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Rails plugin: i18n -
我下载并使用了你的插件,感觉效果很好,不向其他同样功能的那样庞 ...
Rails plugin: i18n
I come across this page, a javascript QRCode generator. 1
To simplify the tasks to use it in Rails, I created a plugins QRCode for Ruby on Rails.
- In your rails project, install the plugin by following command:
- Add javascript include tag in HTML header:
- Add following funtion to where you want to generate QRCode.
- The first parameter is URL
- The second optional parameter is pixel size.
- Done!
./script/plugin install http://qrcode-rails.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/plugins/qrcode
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
<%= qrcode('http://www.google.com/', 2) %>
For details, please check the QRCode project page.
Sample Code
<%= qrcode('http://www.google.com/', 8 ) %>
Sample Screen
- In case you dont know, QRCode is those mystic code appeared in most japanese media. Snap the QRCode by your cell phone, the code is translated into URL. ↩
Code Geass CD入手
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Kaomoji (顔文字, emoticon) plugins for Rails
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[轉播] 呼籲:抵制7月25日明光社賣旗活動
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Using AjaxMessaging to create a chatroom in 5 mins
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用 AjaxMessaging 在五分鐘內造一個 chat room
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AjaxMessaging - bring realtime messaing to Ruby on Rails
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Eclipse 發表 Europa
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Ruby on Rails + AJAX + Mongrel + JMS/MQ/MOM = 即時通訊
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更新: Ruby on Rails plugin i18n
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使用 Rails 和 Juggernaut 作即時通訊
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Rails plugin: i18n
2007-06-06 14:23 1451An update from mod-i18n module. ... -
全文搜尋 (Lucene 和 Ferret)
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網摘 20070529 - 因為 Rails 放下其他事
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網摘 20070510
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Adobe 宣佈開放 Flex 的源碼
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Defensive Design for the Web
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Aptana 繼 RadRails 後再宣佈和 RDT 合併
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20070416 網摘 - 知識+世代
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Google 發表谷歌輸入法
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本书教您如何使用Ruby on Rails开发和部署真正的,具有工业实力的Web应用程序,Ruby on Rails是为诸如Twitter,Hulu,GitHub和Yellow Pages等顶级网站提供支持的开源Web框架。
### Ruby on Rails Guides v2 - Ruby on Rails 4.2.5 #### 一、重要概念及基础假设 - **重要概念**:本指南旨在帮助读者深入理解Ruby on Rails(以下简称Rails)4.2.5版本的核心功能与最佳实践。 - **基础假设**:...
“The author is clearly an expert at the Ruby language and the Rails framework, but more than that, he is a working software engineer who introduces best practices throughout the text.” —Greg ...
### Ruby on Rails 101:深入理解与实践 #### 引言 《Ruby on Rails 101》是一本介绍Ruby on Rails(简称RoR或ROR)的基础书籍,旨在为初学者提供一个全面而深入的学习框架。本书由Peter Marklund编写,包含了五天...
《Ruby on Rails Tutorial》中文版(原书第2版,涵盖 Rails 4) Ruby 是一门很美的计算机语言,其设计原则就是“让编程人员快乐”。David Heinemeier Hansson 就是看重了这一点,才在开发 Rails 框架时选择了 Ruby...
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是基于Ruby语言的一个开源Web应用程序框架,它遵循MVC(Model-View-Controller)架构模式,旨在使Web开发过程更加高效、简洁。本压缩包中的"Ruby on Rails入门经典代码"提供了新手学习...
学习Ruby on Rails 4.0的逐步指南。 它包括针对Ruby 2.0.0的基本教程,是为至少了解另一种编程语言并熟悉HTML的程序员编写的。
Ruby on Rails:Rails框架入门.docx
Ruby on Rails,简称Rails,是基于Ruby编程语言的一个开源Web应用程序框架,它遵循MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式,旨在提高开发效率和代码的可读性。Rails以其“约定优于配置”(Convention over Configuration)...
Ruby on Rails:Rails与JavaScript集成.docx
Ruby on Rails:Rails中的表单处理.docx
Ruby on Rails是一款基于Ruby语言的开源Web开发框架,它遵循MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式,简化了Web应用的开发流程。在Linux环境下安装Ruby on Rails需要一系列的依赖包和步骤,本资源包提供了所需的所有组件,...
Ruby on Rails:部署Rails应用至Heroku.docx
Ruby on Rails:Rails中的测试驱动开发.docx
Ruby on Rails:Rails中的控制器编写.docx
Ruby on Rails:Rails性能优化与缓存策略.docx
Ruby on Rails:RESTful设计原则.docx
Ruby on Rails:路由系统详解.docx
Ruby on Rails:MVC架构理解.docx