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Web Authoring Component & Error 1406 when installing VISUAL STUDIO 2008



When install visual studio 2008, I stuck in two steps.


The first step is that it is fail to install the web authoring component. Actually, this component should be installed manually:


1. Extract the \WCU\WebDesignerCore\WebDesignerCore.EXE into a temporary folder.

2. Don't execute the WebDesignerCore.EXE file directly, decompress it into the current folder first!.

3. Execute the setup.exe file just been extracted.


After installing web authoring component successfully, install visual studio 2008 again.


Another difficulty is that I have Error 1406 when installing visual studio, it says I don't have sufficient privileges to write key values, so I run it again using administrator role, but fails again. Actually, it is because I opened the anti-virus software "360" and the safe-guard software "360 guard". After closing these two pieces of software, the error is disappeared!


There are quiet many people struggling to install visual studio, hope my suggestion will help us!



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