T: Sam, can you come help me a minute, please?
S: Sure, just name it.
T: This is my pay check, but I don't understand some of items used here.
S: OK, let me tell you. You see, this pay check is divided into two parts by a line of dots. The upper half is a check and the lower half is a pay stub.
T: But what's the use of the pay stub?
S: It's a record of your pay and deductions. You can check it to make sure that your pay is correct.
T: I see. Emm, can you tell me what regular hours mean?
S: Well, of course. Regular hours refer to the hours you're required to work each week, while overtime hours refer to the extra hours you work besides regular hours.
T: Then regular pay is the pay for regular hours, and overtime pay is the pay for extra hours, right?
S: Yeah, and gross pay is the total pay for deductions. Is that correct?
T: I guess net pay is the total pay after deductions. Is that correct?
S: Clever you are! And it's also called take-home pay.
T: Now the term FICA. It really beats me.
S: FICA stands for social security. I'm sorry I don't know the complete form of this abbreviation myself.
T: That's all right. And one more term "year-to-day totals", what's that exactly?
S: It mean the pay you've got, and the tax and other deductions you've paid so far this year.
T: I see. Thanks, Sam.
S: No problem. Remember to check the pay stub before you cash the check.
A: Good morning. May I help you?
B: Yes, there seems to be some mistakes in my paycheck. I have worked for two weeks but this paycheck is for only one week.
A: It is? Well, let me have a look at your check and your pay stub, please.
B: OK, here it is.
A: ...period ending: Jan 6th, 2003. When did you start working, then?
B: On Jan. 2nd.
A: When did you fill out your time sheet?
B: That's on Jan. 6th.
A: All right. It's clear now. Your check is correct, for only week.
B: But I have worked till January 13th. Why is it not included?
A: Don't you know we're paid every other week.
B: Yes, I know, but I have worked two weeks by the payday.
A: That's true, but the second week is not shown on your time sheet. And we pay onlly according to the hours written on the time sheet.
B: So that's why.
A: Next friday, when you fill out your time sheet, you'll have two weeks on it. And on Jan.27th, you'll get paid for the two weeks.
B: I see. Well, I've taken too much of your time. Sorry for that and thank you very much.
A: You're welcome.
考虑到会计发工资时一般都用Excel电子表格,本asp程序,是基于Excel文件的工资条查询系统,对excel文件要求很低。 1、工资条查询系统v4.1即可把excel当作数据库,也直接操作excel文件,亮点可以显示复杂的excel表格 ...
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salary_data.csv 薪水数据报表,用于sklearn机器学习使用,模型选择,数据划分,str数据转换,线形回归等课题学习的素材使用
设计是实现工资管理的类Salary,该类的形式如下: Class Salary{ Double Wage,Subsidy,Rent,WaterFee,ElecFee Pulic: Salary(……){初始化工资数据的各分项} Salary(){初始化工资数据的各分项数据为0} Void ...
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【标题】"salarysystem"揭示了我们正在讨论的是一个与薪资管理相关的系统,可能是用于处理企业内部员工薪资计算、发放和记录的应用程序。这个系统基于Java技术栈,具体使用了Struts2和Hibernate两个框架。 【描述】...
java连数据库 private final String str = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"; private final String url = "jdbc:odbc:Salary";//Salary
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列表gongzi中存储了员工的姓名、基本工资、分公司和部门信息格式如下(逗号分隔) mike,9200,北京,销售部 各分公司的津贴标准如下:北京5000 上海4000 广州3000 ...输出格式为:整体工资的中位值是:salary1
INSERT语句 用户可以用INSERT语句将一行记录插入到指定的一个表中。例如,要将雇员John Smith的记录插入到本例的表中,可以使用如下语句: INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES VALUES ('Smith','John','1980-06-10', ...
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** Salary Meter - CRX 插件详解 ** Salary Meter 是一款专为韩国用户设计的 Chrome 浏览器扩展程序,其主要功能是帮助用户轻松跟踪和计算他们的收入情况。这款插件采用直观的界面和简单的操作流程,让用户能够快速...
var salary = new Salary(monthSalary); console.log('Salario Mensual: %d', salary.getSalary()); console.log('Salario Quincenal: %d', salary.getSalaryFortnightly()); console.log('Salario Libre Mensual: %...
【标题】"Simple-Factory-for-Salary.rar_factory" 指的是一个使用简单工厂设计模式来计算薪资的项目,特别适用于Visual C++ 6.0(VC6)环境。这个项目可能包含了一个或多个用于创建薪资计算类实例的工厂类,以适应...
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IBQuery.SQL.Text := 'INSERT INTO Employees (ID, Name, Salary) VALUES (:ID, :Name, :Salary)'; IBQuery.Params.ParamByName('ID').Value := 1; IBQuery.Params.ParamByName('Name').Value := 'John Doe'; ...