In the first part (Chem XML Message eStandards and CIDX Scenario – Part I), we have discussed about CIDX Message eStandards. Now let us discuss how to configure and design the objects to support the communication based on CIDX standards in XI. This is achieved by designing the Message types in Integration Repository and configuring collaboration profiles using CIDX adapter in Integration Repository. CIDX Adapter: CIDX Adapter supports the chem eStandards described in PartI and facilitates to send the messages between Integration Server and Partner System by transforming the message format in XML to message format compliant to chem eStandard Business transaction (chem XML Message) and vice-versa. It supports Single-Action Asynchronous business transaction, in the sense, at a time it can send only single action message (for eg: Invoice) to partner system in asynchronous mode. There is variety of chem eStandard business transactions described in the chem eStandard document {code:html}{code} that can be exchanged with partner participating in different roles such as buyer, seller and so on. For eg: some of the transactions supporting Logistics execution is listed below; where in third column indicate Global Process Indicator code of chem XML Transactions. Fig: Sample Transaction Code List The messages when sent by Integration Engine to Adapter Engine, in Adapter Engine, the messages are enveloped as RNIF Action and Signal messages as specified in RNIF 1.1 specification. Find below the step by step procedure to design and configure the scenario to send a sample (Invoice) message to Partner system. _Design time activities in Integration Repository_: XI message based on chem. eStandards, must be compliant with message interface content in repository. This means that the DTDs/Schemas need to be downloaded from ( and uploaded into Integration Repository through External Definitions as illustrated in the screenshot below: Version: Specify the selected version of the message chosen from the schemas available from ( For understanding more about the parameters of CIDX adapter while configuring them, go through (
6. **Chem XML Message eStandards and CIDX Scenario**:这两部分讲解了化工行业的XML消息标准和CIDX(化工信息交换联盟)场景,展示了如何在XI中处理这类行业特定的数据格式。 7. **建模工具**:集成场景建模工具...
WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)是一种气象预报模式,WRF-Chem 是其化学传输模块,用于研究大气污染物的传输和化学反应。以下是在 CentOS 6.5 系统中安装 WRF、WPS、WRF-Chem 及相应的软件的步骤。 1. ...
《Chem ID烧写操作指南》是一份旨在指导用户如何将Chem ID烧写到指定设备中的操作手册。Chem ID可能指的是一种化学标识或者特定的数据标识,用于在设备中存储与化学特性或识别码相关的数据。本文会从烧写操作的步骤...
在现代气象学和环境科学研究中,Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 模型及其化学模块 WRF-Chem 是广泛应用的数值模拟系统。它能进行天气预报、气候变化分析及空气质量研究等任务。在实际操作中,数据预处理和...
Chem3D 软件使用教程 Chem3D 是一款功能强大且广泛应用于化学、生物、药理等领域的三维建模和可视化软件。该软件提供了丰富的功能和工具,帮助用户快速建立和可视化三维模型。下面是 Chem3D 软件的常用功能使用...
### Chem3D 使用说明书知识点概览 #### 一、关于 Chem3D - **Chem3D** 是一款专业用于分子结构构建与分析的软件,它能够帮助用户在三维空间中直观地展示化学分子结构。 - **附加计算引擎**:Chem3D 支持多种计算...
在IT行业中,尤其是在气象学和环境科学领域,WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模型与WRF-Chem的结合使用是极为重要的工具。WRF-Chem是一个集成化的大气化学模型,它扩展了基本的WRF模型,允许进行空气质量...
WRF-Chem 是一个开源的天气研究和预报模型,基于 Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) 模型,集成了化学传输模型 (Chem)。WRF-Chem 模型可以模拟大气中各种气象过程和化学反应,广泛应用于气象研究和气候模拟...
为了更好地理解天津市大气污染物的时间变化规律和空间分布特点,该研究利用WRF-Chem(Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry)模型进行了数值模拟分析,并将模拟结果与实际观测数据进行了...
自述文件,用于GEOS-Chem科学代码库 总览 该存储库( )包含GEOS-Chem科学代码库(又名GEOS-Chem化学模块)。 此存储库中包括: GEOS-Chem科学例程的源代码; 创建GEOS-Chem运行目录的脚本; 运行GEOS-Chem测试的...
工具简介本工具针对清华大学 MEIC 源排放清单(0.25°Í0.25°,2016),实现了清单中各污染物排放量向 WRF-Chem 模式网格的插值和分配。工具
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批处理教程比较详.chem,这可能是一个关于批处理技术的深入教程,旨在帮助初学者快速掌握批处理的基础知识。 批处理的核心在于编写批处理脚本,这些脚本包含了一系列的DOS命令,例如`COPY`, `DEL`, `REN`, `MD`, `...
1.程序语言为matlab,程序可出预测效果图,迭代优化图,相关分析图,运行环境matlab2020b及以上。 2.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 3.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学...
Chem3D 软件使用教程 Chem3D 是一个三维分子结构演示软件,提供功能制作结构、读取 ChemDraw 结构、进行结构优化计算、并和数种量子化学软件结合在一起。 Chem3D 的主要功能包括模型窗口、工具栏、模型类型、三维...
2018《5147chem化学试剂》电商平台 商业计划书.pdf
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