Lesson 8 Specialization and Division of Labor
Specialization and Division of Labor: Making Production More Efficient Teaching
Efficient Teaching Objectives:1. To teach that specialization and division of labor increase productivity, resulting in higher incomes.
2. To teach some of the disadvantages of specialization and division of labor.
Economic Content/Vocabulary:
Specialization, Productivity, Division of Labor, Efficiency, Productive Resources, Output,Input
Discussion of Economic Concepts:Probably thz most important way to alleviate the problem of scarcity is to increase productivity. Productivity measures the amount of goods and services produced from a given amount of productive resources. Economists refer to the goods and services as output. The productive resources used in production are inputs. Productivity can be defined as the ratio of output per unit of input.
To increase productivity a business must produce more output per unit of input, or mustproduce the same amount of output using less inputs. By increasing productivity businessesare using their productive resources more efficiently. More efficient production results inhigher wages and salaries. One of the most fundamental ways to increase productivity isthrough specialization. One way to specialize is to divide the labor in specific productionprocesses. An excellent example of this is an assembly line. Assembly line production ismuch more efficient than having individual workers making complete products.
Specialization and division of labor have some disadvantages however. In highly specializedproduction situations, a worker who is absent or inefficient can slow the whole production process. Also, for many people, producing one type of good or service, or doing only onespecific task in the production process can be monotonous. Creativity can be stifled.Workers and businesses must decide if increases in productivity through specialization anddivision of labor (and the probable increases in profits, wages and salaries) are worth themonotony and reduced creativity.
loathing Tips:
1. Make sure that you do not assign a large percentage of the students who are more
skilled and faster in malting hamburgers to the non-assembly line group. Otherwise,more output may be produced by that group and less by the assembly line group - justthe opposite result that you want!
2.It is very important to plan carefully how you want the assembly line group to be or-
ganized. If necessary make a simple sketch. The attached Assembly Line Pattern shouldbe helpful.
3. To introduce the concept of productivity, show intermediate students theTrade-Offsfilm, "Less and More," before you begin this activity.
熟练和更快的麦芽汉堡包到非流水线基。否则,更多的产出可以通过该组少的组装线组生产 - 只是你想要的相反的结果!
Teaching Procedure:
1. Ask the students if they have ever been to a McDonald's, Wendy's, or Hardee's hamburger restaurant. Discuss how the food is prepared and why it is necessary to produce the food quickly. Ask them if they would like to make hamburgers with their play dough.
2. Form two groups of workers. Give each group three rulers, one pencil, plus all five
colors of play dough. Students in the non-assembly line group may not divide the playdough by passing some of each color to each student.
3. Show exactly how you want the hamburgers made. There must be two buns 2" in
diameter and one piece of meat 11/2" in diameter made from white and brown playdough, respectively. (Most of the play dough will be used for meat and buns.) On each hamburger must be three dabs of ketchup (red), three dabs of mustard (yellow), and two pickles (green). There must also be 16 sesame seeds on the top of each bun (use pencils to make tiny "sesame seed" holes).
4. Tell one group that each worker must make complete hamburgers. While this group
gets organized, (you can let them soften the play dough) quickly explain the assemblyline procedure to the other group. The specific tasks for 14 students might be:
2 students- play dough into balls for buns
2 students - flatten balls into buns
1 student - play dough into ball for meat
1 student- flatten balls into meat
3 students- use rulers to make sure meat patties are 1 1/2" and buns are 2";make corrections if necessary.)
1 student - assemble bottom bun and meat
1 student- put on three dabs of ketchup
1 student- put on three dabs of mustard
1 student - put on two green pickles
1 student- put sixteen sesame seed holes in bun and assemble burgers
Use the attached Assembly Line Pattern to get students stationed in the proper produc-tion sequence. The pattern offers suggestions for groups of less than 14
2学生 - 玩面团成丸子的包子
2名学生 - 展平球放入包子
1学生 - 橡皮泥球进肉
3学生 - 使用标尺,以确保肉馅饼是11/2“和包子2”;如果有必要进行更正)。
1学生 - 组装底部馍和肉
1学生 - 换上两个绿色泡菜
5. Tell both groups that they will have about 7 minutes to produce as many high quality hamburgers as possible. When you stop the production, only completed hamburgers will count. Hamburgers that are not made properly will be rejected.
6. After the activity count the number of complete hamburgers produced by each group. Discuss the following questions:
a. What productive resources were used in your production? (labor - our work effor t;capital- pencil and ruler; land our workspace, the play dough)
b. Which group made the most hamburgers, i.e. was the most productive? (Assemblyline group)
c. Why did the assembly line group make more hamburgers? Was it because they
worked harder? (No, they specialized by dividing the labor. The non-assembly line group wasted time waiting to use the capital and play dough. The assembly line students only had to learn one task, etc.)
d. What are some other examples of people specializing in their work? (People learn-ing one job: teaching, carpentry, plumbing, etc.)
e. What are some examples of division of labor in your house? (Parents and children
doing specific jobs around the house). Why do families divide the labor? (More work gets done that way since people don't have to learn as many different tasks and can concentrate on the tasks they do well. This makes families more productive.)
f. What are some disadvantages of specializing and dividing the labor? (Jobs can become more boring and less creative. If one member of the team does poorly or is ab-sent it slows down the whole production process.)
How does specializing and dividing the labor help workers? (As workers become more productive they usually become more valuable to employers, and earn higher wages and salaries.)
A。在生产中使用了什么生产资源? (劳动 - 我们的工作避免费劲吨;资本铅笔和直尺;土地我们的工作区,发挥面团)
B。这组所取得的最汉堡包,即是最有成效的? (组装流水线组)
更努力? (不,他们专门除以劳动。非流水线组浪费时间等待使用的资本和玩面团。装配线学生只需要学习一个任务,等等)
D。什么是专业人士在工作中的一些其他的例子吗? (人民学习,荷兰国际集团一个作业:教学,木工,水管等)
即什么是劳动分工在你的房子的一些例子吗? (父母和子女
做房子周围的具体工作)。为什么家庭划分的劳动? (更多完成工作的方式,因为人们不必学习许多不同的任务,可以专注于他们做好工作。这使得家庭更加富有成效。)
F。什么是专业除以劳动力的一些缺点? (乔布斯会变得更加沉闷和缺乏创造力。如果团队中的一员确实不佳或AB-把它减慢了整个生产过程。)
如何专业除以劳动力帮助工人? (当工作人员变得更有效率,他们通常变得更有价值的雇主,并获得更高的工资和薪水。)
Follow-up and Extension Activities:
1. To extend the activity, create two identical "Order Cards," one for each group. On each card have specialized orders that the groups must fill (e.g., 4 hamburgers with ketchup and pickle only, 6 with mustard only, etc.)
2. Arrange a field trip to a local factory where an assembly line is used. Or, visit a local restaurant. Inform the manager beforehand that your class is interested in how the factory or restaurant increases productivity.
3. Ask students to identify other products made on an assembly line (car, computer,
television, etc.) Let them draw what they think the production process looks like. Re-quire them to identify and label the various productive resources, including the types of jobs on the assembly line. Have students write a short paragraph describing a day's work on this assembly line.
4. Pose this question for discussion: "You have the chanceto make $8.00 an hour working on an assembly line in a factory that makes chairs. You can work in a small carpentry shop and custom design and make complete chairs, but will earn only $6.00 an hour. Which would you choose? Why?"
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