaries\Win64UnrealHeaderTool failed for target 'UE4Editor' (platform: Win64, module info: G:\UE4.14\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\DebugGame\UnrealHeaderTool.manifest).error MSB3073:The ...
CPU 优化
光照性能和 Troubleshooting
GPU:纹理压缩 和 Mipmaps
层次细节(LOD) 和每层的裁剪距离(per-layer Cull Disrances)
实时阴影(Realtime Shadows)
GPU:编写高性能 Shader 的一些建议
Unity 分析器窗口(Profilter)
绘制一个对象到 Screen 上,引擎会对图形 API (如 OpenGL 或 Direct3D)发出一次绘画调用(Draw calls),Draw calls 是昂贵的,每个DrawCall 与图形 API 一起做了大量的工作,导致在 CPU 上的性能开销,这主要是由 DrawCall 之间的状态更 ...
渲染一个物体到屏幕上,CPU 需要处理很多工作:规划灯光影响的游戏对象,设立着色器(Shader)和着色参数(Shader Parameters), 发送绘制命令(drawing commands)到显卡驱动,准备绘制命令送到显卡。 所有这些对象都是资源密集的使用 CPU,所以,如果有很多可见对象,例如,有 1000 个三角面。那么在 CPU 上共用一个网格体将更容易渲染, 而不是每个网格体一个面(增加到 1000 个网格体),在 GPU 上这两种情景的成本是相似的,但在 CPU 上渲染 1000 个对象(相对于1个)极其昂贵。 通过减少可见游戏对象的数量,去减少 CP ...
游戏中图形部分主要影响计算机的两个系统 CPU 和 GPU,优化首先要做的是找出哪一部分的性能影响,GPU 和 CPU 优化的方式是不一样的(甚至是对立的,例如很常见的,当在优化 CPU 的时候让 GPU 做更多的计算,反之亦然)。常见瓶颈和检查方式:1. GPU 经常限制于 填充率(fillrate)或者内存带宽(memory bandwidth)。 降低显示分辨率后运行游戏,如果游戏运行更快,那么瓶颈在于 GPU 的填充率(fillrate)。2. CPU 经常限制于需要渲染的 Batches 数量。 在渲染统计窗口(Rendering Statistics )检查“ ...
该页面描述 正向渲染路径(Forward Rendering Path)的详细内容。
正向渲染路径会在一个或多个 Pass 中渲染每个物体,这取决于影响物体的光照。灯光的设置和强度(intensity)不一样,正向渲染的光照也不一样。
实现 ...