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We've spent a lot of time talking to customers about Kendo UI, our framework for building rich web applications with modern web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. Since its launch in November 2011, we've answered many questions on the Kendo UI Forums, Stack Overflow, Twitter and elsewhere. One of the most frequently asked questions involves comparing Kendo UI with jQuery UI. On this site, I've documented the similarities and differences between these two frameworks in the hope of providing an answer to this question in a detailed manner than what you may have read, seen, or heard elsewhere.
I work for Telerik as a Developer Evangelist. My role is to help developers be awesome with Kendo UI and our other products. That stated, our views of the world may differ on the matter of jQuery UI vs Kendo UI. It is my goal to present a detailed and accurate comparison of these frameworks so that you can make an informed decision if you in midst of an evaluation. By the way, if you see something that I've stuffed up, please let me know!
John Bristowe (@JohnBristowe)
January 2012
January 30, 2012: Replaced social buttons with Twitter and G+; updated DataSource section to include (upcoming) Dataview component for jQuery UI; updated Mobile Device Compatibility section to include information about touch interaction updates pending for jQuery UI.
Kendo UI and jQuery UI are JavaScript frameworks that provide many useful and robust building blocks of a modern web application. Both are built on top of jQuery, the most popular JavaScript library in use today.
jQuery UI
jQuery UI is part of the jQuery Project and is described as:
[...] an open source library of interface components - interactions, full-featured widgets, and animation effects - based on the stellar jQuery javascript library. Each component is built according to jQuery's event-driven architecture (find something, manipulate it) and is themeable, making it easy for developers of any skill level to integrate and extend into their own code.
jQuery UI is a popular JavaScript framework in the web developer community.
Demos & Documentation »
Latest release: 1.8.17 (January 10, 2012)
License: GPLv2 and MIT
Kendo UI
Kendo UI is a pure JavaScript framework with CSS defined for styling and behaviors. It is developed by Telerik and is comprised of the following three products:
Kendo UI Web
Contains the core functionality of Kendo UI framework, including the DataSource component, templates, drag-and-drop, and themeable widgets with integrated animations.
Kendo UI DataViz
A collection of HTML5-powered, mobile-ready, data visualization widgets.
Kendo UI Mobile
Native UI widgets for building HTML5-powered apps and sites for modern mobile devices.
Demos & Documentation »
Latest release: 2011.3.1129 (November 30, 2011)
License: GPLv3 and commercial
Why Kendo UI?
Kendo UI is an end-to-end solution for modern client-side development. It's everything you need for building applications for modern web standards, saving developers time and minimizing frustration by providing an integrated - yet highly modular - framework.
Kendo UI framework is developed by Telerik – a leading provider of development and testing tools for web, desktop and mobile applications. We are trusted by over 100,000 customers worldwide for our innovation and industry-best technical support. It is our commitment to provided first class support and a rapid, regular release cycle.
When building Kendo UI, we wanted to ensure that the out-of-the-box features were highly-tuned to the tasks at hand and capable of maximum performance. We also wanted to minimize external dependencies so that Kendo UI can be quickly evolved based on feedback. To do that, Kendo UI provides many of its own implementations for core framework features.
You can use jQuery UI with Kendo UI without conflict. However, Kendo UI is not based on jQuery UI. Kendo UI has been built from the ground-up to deliver a rich HTML5 app framework that is highly tuned for performance and positioned to rapidly evolve.
Kendo UI FAQs »
Many more widgets, features, and overall improvements are scheduled for Kendo UI Web, Kendo UI DataViz, and Kendo UI Mobile. For more information about what's coming, please take some time to review our roadmap!
Quick Comparison
The following table is based on data from jqueryui.com and kendoui.com:
Category jQuery UI Kendo UI
Widgets (Total) Yes (8) Yes (16 Web; 8 Mobile)
Themes (Total) Yes (25) Yes (5)
Effects (Total) Yes (13) Yes (5)
Interactions (Total) Yes (5) Yes (6)
Templates No (see Template) Yes
DataSource No (see Dataview) Yes
Data Visualization No Yes
Globalization No (see Globalize) Yes
Validation No (see jQuery Validation Plugin) Yes
Browser Support IE 6+, Firefox 3+, Safari 3.1+, Opera 9.6+, Chrome IE 7+, Firefox 3+, Safari 4+, Opera 10+, Chrome
Mobile Device Compatibility No (see jQuery Mobile) Yes
jQuery UI and Kendo UI both provide widgets for constructing the front-end interface of your web applications. These widgets are designed to support progressive enhancement, allowing users in older browsers to access existing content and functionality of native HTML types if certain capabilities aren't accessible by the framework.
jQuery UI Widgets (8)
Kendo UI Widgets (16)
There are a few things worth mentioning here:
There are many additional widgets are available from the developer community.
The Autocomplete widget in jQuery UI combines the functionality of the AutoComplete and ComboBox widgets in Kendo UI Web.
The Datepicker widget in jQuery UI combines the functionality of the Calendar and DatePicker widgets in Kendo UI Web.
Menu, Spinner, and Tooltip Spinner widgets are under development and scheduled to ship with jQuery UI 1.9.
Editor and ListView widgets are scheduled to ship with the next version of Kendo UI in March 2012.
At the time of this writing, the jQuery UI team is working on a Grid. I recommend reviewing the jQuery UI Grid Project for more information about this project and its status.
Finally, Kendo UI is regularly adding new widgets and improvements to existing ones. Checkout the Kendo UI Web roadmap, the Kendo UI DataViz roadmap, and the Kendo UI Mobile roadmap for more information.
Widgets in both jQuery UI and Kendo UI support themes and styling via CSS. Both frameworks also provide a number of themes out-of-the-box along with a means of creating custom themes.
jQuery UI Themes (25)
Kendo UI Themes (5)
Both jQuery UI and Kendo UI support the ability to customize themes. This can be done either manually or through a visual tool that's provided by both frameworks; the jQuery UI ThemeRoller and the Kendo UI ThemeBuilder.
Both the jQuery UI ThemeRoller and the Kendo UI ThemeBuilder serve the same purpose; to allow the quick creation of custom themes for widgets. However, they differ slightly in their approach. While the jQuery UI ThemeRoller provides an integrated gallery of themes, the Kendo UI ThemeBuilder auto-generates and displays the CSS and LESS representations of the custom themes that are generated.
jQuery UI supports a rich framework for integrated effects and animations that can be applied to any DOM element. These effects include the ability to animate colours and conduct easing functions. Kendo UI has fewer integrated effects and easing functions than jQuery UI. These are also only present to support the visual transitions that occurs on its widgets.
jQuery UI Effects (13)
Kendo UI Effects (5)
jQuery UI includes a number of interactions to that you can use to apply to DOM elements. Kendo UI defines interactions that are used as part of its widgets.
jQuery UI Interactions (5)
Kendo UI Interactions (6)
The interactions provided by both jQuery UI and Kendo UI are highly customizable.
It should be noted that interactions for jQuery UI are being rewritten for the 2.0 release.
Currently, jQuery UI is in the process of developing support for templates. Kendo UI supports a simple yet high performance templating engine.
In August 2011, Todd Anglin (@ToddAnglin) did a great job providing an overview the templating engine of Kendo UI in his blog post, Kendo UI Templates: Faster than a Speeding Resig:
One of the key components included in Kendo UI is a very high-performance JavaScript "micro-templating" implementation. Almost every JavaScript front-end development project needs templating, so consistent with Kendo UI's goal of providing everything you need for JavaScript development in a seamless, compact package, we've included a templating solution out-of-the-box.
A performance comparison of JavaScript template engines can be reviewed here.
Kendo UI Template Demo
A significant difference between jQuery UI and Kendo UI is support for a DataSource component.
Currently, a DataSource-like component called Dataview is under development for jQuery UI. You can read more about its progress on the wiki page for Dataview.
The DataSource component is a powerful abstraction of data in Kendo UI and is fundamental to the way in which databinding is conducted with widgets. While the concept of databinding of local and remote data source is supported in jQuery UI, no such abstraction exists.
From the demo page for the DataSource component:
The DataSource component is an abstraction for using local (arrays of JavaScript objects) or remote (XML, JSON, JSONP) data. It fully supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) data operations and provides both local and server-side support for sorting, paging, filtering, grouping, and aggregates.
The DataSource component is powerful aspect of Kendo UI and provides developers with the ability to perform local and remote databinding quickly.
Kendo UI DataSource Demo
Data Visualization
jQuery UI does not provide a framework for data visualizations. However, many plugins exist.
Kendo UI provides a library of data visualizations through Kendo UI DataViz, an API that provides Pie, Line, Bar, Column, and Scatter charts to your applications and websites.
Kendo UI DataViz automatically uses SVG or VML to render rich data visualizations, depending on the capabilities of the browser. This makes it possible to render Kendo UI DataViz charts in [many] environments, from older browsers, like IE7, to mobile browsers on platforms like iOS and Android (Opera and the Android browser v3 and up).
Kendo UI DataViz is underpinned by the effects and interactions framework of Kendo UI to provide visual animations when rendering to the browser.
Both jQuery UI and Kendo UI provide excellent support for globalization. Both frameworks have localized widgets for date formats. However, Kendo UI includes support for currency and times as well. Support for culture-aware number and date parsing is available for jQuery UI through the Globalize, a JavaScript library currently in development as part of the Grid project. From the project wiki for Globalize:
In the future, jQuery UI core will expose an API interface that can be met by Globalize. At that point the jQuery UI team will encourage widget authors to utilize this $. utility API to ensure any widget can be globalized in the same way, with or without globalize.js as a dependency.
jQuery UI via Globalize Demo
Kendo UI Globalization Demo
jQuery UI does not provide a framework for validation. However, a plugin exists.
Kendo UI includes validation out-of-the-box via the Validator component, which offers a mechanism of performing client-side form validation. Built around the HTML5 form validation attributes, it supports variety of built-in validation rules, but also provides a convenient way for setting custom rules handling.
Kendo UI Validator Demo
Browser Compatibility
The widgets of both jQuery UI and Kendo UI feature excellent support for older browsers.
jQuery UI Browser Compatibility
Kendo UI Browser Compatibility
While jQuery UI does feature support for Internet Explorer 6, we decided to drop its support after the Kendo UI Beta 2 release based on the feedback we had received from customers.
Mobile Device Compatibility
jQuery UI widgets do not provide support for touch and mobile devices. However, the jQuery team is currently working on touch support for all interactions - more information is available here. As an alternative, jQuery Mobile provides an excellent framework of widgets for building mobile web applications. From the project's homepage:
A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design.
Kendo UI offers support for touch and mobile devices out-of-the-box. All widgets in Kendo UI provide full support for touchscreen devices, such as the iPad. The support for touch input is also extended to its support for drag-and-drop interactions with any DOM element.
Kendo UI Mobile features widgets for build HTML5-based applications for modern mobile devices, including Button, ButtonGroup, ListView, NavBar, ScrollView, Switch, and TabStrip. Demos of these widgets in-action may be seen on the Kendo UI Mobile demo page.
Web Standards Support
jQuery UI and Kendo UI leverage and utilize modern web standards when supported by the browser. Note: This also includes incorporating aspects of HTML5 and CSS3. The following isn't exhaustive; rather, it provides a set of examples where both jQuery UI and Kendo UI either incorporate or leverage modern web standards.
jQuery UI Web Standards Support
Kendo UI Web Standards Support
A significant difference between jQuery UI and Kendo UI is support for ARIA and accessibility. jQuery UI provides great support for ARIA and accessibility. Out of the box, Kendo UI does not. Your mark-up must be supplemented to support this.
Product Support
Both jQuery UI and Kendo UI feature support through a number of different means. Many web developers can find support online in forums and sites like Stack Overflow.
Support for jQuery UI is described on its website as follows:
The jQuery UI community is very active and provides a friendy, helpful environment when you need development advice or have ideas on how to improve a script. The jQuery UI Team encourages everyone to actively participate in the development of the library.
Commercial support for jQuery UI is available through third-party sponsors of the jQuery and jQuery UI projects.
For the commercial version of Kendo UI, Telerik offers a 48-hour guaranteed response time for tickets submitted to its support system. Additionally, Telerik is committed to providing all service packs and weekly builds for commercial customers.
We've spent a lot of time talking to customers about Kendo UI, our framework for building rich web applications with modern web standards like HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery. Since its launch in November 2011, we've answered many questions on the Kendo UI Forums, Stack Overflow, Twitter and elsewhere. One of the most frequently asked questions involves comparing Kendo UI with jQuery UI. On this site, I've documented the similarities and differences between these two frameworks in the hope of providing an answer to this question in a detailed manner than what you may have read, seen, or heard elsewhere.
I work for Telerik as a Developer Evangelist. My role is to help developers be awesome with Kendo UI and our other products. That stated, our views of the world may differ on the matter of jQuery UI vs Kendo UI. It is my goal to present a detailed and accurate comparison of these frameworks so that you can make an informed decision if you in midst of an evaluation. By the way, if you see something that I've stuffed up, please let me know!
John Bristowe (@JohnBristowe)
January 2012
January 30, 2012: Replaced social buttons with Twitter and G+; updated DataSource section to include (upcoming) Dataview component for jQuery UI; updated Mobile Device Compatibility section to include information about touch interaction updates pending for jQuery UI.
Kendo UI and jQuery UI are JavaScript frameworks that provide many useful and robust building blocks of a modern web application. Both are built on top of jQuery, the most popular JavaScript library in use today.
jQuery UI
jQuery UI is part of the jQuery Project and is described as:
[...] an open source library of interface components - interactions, full-featured widgets, and animation effects - based on the stellar jQuery javascript library. Each component is built according to jQuery's event-driven architecture (find something, manipulate it) and is themeable, making it easy for developers of any skill level to integrate and extend into their own code.
jQuery UI is a popular JavaScript framework in the web developer community.
Demos & Documentation »
Latest release: 1.8.17 (January 10, 2012)
License: GPLv2 and MIT
Kendo UI
Kendo UI is a pure JavaScript framework with CSS defined for styling and behaviors. It is developed by Telerik and is comprised of the following three products:
Kendo UI Web
Contains the core functionality of Kendo UI framework, including the DataSource component, templates, drag-and-drop, and themeable widgets with integrated animations.
Kendo UI DataViz
A collection of HTML5-powered, mobile-ready, data visualization widgets.
Kendo UI Mobile
Native UI widgets for building HTML5-powered apps and sites for modern mobile devices.
Demos & Documentation »
Latest release: 2011.3.1129 (November 30, 2011)
License: GPLv3 and commercial
Why Kendo UI?
Kendo UI is an end-to-end solution for modern client-side development. It's everything you need for building applications for modern web standards, saving developers time and minimizing frustration by providing an integrated - yet highly modular - framework.
Kendo UI framework is developed by Telerik – a leading provider of development and testing tools for web, desktop and mobile applications. We are trusted by over 100,000 customers worldwide for our innovation and industry-best technical support. It is our commitment to provided first class support and a rapid, regular release cycle.
When building Kendo UI, we wanted to ensure that the out-of-the-box features were highly-tuned to the tasks at hand and capable of maximum performance. We also wanted to minimize external dependencies so that Kendo UI can be quickly evolved based on feedback. To do that, Kendo UI provides many of its own implementations for core framework features.
You can use jQuery UI with Kendo UI without conflict. However, Kendo UI is not based on jQuery UI. Kendo UI has been built from the ground-up to deliver a rich HTML5 app framework that is highly tuned for performance and positioned to rapidly evolve.
Kendo UI FAQs »
Many more widgets, features, and overall improvements are scheduled for Kendo UI Web, Kendo UI DataViz, and Kendo UI Mobile. For more information about what's coming, please take some time to review our roadmap!
Quick Comparison
The following table is based on data from jqueryui.com and kendoui.com:
Category jQuery UI Kendo UI
Widgets (Total) Yes (8) Yes (16 Web; 8 Mobile)
Themes (Total) Yes (25) Yes (5)
Effects (Total) Yes (13) Yes (5)
Interactions (Total) Yes (5) Yes (6)
Templates No (see Template) Yes
DataSource No (see Dataview) Yes
Data Visualization No Yes
Globalization No (see Globalize) Yes
Validation No (see jQuery Validation Plugin) Yes
Browser Support IE 6+, Firefox 3+, Safari 3.1+, Opera 9.6+, Chrome IE 7+, Firefox 3+, Safari 4+, Opera 10+, Chrome
Mobile Device Compatibility No (see jQuery Mobile) Yes
jQuery UI and Kendo UI both provide widgets for constructing the front-end interface of your web applications. These widgets are designed to support progressive enhancement, allowing users in older browsers to access existing content and functionality of native HTML types if certain capabilities aren't accessible by the framework.
jQuery UI Widgets (8)
Kendo UI Widgets (16)
There are a few things worth mentioning here:
There are many additional widgets are available from the developer community.
The Autocomplete widget in jQuery UI combines the functionality of the AutoComplete and ComboBox widgets in Kendo UI Web.
The Datepicker widget in jQuery UI combines the functionality of the Calendar and DatePicker widgets in Kendo UI Web.
Menu, Spinner, and Tooltip Spinner widgets are under development and scheduled to ship with jQuery UI 1.9.
Editor and ListView widgets are scheduled to ship with the next version of Kendo UI in March 2012.
At the time of this writing, the jQuery UI team is working on a Grid. I recommend reviewing the jQuery UI Grid Project for more information about this project and its status.
Finally, Kendo UI is regularly adding new widgets and improvements to existing ones. Checkout the Kendo UI Web roadmap, the Kendo UI DataViz roadmap, and the Kendo UI Mobile roadmap for more information.
Widgets in both jQuery UI and Kendo UI support themes and styling via CSS. Both frameworks also provide a number of themes out-of-the-box along with a means of creating custom themes.
jQuery UI Themes (25)
Kendo UI Themes (5)
Both jQuery UI and Kendo UI support the ability to customize themes. This can be done either manually or through a visual tool that's provided by both frameworks; the jQuery UI ThemeRoller and the Kendo UI ThemeBuilder.
Both the jQuery UI ThemeRoller and the Kendo UI ThemeBuilder serve the same purpose; to allow the quick creation of custom themes for widgets. However, they differ slightly in their approach. While the jQuery UI ThemeRoller provides an integrated gallery of themes, the Kendo UI ThemeBuilder auto-generates and displays the CSS and LESS representations of the custom themes that are generated.
jQuery UI supports a rich framework for integrated effects and animations that can be applied to any DOM element. These effects include the ability to animate colours and conduct easing functions. Kendo UI has fewer integrated effects and easing functions than jQuery UI. These are also only present to support the visual transitions that occurs on its widgets.
jQuery UI Effects (13)
Kendo UI Effects (5)
jQuery UI includes a number of interactions to that you can use to apply to DOM elements. Kendo UI defines interactions that are used as part of its widgets.
jQuery UI Interactions (5)
Kendo UI Interactions (6)
The interactions provided by both jQuery UI and Kendo UI are highly customizable.
It should be noted that interactions for jQuery UI are being rewritten for the 2.0 release.
Currently, jQuery UI is in the process of developing support for templates. Kendo UI supports a simple yet high performance templating engine.
In August 2011, Todd Anglin (@ToddAnglin) did a great job providing an overview the templating engine of Kendo UI in his blog post, Kendo UI Templates: Faster than a Speeding Resig:
One of the key components included in Kendo UI is a very high-performance JavaScript "micro-templating" implementation. Almost every JavaScript front-end development project needs templating, so consistent with Kendo UI's goal of providing everything you need for JavaScript development in a seamless, compact package, we've included a templating solution out-of-the-box.
A performance comparison of JavaScript template engines can be reviewed here.
Kendo UI Template Demo
A significant difference between jQuery UI and Kendo UI is support for a DataSource component.
Currently, a DataSource-like component called Dataview is under development for jQuery UI. You can read more about its progress on the wiki page for Dataview.
The DataSource component is a powerful abstraction of data in Kendo UI and is fundamental to the way in which databinding is conducted with widgets. While the concept of databinding of local and remote data source is supported in jQuery UI, no such abstraction exists.
From the demo page for the DataSource component:
The DataSource component is an abstraction for using local (arrays of JavaScript objects) or remote (XML, JSON, JSONP) data. It fully supports CRUD (create, read, update, delete) data operations and provides both local and server-side support for sorting, paging, filtering, grouping, and aggregates.
The DataSource component is powerful aspect of Kendo UI and provides developers with the ability to perform local and remote databinding quickly.
Kendo UI DataSource Demo
Data Visualization
jQuery UI does not provide a framework for data visualizations. However, many plugins exist.
Kendo UI provides a library of data visualizations through Kendo UI DataViz, an API that provides Pie, Line, Bar, Column, and Scatter charts to your applications and websites.
Kendo UI DataViz automatically uses SVG or VML to render rich data visualizations, depending on the capabilities of the browser. This makes it possible to render Kendo UI DataViz charts in [many] environments, from older browsers, like IE7, to mobile browsers on platforms like iOS and Android (Opera and the Android browser v3 and up).
Kendo UI DataViz is underpinned by the effects and interactions framework of Kendo UI to provide visual animations when rendering to the browser.
Both jQuery UI and Kendo UI provide excellent support for globalization. Both frameworks have localized widgets for date formats. However, Kendo UI includes support for currency and times as well. Support for culture-aware number and date parsing is available for jQuery UI through the Globalize, a JavaScript library currently in development as part of the Grid project. From the project wiki for Globalize:
In the future, jQuery UI core will expose an API interface that can be met by Globalize. At that point the jQuery UI team will encourage widget authors to utilize this $. utility API to ensure any widget can be globalized in the same way, with or without globalize.js as a dependency.
jQuery UI via Globalize Demo
Kendo UI Globalization Demo
jQuery UI does not provide a framework for validation. However, a plugin exists.
Kendo UI includes validation out-of-the-box via the Validator component, which offers a mechanism of performing client-side form validation. Built around the HTML5 form validation attributes, it supports variety of built-in validation rules, but also provides a convenient way for setting custom rules handling.
Kendo UI Validator Demo
Browser Compatibility
The widgets of both jQuery UI and Kendo UI feature excellent support for older browsers.
jQuery UI Browser Compatibility
Kendo UI Browser Compatibility
While jQuery UI does feature support for Internet Explorer 6, we decided to drop its support after the Kendo UI Beta 2 release based on the feedback we had received from customers.
Mobile Device Compatibility
jQuery UI widgets do not provide support for touch and mobile devices. However, the jQuery team is currently working on touch support for all interactions - more information is available here. As an alternative, jQuery Mobile provides an excellent framework of widgets for building mobile web applications. From the project's homepage:
A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design.
Kendo UI offers support for touch and mobile devices out-of-the-box. All widgets in Kendo UI provide full support for touchscreen devices, such as the iPad. The support for touch input is also extended to its support for drag-and-drop interactions with any DOM element.
Kendo UI Mobile features widgets for build HTML5-based applications for modern mobile devices, including Button, ButtonGroup, ListView, NavBar, ScrollView, Switch, and TabStrip. Demos of these widgets in-action may be seen on the Kendo UI Mobile demo page.
Web Standards Support
jQuery UI and Kendo UI leverage and utilize modern web standards when supported by the browser. Note: This also includes incorporating aspects of HTML5 and CSS3. The following isn't exhaustive; rather, it provides a set of examples where both jQuery UI and Kendo UI either incorporate or leverage modern web standards.
jQuery UI Web Standards Support
Kendo UI Web Standards Support
A significant difference between jQuery UI and Kendo UI is support for ARIA and accessibility. jQuery UI provides great support for ARIA and accessibility. Out of the box, Kendo UI does not. Your mark-up must be supplemented to support this.
Product Support
Both jQuery UI and Kendo UI feature support through a number of different means. Many web developers can find support online in forums and sites like Stack Overflow.
Support for jQuery UI is described on its website as follows:
The jQuery UI community is very active and provides a friendy, helpful environment when you need development advice or have ideas on how to improve a script. The jQuery UI Team encourages everyone to actively participate in the development of the library.
Commercial support for jQuery UI is available through third-party sponsors of the jQuery and jQuery UI projects.
For the commercial version of Kendo UI, Telerik offers a 48-hour guaranteed response time for tickets submitted to its support system. Additionally, Telerik is committed to providing all service packs and weekly builds for commercial customers.
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Kendo UI 是一款由Telerik公司开发的前端开发框架,主要针对jQuery库进行了深度集成,提供了丰富的用户界面组件,使得开发者能够快速构建交互性强、视觉效果优秀的Web应用程序。"剑道UI"是Kendo UI的一个通俗别称,...
完整的组件集合使公司名称为Telerik DevCraft,并且与HTML5相关的组件的名称为Kendo UI供应时间。 还有,Telerik Platform标题,即与移动设备行业有关的常规组件。该模块化平台将一系列丰富的UI工具与强大的云服务...
Telerik Collection for .NET 2018 R2 SP1 kendoui.for.jquery.2018.2.620.commercial
Kendo UI for jQuery Integration You can use the Kendo UI widgets for jQuery along with Kendo UI components for Angular in the same application. To use the Kendo UI widgets for jQuery together with ...
2018年R3版本(kendoui.for.jquery.2018.3.911.commercial)是该框架的一个重要更新,提供了丰富的组件和功能,以满足现代Web开发的需求。 首先,Kendo UI的核心是其对jQuery库的深度整合。jQuery作为广泛使用的...
Wicket 7.x,Wicket 8.x和Wicket9.x中的jQuery UI和Kendo UI集成 入门 为了开始使用此API,您可以下载适当的jar或设置Maven依赖项。 下载罐子 如果您不使用maven,则需要在此处下载核心jar: : 您还可以根据需要...
UI 开发资源
在IT领域,jQuery UI是一个非常流行的前端开发库,它提供了许多可交互的用户界面组件,如Dialog(对话框)就是其中之一。"jquery ui Dialog 添加最大最小化按钮控制"的主题涉及如何扩展jQuery UI Dialog的功能,使其...
安装文件"kendoui.for.jquery.2018.3.1017.commercial.msi"是Windows平台的商业安装包,包含了所有必要的资源和库,可供开发者在项目中直接使用。 总的来说,Kendo UI for jQuery 2018.3.1017版本是一个集成了众多...
2019.1.115版本的Kendo UI,除了包含一系列预设的UI组件外,还提供了一个商业版的MSI安装包——kendoui.for.jquery.2019.1.115.commercial.msi。这个安装包包含了完整的组件库、文档、示例代码以及必要的支持服务,...
至于压缩包中的"Kendoui.for.jquery.2020.2.617.commercial.msi"文件,这是Kendo UI for jQuery 2020.2.617商业版的安装程序。安装此文件,开发者可以获取完整的产品功能,包括商业许可,以便在生产环境中使用。商业...
在压缩包文件中,"kendoui.for.jquery.2020.1.219.commercial.msi"是安装程序,意味着该版本提供了商业许可。这意味着企业级开发者可以放心使用,享受到全面的技术支持和更新服务。Kendo UI for jQuery的商业版本...
Kendo UI是一个强大的框架用于快速HTML5 UI开发。基于最新的HTML5、CSS3和... Kendo UI包含了开发现代JavaScript开发所需要的所有一切,包括:强大的数据源,通用的拖拉(Drag-and-Drop)功能,模板,和UI控件。
《Kendo UI for jQuery R3 2020:打造高效前端开发的全面解析》 Kendo UI for jQuery是一款强大的JavaScript库,专为构建富交互式Web应用而设计。R3 2020是其在2020年的第三次重大更新,版本号2020.3.915,旨在提升...
KendoUI是一套很棒的HTML5开发控件,它的优点是控件齐全,功能强,易于学习,使用代码简练。 Kendo UI Professional目前最新提供Kendo UI for jQuery、Kendo UI for Angular、Kendo UI Support for React和Kendo UI...
压缩包中的"kendoui.for.jquery.2017.3.1018.commercial.msi"文件是安装程序,通过这个文件,开发者可以在本地环境中快速安装并开始使用Kendo UI。安装过程通常包括添加必要的脚本和样式文件引用,然后通过简单的...
首先,Kendo UI与jQuery UI有诸多相似之处,它们都基于jQuery,提供了丰富的GUI控件和动画效果。但Kendo UI在功能和组件数量上更为丰富,增加了模板(Template)、数据源绑定(DataSource)、MVVM支持,以及对移动...
jQuery Kendo UI 2012.1.229 是一个基于jQuery的全面前端开发框架,由Telerik公司推出,旨在提供丰富的用户界面组件和数据可视化功能。这个版本发布于2012年,包含了多个重要组件和资源,如许可证协议、JavaScript库...
安装文件`kendoui.for.jquery.2020.2.513.commercial.msi`是一个商业版的安装程序,意味着它可能包含完整版的所有功能,并且可供商业用途。 总的来说,Kendo UI for jQuery是一个全方位的Web开发解决方案,它提供了...
文件"Kendoui.for.jquery.2019.2.619.commercial.msi"是该版本的安装程序,包含了所有必要的库和资源,开发者可以通过安装这个文件,轻松地在项目中引入Kendo UI for jQuery。安装过程中,可以选择适合的组件和配置...