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Rails plugin: i18n -
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Rails plugin: i18n
An update from mod-i18n module. My first Ruby on Rails plugin. It is modified from Localization module. It do translation using YML based translation file, and choose language based on URL parameter.
script/plugin install source http://mod-i18n.googlecode.com/svn/trunk
1. Create Language File
Create a directory config/lang, under the directory, create yml files using the langugae name, e.g. config/lang/zh-HK.yml. In the file, it should contains string mapping, for example:
config/lang/zh-HK.yml: Listing contacts: 聯絡人列表 Show: 顯示 Edit: 修改 Delete: 移除
2. Edit Application String
In the application, replace content String to following format:
Source Code: 'blah' => ('blah') 'testing 5' => ('testing %d', 5) rhtml: <%= 'blah' %> => <%= 'blah' %> <%= 'testing 5' %> => <%= 'testing %d', 5 %>
3. Test the Applciation
Restart application. mod-i18n use post/get parameter 'lang' to determine the language (configurable through the constant PARAMETER_LANG in lib/i18n.rb).
Original URL: URL for en-US: URL for zh-HK:
4. [OPTIONAL] Using Rails route
You may specify the language in URL. To do so, in config/route.rb, change the route to containing paramter 'lang'.
from: map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' map.connect ':controller/:action/:id' to: map.connect ':lang/:controller/:action/:id.:format' map.connect ':lang/:controller/:action/:id' Original URL: URL for en-US: URL for zh-HK:
date_invalid: 无效的日期
while (translated.is_a?(Hash) && args.length > 0) translated = translated[args[0]] args.delete_at(0) end begin sprintf translated, *args rescue StandardError => e return translated end
用<%=_ "error_message", "text_required" %>就能够显示了
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我喜欢并尊重它的想法,但是我想使用I18n创建像一样简单的面包屑库。 安装 在您的Gemfile中 gem 'buoys' 并运行: $ bundle install 例子 首先生成配置和示例文件。 $ bin / rails g buoys : install create ...
10. **jsperanto**:基于EJS等模板引擎,支持复数形式、内插和混合查找,提供JSON字典,兼容多种浏览器,且类似Rails的I18N,但无需后端支持。 这些jQuery插件极大地简化了Web开发者的工作,使他们能够快速为网站...
主要特性:复数、插及其混合查找支持、使用 XHR 得到 JSON 字典、JSlinted,QUnited、类似 Rails 的 I18N,但是需要 sans 后台、没有全球化的、支持 IE6+,Firefox3+,Safari 3+, Chrome, Opera9 +、需要 jQuery1.3.2+...
7. **I18N(国际化)**:Jfina 提供了简单的国际化支持,开发者可以通过配置不同的语言包,实现多语言环境的应用。 8. **工具类(Util)**:Jfina 内置了一些常用的工具类,如DateUtil、StrUtil等,帮助开发者快速...