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IBM WebSphere简介

IBM WebSphere简介
IBM WebSphere产品系列是一套典型的电子商务应用开发工具及运行环境。该产品系列包括: 
1) NetObject Fusion提供许多构建和组织站点的工具,可用来建立和管理整个Web站点;
2) NetObject BeanBuilder是一个构建applets的可视化写作工具; 
3) NetObjects ScriptBuilder提供了Smart HTML、JavaScript、JSP等的编辑器; 
4) Lotus Domino Go Webserver是一个Servlet使能的Web服务器; 
5) IBM WebSphere Studio提供了项目工作台和有关向导,这些向导可用来存取数据库、创建JavaBean和servlet等等;
6) IBM WebSphere Application Server (WebSphere应用服务器)是一个Web应用服务器(内含IBM Http Server),它本质上是适合于servlet的Web服务器插件,提供了增强的Servlet API和Servlets管理工具,并集成了JSP技术和数据库连接技术。
Lotus Domino Go Webserver
Lotus Domino Go Webserver是一个Web服务器软件。它具有下列特性: 
2)具备代理服务器(Proxy Server)的功能。一个代理服务器是一个请求代理(Broker)。浏览器把请求发到代理服务器,代理服务器从网上或从缓存里取这个页。
3)支持SSL 3.0。SSL用来确保在web服务器和web浏览器之间安全通信。
4)支持PICS(Platform for Internet Content Selection)。PICS使得用户可以过滤他们遇到的材料,按照材料的分级(由Web管理员设置)接受或者拒绝材料。
6)易维护性。如很容易地维护用户和访问控制列表下面就Domino Go Webserver的特性及有关使用技术加以详述,包括Web服务器的配置、启动Web服务器、URL与目录映射规则、服务器日志、访问控制、代理服务器
IBM WebSphere Studio
可以更好地利用服务器,从客户减轻客户端的负担。通过Java访问数据库是利用JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)应用编程接口进行的。总之,在为一个网站提供动态内容时,会涉及到服务器端应用程序。CGI和/或Servlets将是典型的部署载体。Servlet是生成动态内容的焦点。然而,大多数动态内容会涉及到数据库。 
WebSphere Studio提供了项目工作台和有关向导。项目工作台用来把各种生成的组件集成进一个项目,
NetObjects Fusion
NetObject Fusion是一个可视化的Web站点的构建和管理工具。NetObjects Fusion是Web站点构建过程的中心。NetObjects Fusion是一个面向站点的工具,而不是仅仅处理单个页面。在Web站点开发的过程中,会创建许多页面,页面之间有很多链接。手工地更改这个结构是相当困难的。用NetObjects Fusion可以设计Web站点的通用元素,创建并维护Web站点的结构,构建各个页面,并能容易地维护这些页面。总之,使用NetObject Fusion,可以设计Web站点、构建各个页面、容易地维护Web站点。下面介绍NetObject Fusion 中的站点视图(Site view)、页面视图(Page view)、样式视图(Style view)、对象集视图(Assets View、或称资源视图)、和发布视图(Publishing view)。
NetObjects BeanBuilder
NetObjects BeanBuilder是创建多媒体Java applet的可视化写作工具。它的前身是Lotus BeanMachine。NetObjects BeanBuilder使得开发者能用多媒体、特效、灵巧的表单和动态数据来丰富网站,而不要写一行Java代码,或者只需写一些简单的Java代码。BeanBuilder是通过把JavaBean结合进applet的可视化编辑工具来实现这一强大的功能。开发者只要从BeanBuilder的样式库(Palette)里选择丰富的可重用的JavaBean,设置几个属性,就完成了多媒体Java applet的开发。如果在样式库里没有需要的那个JavaBean,可以用BeanBuilder的部件引入向导(Import Part Wizzard)引入JavaBean或Java 类。甚至也可以引入已有的applet。
VisualAge for Java
如果您熟悉 Java 程序设计,可以使用VisualAge for Java(VAJ)来创建和定制 JavaBean。在您使用Studio的向导构建Servlet时很可能需要复杂的JavaBean,这些JavaBean一般可使用VAJ来开发。也可使用VAJ来修改与完善由 Studio 向导生成的 Java Servlet 和 Bean。

IBM WebSphere Profile

IBM WebSphere product family is a typical e-commerce application development tools and operating environment. The product line includes: 
1) NetObject Fusion offers a number of construction sites and tools that can be used to build and manage the entire Web site; 
2) NetObject BeanBuilder is a visualization of the building applets writing tools; 
3) NetObjects ScriptBuilder provided Smart HTML, JavaScript, JSP, and so the editor; 
4) Lotus Domino Go Webserver is a Servlet enable the Web server; 
5) IBM WebSphere Studio provides a table and projects related to the wizard, these guides can be used to access the database, and create a JavaBean servlet, and so on; 
6) IBM WebSphere Application Server (WebSphere Application Server) is a Web application server (includes IBM Http Server), it is essentially a servlet suitable for the Web server plug-in, provides an enhanced Servlet API and Servlets management tools and integration The JSP technology and database connectivity. 
Lotus Domino Go Webserver 
Lotus Domino Go Webserver is a Web server software. It has the following characteristics: 
1)Support CGI, Servlet and some other application programming interface. These application programming interface used to create dynamic pages. 
2)A proxy server (Proxy Server) functions. A proxy server is a request broker (Broker). To request the browser to a proxy server, proxy servers from the Internet or from the cache, from this page. 
3)Support SSL 3.0. SSL to ensure that the web servers and web browser communication between security. 
4)Support the PICS (Platform for Internet Content Selection). PICS allows users to filter the material they encounter, according to the grade material (from Web administrator) to accept or reject materials. 
5)Integrated search engine. Integrated search engine is NetQuestion. 
6)Easy maintenance. If it is easy to protect users and access control list 
Below Domino Go Webserver on the characteristics and the use of technology to detail, including the Web server configuration to start the Web server, URL and directory mapping rules, server logs, access control, proxy servers 
IBM WebSphere Studio 
Web site content is static and dynamic content composed of. Static content to HTML, photographs, and other forms. In addition to the dynamic effects of the client, in a dynamic content on the Web server to server-side procedures are usually in the form of existence, they have been at the request of dynamic content. Many sites have been using applet on the web to achieve the dynamic effects. Although this method can do this, but java and network performance problems hindered the large-scale application of this approach. Server-side generation dynamic content in most cases is a better way. Because: 
1)Support for thin clients more easily. 
2)Provide greater flexibility and security. 
3)In most cases dynamic content from the database. 
4)Server side can run the database, then report the results to the browser. 
Server-side generation dynamic content with thin-client or ultra-thin client design, it allows software developers in a web application to customers 
End-of business or as little as possible data access logic. Fat, and refers to the application of a client placed a lot of business logic and access. 
This will affect the page download time, may cause other problems. Server database access is a good solution, 
Can make better use of servers, from the customer to reduce the burden on the client. Access the database through the use of Java JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to the application programming interface. In short, to provide a dynamic content site, would involve server-side applications. CGI and / or Servlets will be a typical carrier deployment. Servlet generate dynamic content is the focus. However, most dynamic content will involve a database. 
WebSphere Studio provides a working platform and related projects wizard. Project table used to generate the various components integrated into a project, 
While the wizard can be used to access the database, and create a JavaBean servlet, etc. 
NetObjects Fusion 
NetObject Fusion is a visualization of the Web site of the building and management tools. NetObjects Fusion is the process of building Web sites at the centre. NetObjects Fusion is a site for the tool, not just dealing with a single page. Web site in the process of developing, will create many pages, there are many links between pages. Manual to change this structure is very difficult. By NetObjects Fusion Web site design can be the common element, creating and maintaining a Web site structure, build individual pages, and can easily maintain these pages. 
In short, the use of NetObject Fusion, can design Web sites, build individual pages, easy to maintain Web sites. Here are NetObject Fusion in the view of the site (Site view), page view (Page view), style view (Style view), object-view (Assets View, or resource view), and publishers view (Publishing view). 
NetObjects BeanBuilder 
NetObjects BeanBuilder multimedia Java applet is to create the visualization of writing tools. Its predecessor was the Lotus BeanMachine. NetObjects BeanBuilder makes developers can use multimedia, special effects, agile and dynamic data to form rich site, rather than write Java code and his party, or simply write some simple Java code. BeanBuilder through the applet JavaBean integrated into the visual editing tools to achieve this powerful. BeanBuilder from developers as long as the style of the (Palette), a rich choice of reusable JavaBean, set up several properties, completed the development of multimedia Java applet. If the pattern that Curry did not need the JavaBean, the components can be used to introduce BeanBuilder wizard (Import Part Wizzard) JavaBean or the introduction of Java class. Can also have even introduced the applet. 
VisualAge for Java 
If you're familiar with Java programming, you can use VisualAge for Java (VAJ) to create and customize JavaBean. When you use the wizard Studio Construction Servlet, is likely to require complex JavaBean, they may use JavaBean general VAJ to develop. VAJ may also be used to modify and improve the wizard generated by the Studio Java Servlet and Bean. 
VAJ is a full-featured Java development environment, including an intelligent integrated development environment, containing rich Java class libraries, high-performance Java compiler and virtual machine, including the integration of the wizard and debugger, a variety of tools, support JavaBeans development.



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