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The following command will recursively delete any development.log file within your home directory: find ~/ -name development.log -exec /bin/rm -f {} \;  
rake db:fixtures:load # Load fixtures into the current environment's database. Load specific fixtures using FIXTURES=x,y rake db:migrate # Migrate the database through scripts in db/migrate. Target specific version with VERSION=x rake db:schema:dump # Create a db/s ...


Renders string and is useful for debugging purposes. render :inline => "time now is "  Render the text.  render :text => "Rock and Roll ain't noise pollutions!"  Renders the action's template but does not call the action  render :action => :action_name   Renders ...
Plugging FCKEditor into Mephisto is very easy.  Step 1: ruby script/plugin install svn://rubyforge.org//var/svn/fckeditorp/trunk/fckeditor  Step 2: Put the following in the application.rhtml file. <%= javascript_include_tag 'fckeditor/fckeditor' %>   Step 3: Edit your _from.rhtml for articles. ...
用了两个Help方法展示Flash信息: def display_standard_flashes(message = 'There were some problems with your submission:') if flash[:notice] flash_to_display, level = flash[:notice], 'notice' elsif flash[:warning] flash_to_display, level = flash[:warning], 'warning' elsif flash[:error] ...
fckeditor 现在版本是:0.4.3下载网址:http://rubyforge.org/projects/fckeditorp/下载安装包,到vender/plugin中,用rake   fckeditor:install安装 使用方法请参考:http://zsbfree.is-programmer.com/show/655.html   
flash[:notice] is meant only for redirect action, because the message is only cleared after at the end of redirected view request. So if you don’t redirect the request, and you click on the next request, that message will still be displayed.But sometimes, we just want to display custom error messages ...
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