The default file permissions (umask):
Each user has a default set of permissions which apply to all files created by that user, unless the software explicitly sets something else. This is often called the 'umask', after the command used to change it. It is either inherited from the login process, or set in the .cshrc or .login file which configures an individual account, or it can be run manually.
Typically the default configuration is equivalent to typing 'umask 22' which produces permissions of:
-rw-r--r-- for regular files, or drwxr-xr-x for directories.
In other words, user has full access, everyone else (group and other) has read access to files, lookup access to directories.
When working with group-access files and directories, it is common to use 'umask 2' which produces permissions of:
-rw-rw-r-- for regular files, or drwxrwxr-x for directories.
For private work, use 'umask 77' which produces permissions:
-rw------- for regular files, or drwx------ for directories.
The logic behind the number given to umask is not intuitive.
The command to change the permission flags is "chmod". Only the owner of a file can change its permissions.
The command to change the group of a file is "chgrp". Only the owner of a file can change its group, and can only change it to a group of which he is a member.
Putting 'umask 2' into a startup file (.login or .cshrc) will make these settings apply to everything you do unless manually changed. This can lead to giving group access to files such as saved email in your home directory, which is generally not desireable.
Making a file group read/write without checking what its group is can lead to accidentally giving access to almost everyone on the system. Normally all users are members of some default group such as "users", as well as being members of specific project-oriented groups. Don't give group access to "users" when you intended some other group.
Remember that to read a file, you need execute access to the directory it is in AND read access to the file itself. To write a file, your need execute access to the directory AND write access to the file. To create new files or delete files, you need write access to the directory. You also need execute access to all parent directories back to the root. Group access will break if a parent directory is made completely private.
读文件 需要: 文件的读权限 + 文件目录的执行权限(包括所有父目录的执行权限)
写文件 需要: 文件的写权限 + 文件目录的执行权限(包括所有父目录的执行权限)
新建/删除文件 需要: 文件目录的写权限(包括所有父目录的执行权限)
**文件权限管理(File Permission Management)** 在UNIX系统中,文件权限是非常重要的概念之一。通过设置合适的文件权限,可以有效地控制不同用户对文件的访问。了解和掌握如何正确设置文件权限对于维护系统的安全性...
- 符号模式:`chmod [who] operator [permission] filename`,例如: - `chmod a-x file`:取消所有用户的执行权限。 - `chmod og-w file`:取消同组用户和其他用户的写权限。 - `chmod g+w file`:赋予同组用户...
Perl脚本可能涉及的特定Perl模块包括`File::Find`用于遍历目录,`POSIX`模块用于接口与Unix系统调用,如`chmod`,以及`Log::Log4perl`用于日志记录。 在编写这样的脚本时,开发者需要注意以下几点: - 错误处理:...
基本用法为 `chmod [who] operator[permission] filename`,其中who可以是u(用户)、g(组)、o(其他)、a(所有),operator可以是+(添加权限)、-(删除权限)、=(设置权限),permission则是r、w、x的组合。...
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Change folder " + dirFile.getAbsolutePath() + " permission failed.", e); } } ``` 这种方式可以原生支持Linux和Unix系统,但是在Windows系统下却不区分文件所有者和其他人,似乎...
eg exec dbms_java.grant_permission (‘TFMADMIN‘, ‘‘,‘your background_dump_dest‘, ‘read‘) exec dbms_java.grant_permission (‘TFMADMIN‘, ‘
Summary of File Access Permission Bits Section 4.25. Summary Exercises Chapter 5. Standard I/O Library Section 5.1. Introduction Section 5.2. Streams and FILE Objects ...
- 绝对模式:chmod [mode] filemode - mode是一个三位数,每一位代表所有者、组和其他用户的权限。 6. suid和guid suid(set user ID)和guid(set group ID)允许用户执行文件时拥有文件所有者或文件所在组的权限...
- **符号模式**:`chmod [who][operator][permission] file_name` - `who`:可以是`u`(文件所有者)、`g`(所属组)、`o`(其他用户)或`a`(全部)。默认为`a`。 - `operator`:可以是`+`(添加权限)、`-`...
如果文件夹权限设置不正确,你可能会收到像“Warning: file_put_contents() [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: Permission denied”这样的错误。要解决这个问题,你可以使用chmod命令来修改...
1. need to copy both the .jar file and setup executable to /tmp directory on the Unix server 2. change the permission 3. execute the setup. 4. to create Host Based Authentication on the RSM Host Agent...
Android基于Linux内核,因此它的文件系统遵循类Unix的目录层次结构。根目录`/`下包含了系统的主要目录,如`/data`(用于应用程序数据)、`/sdcard`(模拟外部存储,通常用于用户数据)等。 要查看文件夹内容,首先...
避免硬编码敏感路径,使用``进行权限控制,以及确保在创建或删除文件时进行异常处理,都是开发过程中的良好实践。 总结起来,Java文件路径处理涉及到路径的构建、解析、转换和安全操作。`...
使用`Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE`和`Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE`进行权限请求。 7. **存储路径选择** - 内部存储:应用私有的,用户无法访问,数据在应用卸载时被删除。 - 外部...
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GrADS Executables for UNIX & Linux GrADS is distributed free of charge, however certain copyright restrictions do apply; please read the "Licensing Information" at the end of this file. Versions ...
log_failure_msg "config file doesn't exist (or you don't have permission to view)" exit 4 fi if [ -e $PIDFILE ]; then PID="$(pgrep -f $PIDFILE)" if test -n "$PID" && kill -0 "$PID" &>/dev/null; ...
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