Quick Dating Tips: How to Ask Someone Out on a Date
If you like some one you may have to ask them for a date. For men this is standard practise and for women, this process is becoming increasingly common. If you are thinking of asking someone on a date consider the following quick dating tips:
1. Why are you asking them out, is it for the right reasons and what do you expect as a result of them saying yes or no?
2. Be prepared that the person you ask may say no and in which case do not take the rejection personally.
3. When asking someone out choose your moment carefully and practise what you might say in advance so that you don't appear tongue-tied.
4. If the person you ask says yes, ensure you already have thought of a place, date and time for the date so that you display signs of thoughfulness.
5. Be prepared for the person asking why you want to date them so that you are able to flatter and create a sense of trust immediately. People can be wary and they may want to know some reasosn behind your request. Better, anticipate this by saying "would you like to come to dinner, I have always thought you are great fun..".
6. Make sure that your request for a date does not pressurize the person in any way. If they want to think about it, let them. But don't chase.
7. Make sure that when you ask someone on a date you smile and keep things fun and happy. Being confident and smiley will elicit a far more positive response.
8. Always have an alternative date and time or location in mind should the person be unsure of their diary. Giving a person a choice is often a marketing masterstroke.
9. If the person says no, don't chase for a reason, simply move on. They may think about things and get back to you with a yes response later.
10. If you ask someone on a date, make sure that you actually intend to go through with it. Standing people up is not allowed.
11. If you are being asked out don't play games. If you need time to consider the offer then say so. If you want to say no, say no. But do not keep someone hanging on for no reason. You wouldn't like the situation if it was reversed.
12. Try to avoid dutch-courage such as using alcohol to boost your courage levels as this will often backfire.
13. Don't ask someone out when they are in a group of friends. Timing is everything.
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