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用spring的aspect进行aop编程时报出"Advice precedence circularity error" exception. google了一下发现只要将advice中的方法按照befor,around,after顺序排列即可解决。 详细参考http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?t=58498
What is an XML Schema? The purpose of an XML Schema is to define the legal building blocks of an XML document, just like a DTD. An XML Schema: defines elements that can appear in a document defines attributes that can appear in a document defines which elements are child elements defines the order o ...
Apache ActiveMQ which is the most popular and powerful open source message broker Apache CXF which is a smart web services suite (JAX-WS) Apache MINA a networking framework Apache ServiceMix which is the most popular and powerful distributed open source ESB and JBI container
突 然有兴趣看看Linux下的字符模式的浏览器,搜了下有好几个,在Ubuntu里“添加/删除”里找到一个,叫Elinks,安装,然后在终端运行 elinks,试用了一下,不错,使用方法也挺简单的,支持多标签,支持中文。按Esc键在帮助菜单 ...
http://smslib.org/   http://code.google.com/p/smslib/     http://bbs.et8.net/bbs/archive/index.php/t-667627.html   http://zeroliu.iteye.com/blog/108536     http://hi.baidu.com/tianyistar/blog/item/9bea2e97fb96f46854fb9632.html   http://hi.baidu.com/ddppfamily/blog/item/3b1cc813f6603b20dd540181.html ...
LRU -Least Recently Used,没有被使用时间最长的 LFU -Least Frequenty User,一定时间段内使用次数最少的 FIFO  -First In First Out
字符串字面池指的是常量池.字符串对象的创建方式有两种如下:String s1 = new String("");   //第一种String s2 = "";               //第二种第一种始终不会入池的.第二种要看情况而定(等号右边如果是常量则入池,非常量则不入池)例:String s3 = "a" + "b"; //"a"是常量,"b"是常量,常量+常量=常量,所以会入池.String s4 = s1 + "b";   //s1是变量,&q ...
一个Person可以参加多个Event,一个Event有多个Person参加。映射文件如下: <!-- Person.hbm.xml --><hibernate-mapping package="events">  <class name="Person" table="person">      <id name="id" column="person_id">          <generator class="native&q ...
mysql_connect: 脚本执行结束时,自动 close,而使用 mysql_close 是为了在脚本结束前提前 close, 所以一般用不着 mysql_close mysql_pconnect: 执行时首先寻找一个已经打开的连接,若存在就直接使用,否则才创建一个新的连接 用 mysql_pconnect 较好,因为省略了很多重复的 close/connect 操作,速度可能更快。 连接数与人多人少无关,当有 N 个人连接时,不论用 pconnect 还是 connect,最多都只有 N 个连接。 只有在一种情形下,connect 优于 pconnect: 你的脚本要执行很长时 ...
在PHP.INI中将;extension=php_mysqli.dll前面的注释去掉保存即可 我采用的是解压缩版的php,若没有php.ini,复制php.ini-recommended为php.ini即可。   同时修改 extension_dir = "D:/PHP5/ext"
    Alias: Maps web paths into filesystem paths and is used to     access content that does not live under the DocumentRoot.     Example:     Alias /webpath /full/filesystem/path         If you include a trailing / on /webpath then the server will     require it to be present in the URL.  You will a ...
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