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安联保险公司(Allianz SE)和美国运通公司(American Express Co.)分别抛售了所持中国工商银行(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.)股份的一半,从中获得现金19.1亿美元。按市值计算,中国工商银行是全球最大的银行。安联和美国运通在联合公告中称,安联共出售了32.2亿股,美国运通出售了6.38亿股。在它们所持中国工商银行的股票周二解除锁定后,这两家公司立刻转让了这部分股份。安联和美国运通并未透露具体出售条款,但称它们是通过私募方式向慎重选择的一组投资者出售这部分股份的。一位知情人士周二说,转让价格为每股3.86港元(50美分),比工商银行周一每股4.02港元的收盘价低4%。工商银行周二上涨2.5%,收于每股4.12港元。香港鸿福证券(Redford Securities)执行董事邓声兴(Kenny Tang)说,可能出售股份带来的悬念现在终于尘埃落定了。在出售这部分股票后,安联仍持有工商银行0.97%的股份,美国运通持有0.2%的股份。这部分股票的锁定期将于10月20日到期。按保费总收入计算,安联是欧洲最大的保险公司。高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)也是工商银行的战略投资者,共持有4.9%的股份。在此次交易中,高盛被聘请接受此次交易的购买指令。高盛已同意将其中80%的投资锁定到2010年4月28日。不过,在周二之后,高盛可以自由出售其中20%的投资。Amy Or相关阅读工商银行一季净利增长 息差收入下滑 2009-04-28安联保险和美国运通考虑出售工行股份 2009-04-24高盛同意延长所持工行股份锁定期 2009-03-26中国工商银行2008年净利润增长36% 2009-03-25 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月29日09:44', '601398.SH'));中国工商银行股份有限公司(简称:工商银行)英文名称:Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:上海证交所股票代码:601398document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月29日09:44', '1398.HK'));中国工商银行股份有限公司(简称:工商银行)英文名称:Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:香港交易所股票代码:1398document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月29日09:44', 'AXP'));美国运通公司英文名称:American Express Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:AXPdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月29日09:44', 'AZ'));安联保险公司英文名称:Allianz SE (ADS)总部地点:德国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:AZdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月29日09:44', 'IDCBY'));Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd. (ADS)总部地点:中国大陆上市地点:NNOTC股票代码:IDCBYdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月29日09:44', 'ALV.XE'));安联保险公司英文名称:Allianz SE总部地点:德国上市地点:德国证券电子交易平台股票代码:ALVG
Allianz SE and American Express Co. raised US$1.91 billion by selling half their respective stakes in the world's largest lender by market value, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.In a joint statement, Allianz said it sold 3.22 billion shares and American Express said it sold 638 million shares. The companies reduced their investments as soon as a lockup period on the ICBC shares expired Tuesday.Allianz and AmEx didn't specify the terms of the sale, saying that they sold to 'a select group of investors' through a private placement. The shares were sold at 3.86 Hong Kong dollars each (50 U.S. cents), a discount of 4% to ICBC's Monday closing price of HK$4.02, a person familiar with the situation said Tuesday. ICBC rose 2.5% to HK$4.12 on Tuesday.'The overhang brought on by possible stake sell-downs should be over for now,' said Kenny Tang, an executive director with Redford Securities.Allianz, Europe's largest insurer by gross premiums, still has a 0.97% stake in ICBC, and American Express holds 0.2% after the sale. The lockup period for those shares will end Oct. 20.Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which was appointed to take purchase orders in the deal, is also a strategic investor in ICBC with a 4.9% stake. It has agreed to a new lockup covering 80% of its investment until April 28, 2010. Goldman will be free, however, to sell 20% of its investment after Tuesday.Amy Or
Allianz SE and American Express Co. raised US$1.91 billion by selling half their respective stakes in the world's largest lender by market value, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd.In a joint statement, Allianz said it sold 3.22 billion shares and American Express said it sold 638 million shares. The companies reduced their investments as soon as a lockup period on the ICBC shares expired Tuesday.Allianz and AmEx didn't specify the terms of the sale, saying that they sold to 'a select group of investors' through a private placement. The shares were sold at 3.86 Hong Kong dollars each (50 U.S. cents), a discount of 4% to ICBC's Monday closing price of HK$4.02, a person familiar with the situation said Tuesday. ICBC rose 2.5% to HK$4.12 on Tuesday.'The overhang brought on by possible stake sell-downs should be over for now,' said Kenny Tang, an executive director with Redford Securities.Allianz, Europe's largest insurer by gross premiums, still has a 0.97% stake in ICBC, and American Express holds 0.2% after the sale. The lockup period for those shares will end Oct. 20.Goldman Sachs Group Inc., which was appointed to take purchase orders in the deal, is also a strategic investor in ICBC with a 4.9% stake. It has agreed to a new lockup covering 80% of its investment until April 28, 2010. Goldman will be free, however, to sell 20% of its investment after Tuesday.Amy Or
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