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1.  Greedy Algorithms : Iteratively make "myopic" decisions, hope everything works out at the end.

    Example: Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm (processed each destination once, irrevocably)


2.  Contrast with Divide & Conquer

    a)  Easy to propose multiple greedy algorithms for many problems.

    b)  Easy running time analysis.

    c)  Hard to establish correctness. (Most greedy algorithms are NOT correct.)


3.  Proofs of Correctness :

    a)  Induction. ( i.e. correctness proof for Dijkstra's algorithm)

    b)  "Exchange argument"

         -- by Contradiction ( to assume there is some optmial algorithms else )

         --  convert the assumed optimial algorithms to the one to be prooved without making it worse


4.  The Optimal Caching Algorithm :

    Theorem: The "furthest-in-future" algorithm is optimal (i.e., minimizes the number of cache misses).

    1.  Serves as guideline for practical algorithms (e.g., Least Recently Used (LRU) should do well  provided data exhibits locality of reference).

    2.  Serves as idealized benchmark for caching algorithms.




    Introduction to algorithm(Third edition)Solutions

    4. **Chapter 11: Greedy Algorithms** - 贪心算法在每一步选择局部最优解,期望达到全局最优。本章可能讨论了活动安排、哈夫曼编码、网络流等问题的贪心策略。 5. **Chapter 13: Graph Search, Shortest Paths, ...

    Introduction to Algorithm, Instructor's Manual and Answers

    ##### 贪心算法(Chapter 16:Greedy Algorithms) - **贪心选择**:在每一步选择中都采取局部最优的选择。 - **证明正确性**:如何证明贪心算法能够得到全局最优解。 - **典型例子**:最小生成树、霍夫曼编码等。 ...

    算法导论习题答案(introduction to algorithms)

    **贪心算法** (Greedy Algorithms) 贪心算法在每个步骤中都做出局部最优的选择,希望这样能够导致全局最优解。这一章讨论了贪心算法的适用条件和设计原则,以及如何分析和证明贪心算法的正确性和效率,如霍夫曼...

    Introduction to bioinformatics algorithms(ppt)

    3. **贪心算法(Greedy Algorithm)**:在处理部分最优解可以组合成全局最优解的问题时,贪心算法很有用。例如,构建最小覆盖基因集或最短路径问题。 4. **图论算法**:生物网络,如蛋白质相互作用网络和代谢网络,...


    原名: Introduction to Algorithms 作者: Thomas H. Cormen Ronald L. Rivest Charles E. Leiserson Clifford Stein 资源格式: PDF 版本: 文字版 出版社: The MIT Press书号: 978-0262033848发行时间: 2009年09月30...


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    Introduction to Algorithms Solution

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