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Chem XML Message eStandards and CIDX Scenario - Part I
In this blog, we would discuss about CIDX Message eStandards starting from expanding CIDX. CIDX stands for Chemical Industry Data Exchange.
With the advent of "eBusiness", companies in chemical industry adopted certain common communication principles to reduce the overall cost of XML-Based integration projects to realize business transactions with partners. These common principles are based on eStandards known as Chem eStandards which are used by chemical industries for exchanging data Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Marketplace.
To master Chem-eStandards in detail, download the document from http://xml.coverpages.org/Chem-eStandardsV20.pdf and go through it.
To facilitate the use of automated data exchange between chemical companies, CIDX an organization has transformed its organization to operate as standards organization. It will support and maintain the Chem eStandards. Its official website is http://www.cidx.org/.
For making the messages interoperable across the chemical industries based on XML standards, chem eStandards leverage the transport, envelope and security aspects of RNIF version 1.1 as described below diagrammatically:
Find below the explanation of every part of the Chem eStandard Message.
Preamble: It handles information global to document (version, datestamp)
Sample Preamble of the message is as follows:
Service Header: It contains the information about transaction routing and processing information for a given transaction. The service header contains three separate data objects:
Process identity: It describes the process to be carried out by the transaction encapsulated in service content.
2. Service Route: It describes "to" and "from" information.
3. Transaction control: It provides the information how the transaction encapsulated in the service content is to be processed.
Service Content: This contains the actual message that is considered to be an action message which needs to be transported to partner.
Chem eStandards is developed with number of conventions for content and structure of the data models/messages as described below under sections, Message Definition, Message Responses, Message structure, Message elements.
Message Definition: They are defined with two facets of guiding principles.
Individual messages are intended to support only one business function. Eg: OrderCreate is different OrderChange
Individual messages supporting a single business function can modify the nature of transaction being performed based on data values.
For Eg: OrderCreate message support Standard Order, RushOrder etc..
Message Responses: There are two types of Responses. Technical and Transaction Responses.
Technical responses are returned to source system from destination upon deliver of messages from source to destination. Again there are two types.
i.ReceiptAcknowledgement is positive Chem eStandard Signal message. When received, it means that the message is received by partner and the message is valid chem eStandard Action message.
i. ReceiveAcknowledgementException: Received by source to state that the partner has received a message which is invalid in terms of schema validation against DTD
ii.General Exception: Received by source system when processing of action message by partner runs into error.
Transaction Response: They are reply or response to requested Action Message. For eg: Purchase Order Response is sent by partner as a response to the action message received like Purchase Order.
They are unique and it is not necessary that every transaction has transaction response.
Note: Action message is the actual message that is sent to partner. Eg: Invoice
Signal message is the response message that is received by source system in response to the action message received by partner.
Message Structure: It is XML document conforming to corresponding DTD (Data type definition). Every message will start with a root element addressing the message itself and has child elements as Header and Body.
Message Elements: An XML specification describes structure data as explained above. XML document elements may either contain other data elements or data (or both). These message elements may contain attributes that describe the data within the message element.
On the whole, transactions can be exchanged between business partners with a sample explained diagrammatically below:
Chem XML Message eStandards and CIDX Scenario - Part I
In this blog, we would discuss about CIDX Message eStandards starting from expanding CIDX. CIDX stands for Chemical Industry Data Exchange.
With the advent of "eBusiness", companies in chemical industry adopted certain common communication principles to reduce the overall cost of XML-Based integration projects to realize business transactions with partners. These common principles are based on eStandards known as Chem eStandards which are used by chemical industries for exchanging data Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Marketplace.
To master Chem-eStandards in detail, download the document from http://xml.coverpages.org/Chem-eStandardsV20.pdf and go through it.
To facilitate the use of automated data exchange between chemical companies, CIDX an organization has transformed its organization to operate as standards organization. It will support and maintain the Chem eStandards. Its official website is http://www.cidx.org/.
For making the messages interoperable across the chemical industries based on XML standards, chem eStandards leverage the transport, envelope and security aspects of RNIF version 1.1 as described below diagrammatically:
Find below the explanation of every part of the Chem eStandard Message.
Preamble: It handles information global to document (version, datestamp)
Sample Preamble of the message is as follows:
Service Header: It contains the information about transaction routing and processing information for a given transaction. The service header contains three separate data objects:
Process identity: It describes the process to be carried out by the transaction encapsulated in service content.
2. Service Route: It describes "to" and "from" information.
3. Transaction control: It provides the information how the transaction encapsulated in the service content is to be processed.
Service Content: This contains the actual message that is considered to be an action message which needs to be transported to partner.
Chem eStandards is developed with number of conventions for content and structure of the data models/messages as described below under sections, Message Definition, Message Responses, Message structure, Message elements.
Message Definition: They are defined with two facets of guiding principles.
Individual messages are intended to support only one business function. Eg: OrderCreate is different OrderChange
Individual messages supporting a single business function can modify the nature of transaction being performed based on data values.
For Eg: OrderCreate message support Standard Order, RushOrder etc..
Message Responses: There are two types of Responses. Technical and Transaction Responses.
Technical responses are returned to source system from destination upon deliver of messages from source to destination. Again there are two types.
i.ReceiptAcknowledgement is positive Chem eStandard Signal message. When received, it means that the message is received by partner and the message is valid chem eStandard Action message.
i. ReceiveAcknowledgementException: Received by source to state that the partner has received a message which is invalid in terms of schema validation against DTD
ii.General Exception: Received by source system when processing of action message by partner runs into error.
Transaction Response: They are reply or response to requested Action Message. For eg: Purchase Order Response is sent by partner as a response to the action message received like Purchase Order.
They are unique and it is not necessary that every transaction has transaction response.
Note: Action message is the actual message that is sent to partner. Eg: Invoice
Signal message is the response message that is received by source system in response to the action message received by partner.
Message Structure: It is XML document conforming to corresponding DTD (Data type definition). Every message will start with a root element addressing the message itself and has child elements as Header and Body.
Message Elements: An XML specification describes structure data as explained above. XML document elements may either contain other data elements or data (or both). These message elements may contain attributes that describe the data within the message element.
On the whole, transactions can be exchanged between business partners with a sample explained diagrammatically below:
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1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。
内容概要: 该文件为Java最新LTS版本JDK 21版本的exe安装包,安装后无需配置环境变量 适用人群: 使用使用Java环境运行服务和开发的人群 使用建议: 使用可参考官网亦可参考本博主所撰Java相关文章
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。
# 双色球选号过滤器使用说明 ## 1. 基本功能 - 随机生成双色球号码 - 多选模式选号 - 过滤条件筛选 - 结果导出(支持TXT和Excel格式) ## 2. 界面说明 ### 2.1 生成设置 - **生成组数**:设置要生成的号码组数(随机模式下使用) - **多选模式**:勾选后可以手动输入多个号码进行组合 - 红球输入:7-20个号码,用空格分隔(如:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) - 蓝球输入:输入1个号码(1-16之间) ### 2.2 基本过滤条件 - **和值范围**:红球号码之和的范围(建议:60-120) - **奇数个数**:红球中奇数的个数(建议:2-4个) - **连号设置**:是否允许连续的号码 ### 2.3 高级过滤条件 - **AC值范围**:用于衡量号码分布的均匀度(建议:2-15) - AC值越小,号码分布越均匀 - AC值越大,号码分布越集中 ### 2.4 导出设置 - **TXT格式**:导出为文本文件 - **Excel格式**:导出为Excel表格
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1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。
1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。
511玩具商城系统,包含两种角色:管理员、用户,系统分为前台和后台两大模块,主要功能如下。 【前台】: 1. 商城:用户可以浏览和搜索商品,查看商品详情,选择商品加入购物车,进行下单购买。 2. 交流:用户可以在论坛中与其他用户交流,发表帖子、评论和回复。 3. 我的主页:用户可以查看自己的个人信息,包括头像、昵称等,同时也可以查看自己的购物记录、订单状态等。 4. 我的购物车:用户可以管理购物车中的商品,包括添加、删除商品、修改商品数量等操作。 5. 收货订单:用户可以查看自己的订单列表,包括待付款、待发货、待收货和已完成的订单,可以查看订单详情、确认收货等。 6. 收货地址:用户可以管理自己的收货地址,包括添加、编辑、删除地址等操作。 7. 基本信息:用户可以管理自己的基本信息,包括修改密码、修改个人资料等。 8. 我的文章:用户可以发布和管理自己的文章,包括添加、编辑、删除文章等操作。 9. 我的提成:用户可以查看自己的提成情况,包括提成金额、提成历史等信息。 【后台】: 1. 系统管理:管理员可以管理系统的用户账号和权限,包括添加、编辑、删除用户,设置用户权限等。 2. 商
内容概要:本文详细介绍了一个使用MATLAB实现的车牌识别系统的实战项目。文中选取常见的车牌识别为例,涵盖了从图像预处理到字符分割及识别的全过程,展示了MATLAB在图像处理方面的强大功能。通过实际案例,不仅呈现了具体代码的实现方式,还在每一步骤中辅以简明的理论解释,使用户能够理解和动手实践。全文注重实用性与操作性,力求内容易懂且便于初学者上手。 适合人群:适合于对MATLAB感兴趣的初学者,尤其是从事智能交通系统研究的学生以及初级工程师。 使用场景及目标:该项目帮助使用者掌握MATLAB的基础应用,特别是利用其图像处理工具解决实际问题的方法和技术;同时也为后续深入学习提供了很好的起点,引导使用者从基础知识逐渐过渡到高级技术如深度学习的集成。 其他说明:文章还提出了针对实际应用场景下的几种效果优化方法和常见问题解决方案,例如如何处理光照变化、校正图像倾斜等问题,并给出了更多潜在的应用前景和发展方向。同时提醒读者可以联系特定渠道获得完整代码及更多学习资料。
内容概要:本文详细介绍了一个基于视觉识别的智能分拣机器人项目的设计与实现过程。首先介绍了项目背景和发展趋势,强调了该项目的重要性和应用场景。接着阐述了项目的目标、具体硬件选型和技术路线,重点讲述了软件设计部分,包括视觉识别、路径规划和运动控制的具体实现方法,并提供了一段使用OpenCV和PID控制算法进行物体识别与分拣操作的关键代码示例。此外,针对实际开发过程中可能出现的问题进行了分析并给出了相应的解决方案。 适用人群:对机器人技术和自动化感兴趣的初学者以及从事相关领域的技术人员。 使用场景及目标:帮助读者理解智能分拣机器人的完整开发流程,掌握机器人控制系统中视觉识别和运动控制的核心技能,提升在机器人项目中的动手能力。 其他说明:文中提及的所有技术和工具均为当前行业内广泛应用的标准做法;所展示代码虽经简化但仍能真实反映出项目实施细节;文中提到的几个主要难点均给出了解决策略。