M: Take a seat, please. Ms Duping. Wehavereceived your letter and resume in answer to our ad in the paper. What qualifications do you have for department store administrative work?
D: I've worked ina big department store duringthe Christmas shopping season, andI'm majoring in business administration at college.
M: Do you know anything about secretarial work?
D: Well, I have a degreein literature and took a course to become a secretary. If that'sany qualification, I wouldn't mind working as a secretary.
M: We like our people to be interested in their job as well as acquainted with it. But before we employ him or her, we'd like to investigate the person's charactor quite thoroughly. Secretarial work seems to be the only thing available for you at present.
D: I was a secretary at NEC for two years before I gave up my job in the company due to ont thing or another.
M: How soon would you be able to start work? You're expected to fill in the application form right away. You'll start at two hundred dollars a week and report here at nine-thirty. Now Miss Chen will take care of you. I hope you'll enjoy working with us.
M: Good morning. What can I do for you?
Z: Are you the manager, sir? It's in regard to the Want Ad in this morning's paper. I've come to applyas an assistant sales manager.
M: I see. Won't you sit down and tell me you name, please?
Z: Zhang Hong. I'm badly in need of employment. Is it possible to get the post of sales manager you advertised in this morning's paper?
M: Have you worked anywhere before? You look a little young for the position. What experience have you had?
Z: I'm nowspecializing in economics in university. and I thought I might get a job that would tie in with my studies.
M: We're considering the appointment for a new manager. You think a sales manager's job appeals to you, but you wouldn't plan to stay here permanently.
Z: I worked in department store in Florida last Christmas vacation. I think my training and experience should give me a chance. I hope to work here until the first of September.
M: I'm afraid that wouldn't qualify you. I'm looking for an old man, who can be quite fit for the job, familiar with sales methods, capable of handling personnel and would work with us for a longtime.
Z: Good day, and thank you anyhow, sir.
D: What kind of a job are you interested in?
W: I want a job in which I can use in English. I would also like to have some responsibility in my work.
D: I can appreciate that. I would expect my secretary to be able to work independently and take over some of my ordinary responsibilities, such as answering routine correspondence, taking phone calls for me, and sometimes assisting me with personal business affairs.
W: Yes, I see. In my previous job, I did typing and filling every day.
D: Have you had any experience as a guide?
W: Well, not exactly. But I have shown some of my foreign friends around Beijing.
D: Once in a while we have visitors from aboard and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them shopping and sightseeing.
W: I think I would like that.
D: I see. We work afive-day week and there is rarely any overtime. The salary would be $1600 to start and a raise would be given according to your ability. Well, how do feel about the job, Miss Wang?
W: I think it sounds like what I am looking for.
D: Thank you. You shoud be hearing from us within a few days.
W: Thank you, Mr. Davis.
M: Please make yourself at home, smoke if you like.
Y: Thank you.
M: To start with, may I ask you why you are interested in working atour company?
Y: First, you have an impressive growth record, ever since Mr. Peter Mitchell founded the company 35 years ago. Second, marketing is obviously very important for you and I will have great deal to learnfrom and contribute to your company.
M: Very well. You are now with Da Xin Company, what is your chief responsibility there?
Y: I am in charge of organizing trade conferences for distributors held in different parts of the nation almost every month.
M: You may ask questions about us, if you have any.
Y: Sure, what would my job entail?
M: You would report to me with regard to all marketing activities for a new line of our products we will be launching here in the fall. During the initial period, it will involve a lot of work and you may be called in on weekends too. What salary would youexpect to get?
Y: Well, I would expect the standard rate of pay at your company for a person with my experience and educational background. Incidentally, I made one million not including a bonus last year.
M: OK, you will be hearing from us within ten days.
Y: Thank you.
W: Good morning manager. Can I speak to you for a minute? I was wondering if you've any vacancies for a temporary job.
M: Good morning. Won't you sit here while I look over your application ... anything in particular appeal to you?
W: I prefer something in the restaurant line, or to work in an oil company with good pay and excellent hours.
M: I'm sorry, there are no such vacancies at present. You realize that it's a little difficult for us to find temporary jobs for people. Maybe you're qualified as a typist, and I suppose you can operate the usual business machines. How fast can you type?
W: For the past three years I've been working for Chamel Company and I once took a course in typing, about eighty words a minute.
M: That sounds good. Have you got any experience working with other people, giving instructions and so on?
W: No, I'm afraid I've never done anything like that.
M: I don't think I have anything for you right now, but you might drop in again in a few daysto see if anything has turned up.
W: What a pity. Well, thank you just the same, bye.
【特斯科行话:乐购行话克星】 在IT行业中,术语和行话是常见的现象,它们在特定的企业或组织内部形成了一种独特的沟通语言。"特斯科"(Tesco)是全球知名的大型零售商,它也有自己的行业术语,这些术语被称为"特斯...
行话 行话是一个文本管道,专注于识别规范和同义词术语的变体。 例如,行话将react , React.js , React JS和REACTJS转换为规范的reactjs 。 安装 如果您安装了 : go install github....
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ngui3.9.0 最新版本,unity 2d插件 大家都懂的
在快消品行业中,有一套独特的术语和行话,这些词汇反映了行业的运作模式和市场策略。下面将对一些经典快消品行话进行详细解释。 1. **品牌忠诚度**:消费者对某一品牌持续、稳定的购买偏好,是品牌价值的重要体现...
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【工程建筑行话详解】 1. 容积率:容积率是指工程项目的总建筑面积与总用地面积的比例,通常以小数形式表示。它决定了土地的利用效率,影响着建筑密度和居住环境。 2. 建筑密度:建筑密度是指建筑物占地基面积与总...
这份"创业计划书-经典解释快消品行话"文档旨在帮助创业者理解和运用行业术语,以制定出更具说服力和可行性的创业方案。 一、市场分析 在快消品市场的分析中,你需要考虑市场规模、增长趋势、消费者行为、竞争态势等...
2. 避免行话:尽管某些专业领域有特定的行话,但应尽量使用通用词汇,以便非专业人士也能理解。 五、图表与示意图 1. 图表清晰:使用图表简化复杂信息,确保标题和图例明确,易于理解。 2. 文字说明:图表应配有...
- 避免行话:尽量使用通俗易懂的语言,使非行业人士也能理解。 4. **格式与长度**:摘要通常不超过两页,以保持其精炼性。尽管篇幅短小,但它需要包含所有关键信息,做到信息全面而准确。 5. **修订与更新**:...
首先,行话: “服务器”是指使用中继提供服务的程序 “客户端”是指连接到中继以使用服务的程序 “中继”是指中继服务器本身; “服务器”将不会用于指代此 实施和协议 中继使用一种非常便宜的方法:对于每个传入...
简化JavaScript术语(简称SJSJ )是一种由社区驱动的尝试,目的是用几个简单的词来解释使当前JavaScript生态系统流行的流行语。 这个想法不是要取代单个文档,而是要充当易于理解的词汇表。 如果您愿意提供帮助,请...
正如描述中提到的,“常常听到有这么一句行话:老师是一种良心的职业,你在工作中投入多少精力,完全是取决于你个人的看法。”这表明教师的职业道德要求我们以最高的热情和责任感投入工作。 其次,教师应该关心和...
17. 行业术语:会计中的“呆账、坏账”属于特定行业的术语,即行话(C:行话)。 18. 日耳曼语族:德语属于日耳曼语族(B:德语)。 19. 社会习俗:民间有“一女不吃两家茶”的说法,意味着女子接受男方的茶具有...