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Oracle数据库的表空间主要分为两类,一类是数据库系统表空间,例如SYSTEM, SYSAUX, TEMP, UNDO,另一类是用户自定义表空间,主要适用于各种业务的数据处理。SYSTEM表空间主要用来存储数据库的 ...
ASM diskgroup dismount with "Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST"
ASM diskgroup dismount with "Waited 15 secs for write IO to PST"
Normal or high redundancy diskgroup is dismounted with these WARNING messages.
Note-ASM alert.log
Sat Mar 07 05:03:10 2015 ...
RAC ASM磁盘路径故障导致OCR和Voting Disk被Force Dismount
创金合信基金管理有限公司的金融交易系统底层使用的Oracle数据库为2节点RAC架构,其版本为Oracle Database AMD64,操作系统平台为Redhat Linux 5.7 x86-64,数据库主机为实体 ...
Oracle undo表空间用于存放undo数据。当用户运行DML操作时,undo数据被放在undo段,可以回退事务。运行一个事务时,新数据存放在目标数据段中,如果事务存在问题或者故障,也可以用undo数据来 ...
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 1466 encountered
ORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed
EXP-00056: ORACLE error 1466 encounteredORA-01466: unable to read data - table definition has changed. . exporting table TO32_T0. . exporting tabl ...
Oracle 隐含参数_asm_hbeatiowait引起的ASM磁盘组DISMOUNT
Hadoop Cluster启动后数据节点(DataNode)进程状态丢失
在拥有三个节点的Hadoop集群环境中,其各节点的配置为:CPU Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3120M CPU@2.50GHz 2.50GHz,内存RAM 6GB,Operation System Redhat Linux 5 x86-64bit.
首先通过命令hadoop dfs namenode -format格式化名称节点,格式化成功以后使用start-dfs.sh和start-yarn.sh脚本启动集群。此时,整个Hadoop集群使用 JPS进程查看命令发现均正常。在没有关闭H ...
If your oracle database encountered problems on a specific compatible linux platform, oracle company will give a solution to ensure ODB smooth running. On the other hand, installing oracle database on the platform that not compatible with it`s version,oracle company will not pro ...
关于OFA(Optimal Flexible Architecture)标准的介绍
1.Overview of the Optimal Flexible Architecture Standard
Oracle Documents:
The Optimal Flexible Architecture standard helps you to organize ...
【运维巡检】Oracle 数据库日常巡检参考指南
【技术分享】Horizon Master Business Group
Author-Email: Askerain@foxmail.com
【性能指标】Oracle Automatic Workload Repository指标完全解析
【技术分享】Horizon Master Business Group
Author-Email: Askerain@foxmail.com
【性能监控】Linux Monitor Command Introduction
【技术分享】Horizon Master Business Group
Author-Email: Askerain@foxmail.com
Registering an AFTER SUSPEND Trigger
In the followingexample, a system wide AFTER SUSPEND trigger is created andregistered as user SYS at the database level. Whenever a resumablestatement is suspended in any session, this trigger can have either of twoeffects:
1)If an undosegment has reache ...
Oracle Resumable Space Allocation
1.About Oracle Resumable Space Allocation
从Oracle9i版本开始,Oracle提供了一种避免因为space Error而导致事务异常的机制: resumable space allocation. 在Oracle 10g的OCP考试中有考resumable session的这个知识点。
Oracle Documents 写道
Advantage is for DBAs who are running yearly r ...
Resumable Space Allocation Example
Using RESUMABLE Session to Avoid Transaction Abort Due to Space Errors [ID 136941.1]
1. The user running the transaction requires the RESUMABLE system privilege:
SQL> conn system/oracle
SQL> grant resumable to scott;
Grant succeeded.