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Android with Emulator Shell
1. Change the HOSTS
First step, start my emulator.
Then, remount the device image as writable
>adb remount
Then, save a copy of the hosts file on my own machine
>adb pull /system/etc/hosts /Users/carl/data
Then, edit the hosts as I like
Then, save and push back the hosts file to the emulator
>adb push /Users/carl/data/hosts /system/etc
2. Connect to HTTPS
Error Message when I try to connect to HTTPS
POST: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Not trusted server certificate
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Not trusted server certificate
Some solutions are about disable the SSL based on HTTP-Client or KSOAP2.
Disable SSL check based on HTTPCLIENT
Disable SSL check based on ksoap2
But I am planning to install the CERT on my emulator.
Step 1: Set up OS environment
Android is using a specific keystone type called Bouncycastle KeyStore(BKS).
I download the jar package and place it in my JAVA_HOME lib directory
On my MAC laptop, the directory is here:
>cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home/lib/ext
>sudo cp /Users/carl/data/bcprov-jdk16-141.jar ./
Try to manually install the CERT
>adb pull /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks /Users/carl/data/
Prepare the CERT file, open the URL with Firefox.
[Add Exception…] ---> [View] ---> [Details] ----> [Export] ----> File name sillycat with [X.509 Certificate (PEM)]
>cd /Users/carl/data
>mv sillycat sillycat.cert
Check the certificate file
>keytool -printcert -file sillycat.cer
keytool -keystore cacerts.bks -storetype BKS -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -storepass changeit -importcert -trustcacerts -alias somealias -file ca.cer -noprompt
>keytool -keystore cacerts.bks -storetype BKS -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -storepass changeit -importcert -trustcacerts -alias sillycat -file sillycat.cer -noprompt
I used to think that I do not have password, so I get rid of the line -storepass changeit, I got
Error Message:
keytool error: java.lang.NullPointerException
The default password is changeit, but not empty.
Change the permission on AVD
>adb shell chmod 777 /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks
Push the changed file to AVD
>adb push cacerts.bks /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks
>adb shell ls /system/etc/security/
Restart the AVD and try again.
>adb shell stop
>adb shell start
Much Better, the error message changed
Error Message:
POST: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl.createSocket(OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl.java:83
Maybe, that because I get the CER file by wrong way.
>echo | openssl s_client -connect api.local.sillycat.com:443 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > s1.pem
Import the PEM file again
>keytool -keystore cacerts.bks -storetype BKS -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -storepass changeit -importcert -trustcacerts -alias s1 -file s1.pem -noprompt
Push the file again
>adb push cacerts.bks /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks
Restart the AVD
>adb shell stop
>adb shell start
But still not working.
It is not working for my project which is an old project. Maybe I can try in the newly project in the future.
I will just change the https to http on my local machine this time.
Disable SSL check based on HTTPCLIENT
Disable SSL check based on ksoap2
1. Change the HOSTS
First step, start my emulator.
Then, remount the device image as writable
>adb remount
Then, save a copy of the hosts file on my own machine
>adb pull /system/etc/hosts /Users/carl/data
Then, edit the hosts as I like
Then, save and push back the hosts file to the emulator
>adb push /Users/carl/data/hosts /system/etc
2. Connect to HTTPS
Error Message when I try to connect to HTTPS
POST: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Not trusted server certificate
javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Not trusted server certificate
Some solutions are about disable the SSL based on HTTP-Client or KSOAP2.
Disable SSL check based on HTTPCLIENT
Disable SSL check based on ksoap2
But I am planning to install the CERT on my emulator.
Step 1: Set up OS environment
Android is using a specific keystone type called Bouncycastle KeyStore(BKS).
I download the jar package and place it in my JAVA_HOME lib directory
On my MAC laptop, the directory is here:
>cd /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home/lib/ext
>sudo cp /Users/carl/data/bcprov-jdk16-141.jar ./
Try to manually install the CERT
>adb pull /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks /Users/carl/data/
Prepare the CERT file, open the URL with Firefox.
[Add Exception…] ---> [View] ---> [Details] ----> [Export] ----> File name sillycat with [X.509 Certificate (PEM)]
>cd /Users/carl/data
>mv sillycat sillycat.cert
Check the certificate file
>keytool -printcert -file sillycat.cer
keytool -keystore cacerts.bks -storetype BKS -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -storepass changeit -importcert -trustcacerts -alias somealias -file ca.cer -noprompt
>keytool -keystore cacerts.bks -storetype BKS -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -storepass changeit -importcert -trustcacerts -alias sillycat -file sillycat.cer -noprompt
I used to think that I do not have password, so I get rid of the line -storepass changeit, I got
Error Message:
keytool error: java.lang.NullPointerException
The default password is changeit, but not empty.
Change the permission on AVD
>adb shell chmod 777 /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks
Push the changed file to AVD
>adb push cacerts.bks /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks
>adb shell ls /system/etc/security/
Restart the AVD and try again.
>adb shell stop
>adb shell start
Much Better, the error message changed
Error Message:
POST: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse.OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl.createSocket(OpenSSLSocketFactoryImpl.java:83
Maybe, that because I get the CER file by wrong way.
>echo | openssl s_client -connect api.local.sillycat.com:443 2>&1 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > s1.pem
Import the PEM file again
>keytool -keystore cacerts.bks -storetype BKS -provider org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider -storepass changeit -importcert -trustcacerts -alias s1 -file s1.pem -noprompt
Push the file again
>adb push cacerts.bks /system/etc/security/cacerts.bks
Restart the AVD
>adb shell stop
>adb shell start
But still not working.
It is not working for my project which is an old project. Maybe I can try in the newly project in the future.
I will just change the https to http on my local machine this time.
Disable SSL check based on HTTPCLIENT
Disable SSL check based on ksoap2
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