
Add extended permissions by command

  • UNIX

Copied from http://unix.ittoolbox.com/documents/access-control-lists-acls-in-aix-16751



The ACL's on AIX works by this way (example):

I have a directory named "/data" and a user called "steve"

To enable the ACL in this directory and add specific permissions to a user, type

acledit /data

A screen like this will appear:

base permissions
owner(root): rwx
group(system): r-x
others: r-x
extended permissions

Using "vi" commands, change the extended permissions to "enabled", and add the specific permissions, like this:

attributes: SGID
base permissions
owner(root): rwx
group(system): rwx
others: ---
extended permissions
permit rwx u:steve
permit r-x g:group
permit rw- u:test

r = read
w = write
x = execute
u= user
g= group
permit: to grant access

After this, save the file (like in "vi" editor).

To list the ACL´s, type "aclget /data"

To transfer the ACL permissions from a directory to another, type "aclget /data |aclput /data2".





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