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fw: Earthquake Protection Knowledge/Tips

During an Earthquake



At the first sign of a tremor, remain calm. Reassure others to also stay calm and encourage them to follow your example.
Take cover immediately. Duck or protect your body from falling objects – most importantly your head and neck. Cover by getting under or near a table in a corner away from windows, or stand in a strong-framed doorway. Hold on to whatever you have chosen for protection so it will not injure you. If the object you are holding moves, move with it.
Pay particular attention to bookcases and filing cabinets and watch for falling plaster, bricks, light fixtures and other objects.
Remain covered until the shaking stops.
Do not run outside as there may be falling or fallen electrical wires, and other falling hazards.
Do not use elevators because they may fail.
Do not run to the staircases; rather walk calmly and in an orderly fashion to prevent stampede and injuries.

After an Earthquake



Follow instructions that may be given over the emergency public-address system. Do not evacuate until you are told to do so. Building Management office will provide specific instructions.
Be alert for trapped or injured persons, fire, chemical spills, or structural damage. Call local 2171 to report incidents.
Check your fellow workers for injuries. Do not attempt to move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
Check for fires or fire hazards, particularly in chemical storage areas.
Shut off electrical power to damaged equipment.
If you are called to evacuate, proceed to your evacuation area and make sure you are counted.
Do not use matches, lighters, or open-flame appliances until you are sure no gas leaks exist.
Do not operate electrical switches or appliances if gas leaks are suspected.
Do not touch downed power lines or objects that are touching downed wires.
Do not use the telephone unless you have an emergency. The telephone system, even after a minor earthquake, will be overloaded with calls that people with emergencies will have difficulty placing calls. Wait at least one-half hour before calling home or elsewhere.
2 楼 eyejava 2008-05-14  
1 楼 swflora 2008-05-14  
This don't is beyond my expectation, but it does make sense.
Do not use the telephone unless you have an emergency. The telephone system, even after a minor earthquake, will be overloaded with calls that people with emergencies will have difficulty placing calls. Wait at least one-half hour before calling home or elsewhere.


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