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AP Photo/CBS News-60 Minutes全美航空集团1549次航班的全体机组人员接受了采访上个月,当全美航空集团(US Airways)的1549次航班在哈德逊河上紧急迫降之后,负责那架A320飞机后部的乘务员威尔什(Doreen Welsh)试图关闭被一位乘客打开导致河水涌入的紧急逃生出口。据哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)周日播出的《60分钟》节目,威尔什说,一位乘客回到飞机尾部,推开我然后打开舱门,立刻,垃圾桶和咖啡壶到处漂。当时真是乱套了。但这位US Airways Group的资深乘务员说,她开始大叫……推乘客,让他们到前出口去。今年58岁的威尔什已经在全美航空做了38年乘务员。她说,“当我站起来的时候,我想我可能还会活下来。”威尔什在这场事故中腿部划了很深的一条口子。这家飞机1月15日从纽约拉瓜迪亚机场起飞后不久就与鸟群相撞,两只发动机均失去动力。在全美航空服役29年的58岁飞行员苏伦伯格(Chesley Sullenberger)曾考虑返回拉瓜迪亚机场或迫降新泽西泰特波罗机场。但据《60分钟》的采访和上周公布的空管无线电传送记录显示,苏伦伯格后来迅速判定,“唯一可行的选择唯一平滑且面积足够降落一架飞机的地方是哈德逊河面。于是,他驾驶这架载有150名乘客和5名机组人员的无动力飞机向南沿着与哈德逊河的方向滑行。根据CBS的采访,苏伦伯格说,他当时惊呆了,不过他还是从副驾驶斯嘉利斯(Jeffrey Skiles)手里接手控制飞机,之前一直是斯嘉利斯在驾驶飞机。他们的飞机是在起飞后不久在大约3,200英尺高度与鸟群发生相撞的。斯嘉利斯随后开始按照应急工作清单做相关准备。曾在美国空军担任战斗机飞行员持有滑翔机驾照的苏伦伯格在采访中说,在先后决定放弃返回拉瓜迪斯亚机场和转降泰特波罗机场之后,他面对的工作很艰难。他说,降落时我需要让机翼完全处于水平状态。我还需要让飞机机头稍稍抬起。我需要让飞机的降落速度保持在能让我们保住生命的水平。我还需要降落速度刚刚高于最低飞行速度,而不能低于它。而且,我需要同时做到所有这一切。他设法做到了,他让飞机在高于乔治•华盛顿大桥900英尺的高度掠过,最后降落在水面上,除了一只发动机脱落外毫发无损。发动机后来被从河底打捞上来。在全美航空服务了28年的57岁乘务员戴尔(Sheila Dail)说,在水中降落没发生一点激烈的颠簸,只是好像被撞了一下。降落到水面后,飞行员和乘务人员立刻开始疏散乘客。所有乘客和机组人员都得以逃生,只有少数人受伤。机组人员被当做名人对待,他们还参加了奥巴马总统的就职典礼,并以明星身份出席了“超级碗”橄榄球决赛。Susan Carey相关阅读原声视频:美国客机水上迫降乘客逃生过程 2009-01-19全美航空英雄飞行员一夜成名 2009-01-19美国一飞机坠河 人员全部生还 2009-01-16图片报导:美国飞机水中迫降 2009-01-16 本文涉及股票或公司document.write (truthmeter('2009年02月09日14:08', 'LCC'));US Airways Group Inc.总部地点:美国上市地点:纽约证交所股票代码:LCC
After US Airways Flight 1549 crash-landed in the Hudson River in New York last month, flight attendant Doreen Welsh, stationed in the back of the A320 jetliner, tried to close an emergency exit opened by a passenger, allowing water to rush in.According to an interview aired Sunday on CBS News's '60 Minutes,' Ms. Welsh said after a passenger 'came back and pushed me back and opened the door,' garbage cans and coffee pots 'were floating' and 'things were flying. It was crazy back there.'But the veteran attendant at US Airways Group Inc. said she 'started yelling . . . and pushing people and getting people to go over the seats' toward the front exits. Ms. Welsh, 58 years old, has been flying with the airline for 38 years. 'As I was getting up, I thought I might actually live,' she said. Ms. Welsh was seriously injured with a leg gash.The plane, which collided with a flock of birds just after takeoff from New York's LaGuardia Airport on Jan. 15, lost power in both engines. Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, 58, a 29-year veteran of the airline, thought about returning to LaGuardia or landing at New Jersey's Teterboro Airport.But, according to the 60 Minutes interview and air-traffic-control radio transmissions released last week, the pilot quickly determined that 'the only viable alternative, the only level, smooth place sufficiently large to land an airliner was the river.' So he turned the powerless plane, carrying 150 passengers and five crew members, and glided south to line up with the Hudson.According to the CBS interview, Capt. Sullenberger said he was 'in shock' even though he had the wherewithal to take command of the plane from First Officer Jeffrey Skiles, who had been flying when the birds struck at about 3,200 feet, soon after takeoff. The first officer then worked on the emergency check-list. Capt. Sullenberger, a former Air Force fighter pilot and certified glider pilot, said in the interview that after he rejected a plan to return to LaGuardia and then to go to Teterboro, he had his work cut out for him.'I needed to touch down with the wings exactly level,' he said. 'I needed to touch down with the nose slightly up. I needed to touch down at . . . a descent rate that was survivable. And I needed to touch down just above our minimum flying speed but not below it. And I needed to make all these things happen simultaneously.'He managed to do that, clearing the George Washington Bridge by 900 feet, and put the plane down in the water without breaking anything, although one engine sheered off and later was recovered from the river bottom. Flight attendant Sheila Dail said the water landing had 'no bounce to it. It was just like a slam.' Ms. Dail, 57, is a 28-year veteran of the airline.Once in the water, the pilots and flight attendants sprang into action to evacuate the passengers. All the passengers and crew escaped, with only minor injuries. The crew has been lionized, attending President Barack Obama's inauguration and doing a star turn at the Superbowl.Susan Carey
After US Airways Flight 1549 crash-landed in the Hudson River in New York last month, flight attendant Doreen Welsh, stationed in the back of the A320 jetliner, tried to close an emergency exit opened by a passenger, allowing water to rush in.According to an interview aired Sunday on CBS News's '60 Minutes,' Ms. Welsh said after a passenger 'came back and pushed me back and opened the door,' garbage cans and coffee pots 'were floating' and 'things were flying. It was crazy back there.'But the veteran attendant at US Airways Group Inc. said she 'started yelling . . . and pushing people and getting people to go over the seats' toward the front exits. Ms. Welsh, 58 years old, has been flying with the airline for 38 years. 'As I was getting up, I thought I might actually live,' she said. Ms. Welsh was seriously injured with a leg gash.The plane, which collided with a flock of birds just after takeoff from New York's LaGuardia Airport on Jan. 15, lost power in both engines. Capt. Chesley Sullenberger, 58, a 29-year veteran of the airline, thought about returning to LaGuardia or landing at New Jersey's Teterboro Airport.But, according to the 60 Minutes interview and air-traffic-control radio transmissions released last week, the pilot quickly determined that 'the only viable alternative, the only level, smooth place sufficiently large to land an airliner was the river.' So he turned the powerless plane, carrying 150 passengers and five crew members, and glided south to line up with the Hudson.According to the CBS interview, Capt. Sullenberger said he was 'in shock' even though he had the wherewithal to take command of the plane from First Officer Jeffrey Skiles, who had been flying when the birds struck at about 3,200 feet, soon after takeoff. The first officer then worked on the emergency check-list. Capt. Sullenberger, a former Air Force fighter pilot and certified glider pilot, said in the interview that after he rejected a plan to return to LaGuardia and then to go to Teterboro, he had his work cut out for him.'I needed to touch down with the wings exactly level,' he said. 'I needed to touch down with the nose slightly up. I needed to touch down at . . . a descent rate that was survivable. And I needed to touch down just above our minimum flying speed but not below it. And I needed to make all these things happen simultaneously.'He managed to do that, clearing the George Washington Bridge by 900 feet, and put the plane down in the water without breaking anything, although one engine sheered off and later was recovered from the river bottom. Flight attendant Sheila Dail said the water landing had 'no bounce to it. It was just like a slam.' Ms. Dail, 57, is a 28-year veteran of the airline.Once in the water, the pilots and flight attendants sprang into action to evacuate the passengers. All the passengers and crew escaped, with only minor injuries. The crew has been lionized, attending President Barack Obama's inauguration and doing a star turn at the Superbowl.Susan Carey
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