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Mossberg's Mailbox

专栏作家莫博士就有关电脑和其他电子设备的常见技术问题答读者问。问:我如何从Gmail转发电子邮件?别的邮件程序都有转发按钮,但我在Gmail中没看到。答:Gmail将许多菜单选项隐藏在打开的邮件页面右上角的“回复”图标下。点击“回复”图标旁边那个向下的小箭头,你就会看到可以针对邮件信息进行的更多活动,包括转发回复所有人打印等等。问:我看了你不久前写的关于IE8的文章,并在我的台式机中安装了IE8。在你的文章中没有提到IE8会让电脑运行速度显著变慢,但在我的电脑上却产生了这样的结果。你为何没提到这一点?我能卸载IE8,回到原先的版本吗?答:我没有提到你遇到的问题,因为在我用于测试IE8的多台Windows电脑上,我从未发现IE8会导致电脑速度普遍变慢。我的确警告过,当IE8同时打开多个网站页面时,它本身会变得极为缓慢。但在我的测试中,就算是这样也不会让整个电脑运行速度变慢。不过,你当然可以卸载IE8,恢复原来的版本。微软(Microsoft)提供了完整的指南,甚至还有自动卸载程序,网址是: support.microsoft.com/kb/957700。Walter S. Mossberg(编者按:本文作者Walter S. Mossberg是《华尔街日报》科技栏目Personal Technology,Mossberg's Mailbox等栏目的专栏作家。这些栏目主要介绍一些最新的消费类科技产品和解决方案,并解答读者提出的问题。) 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月07日07:52', 'T'));美国电话电报公司英文名称:AT&T Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:Tdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月07日07:52', 'AAPL'));苹果公司英文名称:Apple Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纳斯达克股票代码:AAPL

[Technology columnist Walter S. Mossberg answers readers' questions]Q: How do I forward an email from Gmail? I don't see any icon for forwarding messages like I do on other email programs.A: Gmail hides a bunch of menu choices under the Reply icon in the upper-right-hand corner of open emails. If you click on the small downward arrow next to the Reply icon, you will see more actions you can take on the message, including Forward, Reply to All, Print and others.Q: I read your recent article on IE8 and installed it on my desktop. I did not notice in your article any mention of IE8 slowing the computer down significantly, but it has had this effect on my PC. Why didn't you mention it? Can I uninstall IE8 and return to the prior version?A: I didn't mention the problem you are having because I never observed that Internet Explorer 8 caused any general slowdown of any of the multiple Windows PCs on which I tested it. I did warn that IE8 itself grew sluggish when it had a large number of Web sites open simultaneously in tabs, but, in my tests, even that didn't slow down the whole computer.However, you can indeed uninstall IE8 and return to the previous version. Microsoft has provided complete instructions, and even an automated uninstall program, at: support.microsoft.com/kb/957700.Walter S. Mossberg


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