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原文地址:http://sd.csdn.net/a/20120409/2804301.html 每个Java/JVM领域的技术专家都应从那些项目中获益,他们中有2011在SanJose举办的Jax 会议中提名为最好的技术产品奖的。我之所以选择他们是因为他们可以广泛用于一系列的项目中解决真 ...
还原或删除sql server 2008数据库时,经常烩出现: “因为数据库正在使用,所以无法获得对数据库的独占访问权”,终解决方案如下 关键SQL语句: ALTER DATABASE [datebase] SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE 用完之后再 alter   database  [dbname]  set   online  完整代码样例: USE Master GO ALTER DATABASE CQMineOA SET OFFLINE WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE GO restore database ...

log4j 常用配置

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原文地址:http://www.benmccann.com/dev-blog/sample-log4j-properties-file/ I always find the hardest part of getting started with log4j is creating a log4j.properties file. For that reason, I’ve posted an example below. This file configures log4j to log any messages of level info or higher to the console e ...
Bootstrap, from Twitter Simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for popular user interface components and interactions. http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/

sqlserver2008 3154

我在使用sqlserver2008时,使用别人发回的一个ceshishuju.bak文件进行还原我的数据库:CQMineOA,但是很不幸的报了3154错误。 报错为: Msg 3634, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 The operating system returned the error '32(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'C:\Program Fi ...
原文地址:http://news.csdn.net/a/20120220/311995.html 著名开源媒体播放器VLC Media Player在上周宣布放出第一个VLC 2.0 RC候选版后,于2月19日发布了新一代2.0正式版。这次备受期待的升级是VLC的一次重大变化,带来了更多媒体格式、试验性蓝光支持、多核心处理器和移动设备解码加速、专业高清和10-bit解码等等。 开发代号Twoflower(花开两朵)的VLC 2.0拥有全新的视频流渲染管线,可带来更高质量的字幕,以及全新的视频过滤器,此外用户界面上也做了重新修缮,提高了易用性。 VLC 2.0主要亮点: 视频: 重写视频输 ...
原文地址:http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2012/02/21-books-for-engineering-managers.html As an Engineering Manager / Development Manager aspiring to be a good software craftsman I want to promote good engineering practices, clean code, scalable solutions, all driven by self-org teams that continuously improv ...
原文地址:http://code.google.com/p/jee6-cdi/wiki/DependencyInjectionAnIntroductoryTutorial_Part1 CDI is the Java standard for dependency injection (DI) and interception (AOP). It is evident from the popularity of DI and AOP that Java needs to address DI and AOP so that it can build other standards and JSR ...
原文地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-springbatch1/ 总述 本系列文章旨在通过示例搭建以及特性介绍,详细讲述如何利用 Spring Batch 开发企业批处理应用。本系列文章共分为三部分,第一部分初步介绍了批处理以及 Spring Batc ...
原文地址http://highscalability.com/blog/2012/2/13/tumblr-architecture-15-billion-page-views-a-month-and-harder.html 转自:http://cloud.csdn.net/a/20120215/311867.html 导读:和许多新兴的网站一样,著名的轻博客服务Tumblr在急速发展中面临了系统架构的瓶颈。每 ...
原文地址http://highscalability.com/blog/2012/2/13/tumblr-architecture-15-billion-page-views-a-month-and-harder.html 转自:http://cloud.csdn.net/a/20120214/311806.html 导读:和许多新兴的网站一样,著名的轻博客服务Tumblr在急速发展中面临了系统架构的瓶颈。每 ...
原文地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-dynamicpersist/ 前言 我们时常会遇到一些 web 项目,需要从不同的数据源中抓取数据来进行分析,而这些数据源是有可能变化的,需要用户来进行动态的维护和添加。可是,大多数的 web ...
Quite amazing: PDF.js is a JavaScript library that displays PDFs in browsers. At version 0.2, it comes with the requisite warning: “Note: This is an early-stage prototype. Several documents might not render properly.” Try it out online, in any browser. Install a Firefox add-on that uses PDF.js to dis ...
原文地址:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-javadev2-22/ Memcached 是一个众所周知的内存对象缓存系统,通过将目标键和值导入内存缓存运行。因此,Memcached 能回避读取磁盘时发生的 I/O 成本问题。在 Web 应用程序和数据库之间粘贴 memcached 时会产生更好的读取性能。因此,对于那些需要快速数据查询的应用程序,Memcached 是一个不错的选择。其中的一个例子为股票查询服务,需要另外访问数据库获取相对静态数据,如股票名称或价格信息。 MemcacheDB 将 Redis 与 memcached 相比较并 ...
原文地址:http://jqueryuivskendoui.com/ We've spent a lot of time talking to customers about Kendo UI, our framework for building rich web applications with modern web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. Since its launch in November 2011, we've answered many questions on the Kendo UI Forums, Stack Ov ...
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