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[JSR-184][3D编程指南]Part I: Quick jump into the world of Mobile Java 3D programming
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- J2me
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To begin with I'd like you to know of a few links on the net that will be very helpful on your journey towards M3G land.
First of all, and probably most importantly, is the dedicated Mobile Java 3D web section on Sony Ericsson Developer World . Second, if you ever get stuck visit to the Sony Ericsson Mobile Java 3D forum . For everything else, use the Sony Ericsson Developer World portal , where you will find the answers to your questions and more.
Now that you know where to go if you get in trouble, let's proceed with the tutorial. The goal of this tutorial is to teach you how to set up your own 3D Canvas and make it render stuff on screen. To render models, I'll first show you how to load them and tell you about the tools that are available to create M3G models. Then we'll finish by manipulating the camera some so that we can walk around in our scene. I just want you to get warm in your seat and see how fast one can develop a 3D application with M3G, so this tutorial will be pretty fast and straight-forward with little in-depth explanation. The other parts of this series will explore the various M3G topics in detail.
Since the code is meant for educational purposes it isn't optimal nor does it cover all the errors the might occur. These are more advanced topics that will be addressed later on.
What you should know
Before you start reading this, you should know the basics of a MIDlet
class and a Canvas class. This isn't a hard topic and if you feel lost,
consult the source code (distributed with this tutorial) and check out
the M3GMIDlet and M3GCanvas classes. It's also very good if you have
some background in 3D programming/math, but it's not required.
The Canvas
When we develop in JSR 184 we will be using the MIDP 2.0 profile, which
means we get a few great functions for free. Let's begin with setting up
our Canvas. It is the same procedure as with a normal 2D Java game, you
set up your MIDlet class, you start your Canvas and draw in your paint
method. This is a fairly easy process and since you already should know
this I'll just quickly skim through it. Let's first take a look at the
header of the Canvas class, the import and variable declarations.
import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.GameCanvas;
import javax.microedition.M3G.Camera;
import javax.microedition.M3G.Graphics3D;
import javax.microedition.M3G.Light;
import javax.microedition.M3G.Loader;
import javax.microedition.M3G.Object3D;
import javax.microedition.M3G.Transform;
import javax.microedition.M3G.World;
* @author Biovenger
* @version
public class M3GCanvas
extends GameCanvas
implements Runnable {
// Thread-control
boolean running = false;
boolean done = true;
// If the game should end
public static boolean gameOver = false;
// Rendering hints
public static final int STRONG_RENDERING_HINTS = Graphics3D.ANTIALIAS | Graphics3D.TRUE_COLOR | Graphics3D.DITHER;
public static final int WEAK_RENDERING_HINTS = 0;
// Key array
boolean[] key = new boolean[5];
// Key constants
public static final int FIRE = 0;
public static final int UP = FIRE + 1;
public static final int DOWN = UP + 1;
public static final int LEFT = DOWN + 1;
public static final int RIGHT = LEFT + 1;
The JSR 184 standard has its own format, called M3G. This very versatile 3D format can hold tons of data such as models, lights, cameras, textures and even animation. Nifty! Not even is the format really good, it's also real easy to load into your application, more on that later though. Anyhow, I bet you're thinking "M3G? Never heard of it. How do I create an M3G file?" and even if you weren't thinking it, I'll explain. There are numerous ways to create M3G files:
1. First of all, the latest iteration of Discreet's 3D Studio Max has a built-in M3G exporter. Just hit the Export button and you can export your entire scene, animation, bones, materials and all, into an M3G file. However, many find Discreet's exporter a bit cumbersome and has some bugs, so for best results, use method 2.
private void loadWorld()
// Loading the world is very simple. Note that I like to use a
// res-folder that I keep all files in. If you normally just put your
// resources in the project root, then load it from the root.
Object3D[] buffer = Loader.load("/res/map.M3G");
// Find the world node, best to do it the "safe" way
for(int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++)
if(buffer[i] instanceof World)
world = (World)buffer[i];
// Clean objects
buffer = null;
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Loading error!");
We have our World node ready for rendering and now all we need is a camera, that we can move around in the world. If you remember, I've already told you that the World node holds Camera information, so we should be able to extract the camera from the World and manipulate it.
cam.translate(3.0f, 0.0f, 3.0f);
cam.setOrientation(30.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
cam.setOrientation(30.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
cam.setOrientation(30.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
private void loadCamera()
// BAD!
if(world == null)
// Get the active camera from the world
cam = world.getActiveCamera();
// Create a light
Light l = new Light();
// Make sure it's AMBIENT
// We want a little higher intensity
// Add it to our world
float camRot = 0.0f;
double camSine = 0.0f;
double camCosine = 0.0f;
// Head bobbing
float headDeg = 0.0f;
// Check controls
camRot += 5.0f;
else if(key[RIGHT])
camRot -= 5.0f;
// Set rotation
cam.setOrientation(camRot, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
// Calculate trigonometry for camera movement
double rads = Math.toRadians(camRot);
camSine = Math.sin(rads);
camCosine = Math.cos(rads);
// Move forward
cam.translate(-0.1f * (float)camSine, 0.0f, -0.1f * (float)camCosine);
// Bob head
headDeg += 0.5f;
// A simple way to "bob" the camera as the user moves
cam.translate(0.0f, (float)Math.sin(headDeg) / 40.0f, 0.0f);
else if(key[DOWN])
// Move backward
cam.translate(0.1f * (float)camSine, 0.0f, 0.1f * (float)camCosine);
// Bob head
headDeg -= 0.5f;
// A simple way to "bob" the camera as the user moves
cam.translate(0.0f, (float)Math.sin(headDeg) / 40.0f, 0.0f);
That's it! That's all our advanced camera movement, now all that's left is to render the World node!
Before we jump into code, I have to tell you about immediate and retained mode rendering. The retained mode is what we are using in this tutorial and it basically is the mode you use when you render an entire World node with all its cameras, lights and meshes. This is the easiest mode to render in, but also the mode you have the least control over your world. Immediate mode is when you render a Group of meshes, a single mesh or vertex data directly. This gives you much more control as with each rendering you supply a transform matrix that transforms the object before it's rendered. You can render a World node in Immediate mode, by supplying a transform matrix to the render method call, but then you'd be ignoring all the nifty effects a World node has such as camera, background and others. I'll go more into detail about the two different rendering modes in later parts of this series. For now, let's see how we can render a world.
All rendering in JSR 184 is done with the Graphics3D object. It can even hold camera and light information, if you are rendering in immediate mode. Let's not worry about that now though since that's an issue I'll address later on.
//Here is our Graphics3D object
Graphics3D g3d = Graphics3D.getInstance();
Image img = Image.createImage("myImage.png");
Graphics g = img.getGraphics();
// This is done by using the other form of the bindTarget method.
// It takes a Graphics object to begin with, as always, and then it needs a boolean
// and an integer mask of hints.
// The boolean simply tells the Graphics3D object if it should use a depth buffer
// and you'll probably always set it to 'true'. Here is how we'll use it to bind
// with our hints:
g3d.bindTarget(getGraphics(), true, RENDERING_HINTS);
private void draw(Graphics g)
// Envelop all in a try/catch block just in case
// Move the camera around
// Get the Graphics3D context
g3d = Graphics3D.getInstance();
// First bind the graphics object. We use our pre-defined rendering hints.
g3d.bindTarget(g, true, RENDERING_HINTS);
// Now, just render the world. Simple as pie!
catch(Exception e)
// Always remember to release!
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【JSR-184】是Java Micro Edition (Java ME) 中的一项标准,全称为“Mobile 3D Graphics API”,它定义了一套用于在移动设备上进行3D图形编程的接口。JSR-184的目标是让开发者能够在资源有限的移动设备上创建高质量...
【JSR-184】是Java Micro Edition (Java ME) 中的一个标准,全称为"Mobile 3D Graphics API",旨在为移动设备提供3D图形编程接口。这个标准允许开发者在小型设备上创建复杂的3D图形应用,比如游戏或者可视化工具。本...
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