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c# stuff which you must know


c# was initially created specifically for use with .NET platform.

c# is used with the .NET framework, which allows you access to a number of libraries that specifically intended for use with Windows.


The common language runtime (CLR) is the most important component of  the .NET framework that allows you to compile and execute applications written in either c#, visual basic or C++. 



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    Professional C# 5.0 and .NET 4.5.1 pdf

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    C# Deconstructed(Apress,2014)

    practice to let the Framework deal with device interaction but you'll find the experience of taking the cover off once in a while a very rewarding one that will greatly enrich your appreciate of the ...

    Accelerated C# 2008

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    designed to provide a new environment within which you can develop almost any application to run on Windows, whereas C# is a new programming language that has been designed specifically to work with ...

    Multithreading with C# Cookbook(PACKT,2ed,2016)

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    C#图形编程 (C# Graphics Programming) 附随书源代码

    This Wrox Blox teaches you how to add graphics to C# 2008 applications, explaining fundamental graphics techniques such as: drawing shapes with different colors and line styles; filling areas with ...

    Professional C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0, 7th Edition

    This book is designed to do just that, and more—everything you need to know about C# is right here, in the single-volume resource on every developer’s shelf. Tour the many new and enhanced features...

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