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拉斯维加斯金沙集团股份有限公司(Las Vegas Sands Corp.)的董事长兼首席执行长萧登•艾德森(Sheldon Adelson)最近曾靠投掷骰子来决定是否购买本公司股份,而他对于该公司最近与中国投资者的谈判可能也采取了听天由命的态度。萧登•艾德森艾德森过去两周购买了价值3,740万美元的拉斯维加斯金沙集团股票,鉴于证券法对此类购股行为的限定,这表明该公司在澳门一项交易的完成进度并不比公开披露信息所显示的快很多。证券法规定,在事关一家企业前景的重要信息公开披露前,该企业的内部人士不得买卖这家企业的股票。拉斯维加斯金沙集团的一位发言人说,艾德森和该公司对上述购股一事无可奉告。拉斯维加斯金沙集团已表示,它正与中国两家投资集团就后者购买澳门一些赌场和酒店的股份一事展开谈判。由于全球经济陷入低迷,拉斯维加斯金沙集团已经搁置了它在澳门的一些开发项目。InsiderScore.com是一家追踪及评估企业内部人士活动的网站,其研究负责人席尔瓦曼(Ben Silverman)说,如果不先期进行私下谈判,要想在澳门采取一项重要的战略举措是不大可能的。席尔瓦曼说,由于有内部人交易方面的法律约束,艾德森是不大可能在知晓重大内幕消息的情况下收购自己公司股票的。席尔瓦曼认为,要么是与中国投资者的谈判实际上并未开始,要么是这一谈判近期内不会有任何结果。他从艾德森购买自己公司股票这件事上判断,与中国投资者的谈判尚处在非常初步的阶段,与达成交易还差得远。据提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的文件显示,艾德森在3月份的最后三个交易日购买了1,260万股拉斯维加斯金沙集团的股票。席尔瓦曼说,艾德森购买本公司股票虽然又是一个好迹象,但这点购买额对艾德森来说不过是九牛一毛,他2008年向拉斯维加斯金沙集团投资了约10亿美元。David J. Reynolds相关阅读何鸿燊呼吁抵制金沙集团澳门赌场 2009-03-09拉斯维加斯金沙集团正与中资银行协商澳门项目融资事宜 2008-11-12拉斯维加斯金沙集团否认下调澳门业务贷款目标 2008-08-20 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年04月08日13:38', 'LVS'));Las Vegas Sands Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:LVSdocument.write (truthmeter('2009年04月08日13:38', 'LVS'));拉斯维加斯金沙集团股份有限公司英文名称:Las Vegas Sands Co.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:LVS
Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s chairman and chief executive, Sheldon Adelson, recently rolled the dice with a purchase of company shares, and he may also have tipped his hand regarding the casino company's talks with Chinese investors.Mr. Adelson bought $37.4 million of the stock in the last two weeks, a move that, because of the nature of securities laws, suggests that the Las Vegas company isn't significantly closer to completing a Macau deal than has already been publicly disclosed.An insider, after all, is prohibited from trading while in possession of important nonpublic information about a company's prospects.Mr. Adelson and the company had no comment on the stock purchases, a spokesman said.Las Vegas Sands has said it is talking to two Chinese investment groups about their potential purchase of stakes in casinos and hotels in Macau, China's gambling enclave. Las Vegas Sands has placed some Macau projects on hold because of the world-wide economic slowdown.An important strategic move in Macau would likely be impossible without private discussions well in advance, said Ben Silverman, director of research at InsiderScore.com, a site that tracks and rates activity by corporate insiders.The legal constraints on insider trading suggest that Mr. Adelson isn't sitting on big news, Mr. Silverman said.'Either those talks really haven't started or there's nothing imminent,' Mr. Silverman said. 'The buying signaled to me that everything is very preliminary, that they must not be close to a deal.'Mr. Adelson purchased 12.6 million company shares on the last three trading days in March, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mr. Silverman said the stock purchase, while an incrementally positive sign, amounted to a 'drop in the bucket' for Mr. Adelson, who invested about $1 billion in the company during 2008.David J. Reynolds
Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s chairman and chief executive, Sheldon Adelson, recently rolled the dice with a purchase of company shares, and he may also have tipped his hand regarding the casino company's talks with Chinese investors.Mr. Adelson bought $37.4 million of the stock in the last two weeks, a move that, because of the nature of securities laws, suggests that the Las Vegas company isn't significantly closer to completing a Macau deal than has already been publicly disclosed.An insider, after all, is prohibited from trading while in possession of important nonpublic information about a company's prospects.Mr. Adelson and the company had no comment on the stock purchases, a spokesman said.Las Vegas Sands has said it is talking to two Chinese investment groups about their potential purchase of stakes in casinos and hotels in Macau, China's gambling enclave. Las Vegas Sands has placed some Macau projects on hold because of the world-wide economic slowdown.An important strategic move in Macau would likely be impossible without private discussions well in advance, said Ben Silverman, director of research at InsiderScore.com, a site that tracks and rates activity by corporate insiders.The legal constraints on insider trading suggest that Mr. Adelson isn't sitting on big news, Mr. Silverman said.'Either those talks really haven't started or there's nothing imminent,' Mr. Silverman said. 'The buying signaled to me that everything is very preliminary, that they must not be close to a deal.'Mr. Adelson purchased 12.6 million company shares on the last three trading days in March, according to filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Mr. Silverman said the stock purchase, while an incrementally positive sign, amounted to a 'drop in the bucket' for Mr. Adelson, who invested about $1 billion in the company during 2008.David J. Reynolds
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【标题】"skybox对地凝视-Las Vegas"揭示了一项高级的远程监控技术,它利用了Skybox系统对拉斯维加斯地区特定公路的实时观察。这项技术结合了高清卫星成像与智能分析算法,能够捕捉并解析地面上的动态情况。 【描述...
**Las Vegas算法详解** 在计算机科学领域,特别是算法设计中,Las Vegas算法是一种重要的随机算法。这个算法以其独特的性质在解决特定问题时展现了其高效的一面,尤其是在数据结构和计算复杂性理论的研究中占有显著...
### N皇后问题Las Vegas优化算法的实现 #### 引言 N皇后问题是一个经典的计算机科学问题,涉及到在N×N的棋盘上放置N个皇后,使得任何两个皇后都不在同一行、同一列或同一对角线上。这个问题不仅具有数学上的趣味...
东南大学计算机系的课程中,学生们会接触到多种算法,包括KMP字符串匹配算法、Monte Carlo算法和Las Vegas算法。这三种算法在数据结构(DS)的教学中占据着重要地位,因为它们涉及到不同的问题解决策略和复杂度分析...
这是本科算法(DS,DATA STRUCTURE)课程中中最重要的三种算法:KMP, Monte Carlo 和Las Vegas算法。资源里有做好的KMP, Monte Carlo 和Las Vegas算法代码以及2份算法报告。
Monte Carlo、Las Vegas和Sherwood是三种著名的概率算法,它们各自具有不同的特点和应用场景。 1. **Monte Carlo算法**: Monte Carlo算法是以统计物理学中的蒙特卡洛方法命名的,它通过大量随机抽样来求解问题。...
"las-vegas.zip"这个压缩包显然包含了与拉斯维加斯相关的CAD设计数据,这为我们提供了一个深入了解这座全球知名城市的建筑设计和城市规划的机会。 首先,我们注意到压缩包内的"las-vegas.dxf"文件,这是一个CAD数据...
添加到您的Chrome浏览器Las Vegas新标签并获得当地的新闻,当地的天气预报以及最近的景点和旅行亮点Las Vegas提供的景点。 随着我们最喜欢的网站快捷方式,我们的扩展是100%免费 此产品具有大量TLC,100%免费。 ...
段路由(Segment Routing,简称SR)是一种新的网络协议,其核心是通过简化路由选择过程,提高网络效率和灵活性。SR的核心思想是将路由的选择权交给源节点,从而实现基于源的路由(Source Routing)并允许数据包在...
拉斯维加斯 作为闪闪发光的拉斯维加斯世界中的冒险者,玩家掷骰子可获得大量现金。 该程序是用C ++和第三方库开发的。 如需更多帮助,请访问 重要的!!! 请单击链接任务,完成后移至“处理中”,完成后移至“完成...
VEGAS教程:视频编辑的得力助手 在现代媒体制作的领域中,视频编辑是不可或缺的一环,而VEGAS作为一款专业的视频编辑软件,一直备受视频制作人员和后期制作专家的青睐。无论你是初学者还是资深人士,VEGAS的灵活...
本资源提供了一个关于英语学习的习题答案,主要涵盖了 Las Vegas 城市的概况、 Hurrican Camille 的故事、以及相关的英语学习知识点。 一、 Las Vegas 城市概况 Las Vegas 城市是南内华达州克拉克县的县城,1970...
Vegas是一款强大的视频编辑软件,由Sonic Foundry公司开发,现已被Magix公司收购。它以其直观的界面和丰富的功能在专业和业余用户中都备受好评。"羁绊原创vegas照片展示模板"显然是一个专为Vegas设计的、用于展示...