1. Problem Scenario :
- One shared resource (e.g., a processor).
- Many "jobs" to do (e.g., processes).
Assume: Each job has a:
- weight wj ("priority")
- length lj
Question: In what order should we sequence the jobs?
2. Completion Times : The completion time Cj of job j = Sum of job lengths up to and including j.
3. Goal: Minimize the weighted sum of completion times: min{ Sum(j=1 to n) {wjCj} }
4. Two special case :
a) With equal lengths, schedule larger or smaller-weight jobs earlier? -- larger
b) With equal weights, schedule shorter or longer jobs earlier? -- shorter
5. Idea: Assign "scores" to jobs that are:
a) inscreasing in weight
b) decreasing in length
6. Two guess of the "score" function:
a) wj-lj
b) wj/lj
7. To distinguish among several greedy algorithm : Find example where the several algorithms produce different outputs. Only the one that has the best output can be the optimal algorithm.
a) l1 = 5, w1 = 3 (longer ratio)
b) l1 = 2, w1 = 1 (larger difference)
8. Proof of correctness of Algorithm #2 (use wj/lj as the score) : Fix arbitrary input of n jobs. Let G = greedy schedule, G* = optimal schedule. Will produce schedule even better than G*, contradicting purported optimality of G*.
Assume : All wj/lj is different
Renaming jobs: w1/l1 > w2/l2>...>wn/ln ( so greedy schedule is 1, 2, 3, ...n)
If G* <> G , then there are consecutive jobs i , j with i > j .
Exchange argument: Suppose we exchange order of i&j in G* , then the weighed completion time of other jobs except i,j are not changed. And :
a) i's weighed completion time goes up by wi*lj
b) j's weighed completion time goes down by wj * li
So the sum of weighed completion time of all the jobs goes up by wi*lj - wj*li, while because i > j , then wj/lj > wi/li ==> wj*li > wi*lj , so the total value goes down ==> G* is not optimal.
9. Claim: Algorithm #2 (order jobs in nonincreasing order of ratio wj/lj ) is always correct. (handling tie)
Fix arbitrary input of n jobs. Let G = greedy schedule, let G* = any other schedule. Will show G at least as good as G* ==> Implies that greedy schedule is optimal.
Proof. similar as proof of no ties scenario. Exchange Argument: exchange consecutive jobs i , j in G*, where i > j, if G <> G*, then after exchange, it will be no worse than G* because wi/li <= wj/lj ==> wi*lj <= wj*li ==> the total sum of weighed completion time will not increase. So after exchange the schedule is at least as good as G*. Continue to exchange ( at most C(n,2) such exchanges) until the schule is same as greedy schedule G ==> G is at least as good as any schedule G*
This book is a rich text for introducing diverse aspects of real-time systems including architecture, specification and verification, scheduling and real world applications. It is useful for advanced ...
操作系统scheduling java仿真,包含FCFS,SHORTEST JOB FIRST, ROUND ROBIN method,PRIORITY
• A methodology for simultaneous non-zero clock skew scheduling and design of the topology of the clock distribution network. This methodology is based on the pioneering works of Friedman [1] and ...
Generally, a parallel application consists of precedence constrained stochastic tasks, where task processing times and intertask communication times are random variables following certain probability ...
Flask is a web framework for Python, which ... It shows you how to build a small deployable scheduling application with pointers to the various design decisions you can make when developing with Flask.
Whether you’re designing a new Hadoop application, or planning to integrate Hadoop into your existing data infrastructure, Hadoop Application Architectures will skillfully guide you through the ...
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We will also refer to a chat and scheduling application developed for the purposes of the book. The entire application is openly available at https://github.com/flauc/angular2-edge-app. Table of ...
Generally, a parallel application consists of precedence constrained stochastic tasks, where task processing times and intertask communication times are random variables following certain probability ...
One of the most important topics in ... Hybrid scheduling strategy creates tasks in breadth-first order while executes tasks in work-first fashion during application execution. The former is capable of
The books contain step-by-step instructions on how to build a task manager application. The application is designed to highlight functionality that my Enterprise consulting clients commonly require, ...
and system administrators—especially those keen to embrace a DevOps approach—Using Docker will take you from Docker and container basics to running dozens of containers on a multi-host system with ...
A free, open source, cross-platform content backup, content compression, remote sending task scheduling application integration framework and engine based on Java. 中文 EasyBackup 是一个基于 Java 的...
Is it a wake up scheduling latency or a latency caused by interrupts being disabled, or is it a latency caused by preemption being disabled, or a combination of disabled interrupts and preemption....
Docker admins, Docker application developers, and container as a service (CAAS) developers. Some prerequisite knowledge of Linux and Docker is required. Apress Pro Docker is recommended as a companion...