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Rails plugin: i18n -
我下载并使用了你的插件,感觉效果很好,不向其他同样功能的那样庞 ...
Rails plugin: i18n
Defensive Design for the Web
How to improve error messages, help, forms, and other crisis points (VOICES)
作者︰37signals, Matthew Linderman, Jason Fried
有沒有試過在讀閱大型網站時連結到一些 (對於並通人來說) 意味不明的 Apache Server 404 訊息?有沒有試過在商業網站想找想購買的貨物卻返回了 2000 個結果?有時很奇怪大網站也會有可用性的問題,也許他們認為 usability 比起漂亮的畫面是不值一提?對商業網站來說,成功地處理錯誤等於解決了一個危機,反之則等於把原本想要消費的客戶趕走。
Code Geass CD入手
2007-08-23 14:12 1287終於入手了,Code Geass 的 OST2 和 モザイ ... -
Kaomoji (顔文字, emoticon) plugins for Rails
2007-08-23 16:15 1205Nothing big, just a little toy ... -
2007-07-27 15:34 1240八達通承認易辦事7年扣錯錢 Via 明報即時新聞 早前,八達 ... -
Ruby on Rails plugin: QRCode
2007-07-23 14:42 1554I come across this page, a java ... -
[轉播] 呼籲:抵制7月25日明光社賣旗活動
2007-07-20 18:07 1199原文 @ 無神論者的巴別塔 慈善,只為幫助有需要的弱勢社群 ... -
Using AjaxMessaging to create a chatroom in 5 mins
2007-07-07 16:41 1273中文版: 用 AjaxMessaging 在五分鐘內造一個 c ... -
用 AjaxMessaging 在五分鐘內造一個 chat room
2007-07-07 17:03 1410English version: Using AjaxMess ... -
AjaxMessaging - bring realtime messaing to Ruby on Rails
2007-07-02 18:22 1421Proudly present my new plugins ... -
Eclipse 發表 Europa
2007-07-02 02:56 1131Eclipse Europa 是今年的 Eclipse 新版本 ... -
Ruby on Rails + AJAX + Mongrel + JMS/MQ/MOM = 即時通訊
2007-07-01 11:59 1606前文研究過利用 Flash XML ... -
更新: Ruby on Rails plugin i18n
2007-06-29 16:59 1321讀了 Takol 的 【ROR開發筆記】MultiLingua ... -
使用 Rails 和 Juggernaut 作即時通訊
2007-06-27 15:33 1613AJAX 在 AJAX 出現前,傳 ... -
Rails plugin: i18n
2007-06-06 14:23 1452An update from mod-i18n module. ... -
全文搜尋 (Lucene 和 Ferret)
2007-05-20 17:45 1615搜尋器改變了人們的習慣。當有能力在互聯網上用 0.01 秒的搜 ... -
網摘 20070529 - 因為 Rails 放下其他事
2007-05-29 05:45 936網路與技術 RoR vs. PHP?談 web 開發技術的未 ... -
網摘 20070510
2007-05-10 06:01 998Web 微軟500億美元收購Yahoo!之傳言大拆解 - 與 ... -
Adobe 宣佈開放 Flex 的源碼
2007-04-27 03:43 1063重大消息:四月二十六日,Adobe 宣佈他們將會開放 Flex ... -
Aptana 繼 RadRails 後再宣佈和 RDT 合併
2007-04-21 16:10 1300Aptana 今天宣佈和 RDT 合併,該公司並會僱請 RDT ... -
20070416 網摘 - 知識+世代
2007-04-16 05:25 1049知識+世代 知識+型社會 - 當中學生只懂得使用 Yahoo ... -
Google 發表谷歌輸入法
2007-04-15 02:09 1362之前聽說Google 開放分析一萬億字所得的資料,但那只在英文 ...
### 难得的经典——《Defensive Programming for Red Hat Enterprise Linux》 #### 摘要与背景 在软件开发领域,安全性和稳定性是至关重要的。随着互联网的发展,网络安全威胁日益严重,对软件的安全性提出了更高...
Defensive Security Handbook: Best Practices for Securing Infrastructure by Lee Brotherston English | 3 Apr. 2017 | ASIN: B06Y18XC5Y | 268 Pages | AZW3 | 3.88 MB Despite the increase of high-profile ...
Despite the increase of high-profile hacks, record-breaking data leaks, and ransomware attacks, many organizations don’t have the budget to establish or outsource an information security (InfoSec) ...
The practice of defensive school psychology THE PRACTICE OF DEFENSIVE SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGY DONALD A. LUPIANI Riverdale Country School Recent legal developments promise to bring school ...
Despite the increase of high-profile hacks, record-breaking data leaks, and ransomware attacks, many organizations don’t have the budget to establish or outsource an information security (InfoSec) ...
Mastering Defensive Security.pdf
防御式编程 Defensive Programming.PPT完整版(精品课件) 大纲: 保护程序免遭非法输入数据的破坏 断言 错误处理技术 异常 隔离程序 辅助调试代码
The book aims to provide both defensive and proactive security strategies, making it an essential resource for developers looking to protect their applications from potential attacks. #### ...
powerful tools in other categories, we can design and implement the most effective defenses. How This Book Differs In recent years, several books have been released covering the topic of attackers and...
Avionics is a word coined in the late 1930s to provide a generic name for the ... It is the military avionics of an aircraft that allow it to perform defensive, offensive and surveillance missions.
### 防御性数据库编程与SQL Server #### 引言 《防御性数据库编程与SQL Server》一书由Alex Kuznetsov撰写,并由Hugo Kornelis进行了技术审稿,首次由Simple Talk Publishing出版于2010年。本书主要探讨了在SQL ...
Defensive topics include cryptography, forensics, packet capturing, and building secure web applications. Offensive topics include brute force, port scanning, packet injection, web scraping, social ...
the impact of JavaScript, and the advantages of recent PHP hardening efforts.Pro PHP Security, Second Edition will serve as your complete guide for taking defensive and proactive security measures ...