Professional Android 2 Development - 6
第一章 Hello, Android
➤ A background to mobile application development
➤ What Android is (and what it isn ’ t)
➤ An introduction to the Android SDK features
➤ What devices Android runs on
➤ Why develop for mobile and Android?
➤ An introduction to the SDK and the Android development framework
- 移动应用开发背景
- Android是与不是
- 介绍Android SDK特性
- Android运行在什么设备上
- 为什么为手机和Android开发?
- 介绍SDK和Android开发框架
Whether you’re an experienced mobile engineer, a desktop or web developer, or a complete
programming novice , Android represents an exciting new opportunity to write innovative applications for mobile devices.
Despite the name, Android will not help you create an unstoppable army of emotionless robot
warriors on a relentless quest to cleanse the earth of the scourge of humanity.
Instead, Android is an open-source software stack that includes the operating system, middleware, and key mobile applications along with a set of API libraries for writing mobile applications that can shape the look, feel, and function of mobile handsets.
Small, stylish , and versatile , modern mobile devices have become powerful tools that incorporate cameras, media players, GPS systems, and touchscreens. As technology has evolved , mobile phones have become about more than simply making calls, but their software and development platforms have struggled to keep pace .
小巧,时髦,功能种多,现代手机设备变为强大的工具,吸纳了照相机,多媒体,GSP 系统和触摸屏。随着技术的发展,手机变得不仅仅能打电话,但是他们的软件和开发平台的努力依旧缓步不前。
Until recently, mobile phones were largely closed environments built on highly fragmented, proprietary operating systems that required proprietary development tools.
The phones themselves often prioritized native applications over those written by third parties. This has introduced an artificial barrier for developers hoping to build on increasingly powerful mobile hardware.
In Android, native and third-party applications are written with the same APIs and executed on the same run time. These APIs feature hardware sensor access, video recording, location-based services, support for background services, map-based activities, relational databases, inter-application communication, and 2D and 3D graphics.
Using this book, you will learn how to use these APIs to create your own Android applications. In this chapter you’ll learn some mobile development guidelines and be introduced to the features available from the Android development platform.
使用本书,你将学习如何用这些API来创建你自己的Android应用。本章你将学习一些手机开发的指导方针 并 介绍Android开发平台的特征。
Android has powerful APIs, excellent documentation, a thriving developer community, and no development or distribution costs. As mobile devices continue to increase in popularity , this is an exciting opportunity to create innovative mobile phone applications no matter what your development experience.
In the days before Twitter and Facebook, when Google was still a twinkle in its founders’ eyes and dinosaurs roamed the earth, mobile phones were just that — portable phones small enough to fit inside a briefcase , featuring batteries that could last up to several hours. They did however offer the freedom to make calls without being physically connected to a landline .
Increasingly small, stylish, and powerful mobile phones are now as ubiquitous as they are indispensable . Hardware advancements have made mobiles smaller and more efficient while including an increasing number of peripherals.
After first getting cameras and media players, mobiles now include GPS systems, accelerometers, and touch screens. While these hardware innovations should prove fertile ground for software development, the applications available for mobile phones have generally lagged behind the hardware.
The Not-So-Distant Past
Historically , developers, generally coding in low-level C or C++, have needed to understand the specific hardware they were coding for, generally a single device or possibly a range of devices from a single manufacturer . As hardware technology and mobile Internet access has advanced, this closed approach has become outmoded .
More recently, platforms like Symbian have been created to provide developers with a wider target audience.These systems have proven more successful in encouraging mobile d evelopers to provide rich applications that better leverage the hardware available.
These platforms offer some access to the device hardware, but require the developer to write complex C/C++ code and make heavy use of proprietary APIs that are notoriously difficult to work with. This difficulty is amplif ied for applications that must work on different hardware implementations and those that make use of a particular hardware feature, like GPS.
In more recent years, the biggest advance in mobile phone development was the introduction of Java hosted MIDlets.
更近几年,手机开发最大的提升是Java宿主下的 MIDlet 的引入。
MIDlets are executed on a Java virtual machine, a process that abstracts the underlying
hardware and lets developers create applications that run on the wide variety of devices that supports the Java run time. Unfortunately , this convenience comes at the price of restricted access to the device hardware.
MIDlet 在一个Java虚拟机( 一个抽象了底层硬件的进程 )上 执行 ,让开发者创建运行在广泛不同设备上的支持JRE的应用程序。不过,这样便于访问到受限制的硬件设备。
Professional Android 2 Development - 9
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Professional Android 2 Development - 8
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Professional Android 2 Development - 7
2010-04-27 09:27 848In mobile development it was ... -
Professional Android 2 Development - 5
2010-04-23 17:46 848Hello, Android WHAT ’S IN ... -
Professional Android 2 Development - 4
2010-04-23 16:50 821SOURCE CODE 源码 ... -
Professional Android 2 Development - 3
2010-04-23 14:36 873HOW THIS BOOK IS STRUCTURED 本 ... -
Professional Android 2 Development - 2
2010-04-23 12:43 895WHAT THIS BOOK COVERS Chapter ... -
Professional Android 2 Development - 1
2010-04-22 17:49 834This book is a hands-on guide t ... -
Professional Android 2 Development - 0
2010-04-22 14:06 806INTRODUCTION Now is an exciting ...
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《Wrox Professional Android 2 Application Development》是一本专注于Android应用开发的专业书籍,旨在帮助开发者深入理解和实践Android 2平台的应用程序构建技术。该书由Wrox出版社出版,针对的读者群体是那些...
《Professional Android 2 Application Development》是2010年由Wrox出版社出版的一本关于使用Android SDK 2.0进行专业应用开发的书籍。这本书详细介绍了如何利用Android平台开发高质量、功能丰富的应用程序,适用于...
《Professional Android Application Development》是一本专注于Android应用开发的专业书籍,旨在帮助开发者快速掌握并应用Android平台上的各种技术来构建高质量的应用程序。本书适合那些希望深入了解Android开发并...
### 专业Android 2应用程序开发知识点汇总 #### 一、Android作为开发平台及移动开发最佳实践 - **Android概述**:介绍了Android操作系统的基本概念和发展历程,以及它在智能手机和平板电脑市场的地位。 - **开发...
2. **基本概念**:书中会讲解Android系统的架构,包括应用程序框架、运行时环境、库和API等。还会介绍Activity、Service、Broadcast Receiver、Content Provider这四大组件,它们构成了Android应用程序的核心。 3. ...
- **第2章:开始使用**(第19页):详细介绍了如何搭建Android开发环境,包括安装Android Studio、配置模拟器等。 - **第3章:创建应用程序和活动**(第45页):这一章节着重讲解了Android应用的基本构成单元——...
If you’re an experienced developer, you can start creating robust mobile Android apps right away with this professional guide to Android 4 application development. Written by one of Google’s lead ...
### 《Professional Android 4 Application Development》知识点概览 #### 一、绪论与环境搭建 - **绪论**:本书旨在为读者提供一个全面深入的学习Android 4应用开发的平台,适合各种程度的开发者,从新手到资深...
- **ISBN**:978-0-470-34471-2 #### 二、书籍概述 本书为开发者提供了构建移动应用所需的全面指南。通过实践性的例子和详尽的解释,帮助读者快速掌握构建实际的Android手机应用的方法。本书覆盖了Android SDK 1.0...