import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
* Author: Robert Liu
public class BTree<E extends Comparable<E>> {
private BTNode root = null;
private int t;
private final int fullNum;
public BTree(int t) {
this.t = t;
fullNum = 2 * t - 1;
private final BTNode NullBTNode = new BTNode();
private class BTNode {
private int number = 0;
private List<E> values = new ArrayList<E>();
private List<BTNode> children = new ArrayList<BTNode>();
private boolean isLeaf = false;
E getKey(int i) {
return values.get(i);
BTNode getChildren(int i) {
return children.get(i);
void AddKey(int i, E element) {
values.add(i, element);
void removeKey(int i) {
void AddChildren(int i, BTNode c) {
children.add(i, c);
void removeChildren(int i) {
boolean isFull() {
if (number == fullNum)
return true;
return false;
int getSize() {
return values.size();
boolean isNull() {
return (this == NullBTNode);
public String toString() {
if (number == 0)
return "NullNode";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("[N: " + number + "] [values: ");
for (E e : values) {
sb.append(e + ", ");
sb.append(" ] [ children: ");
for (BTNode bNode : children) {
if (bNode == NullBTNode)
sb.append(bNode + ", ");
sb.append("NotNullNode" + ", ");
sb.append("] [childrenSize: " + children.size());
sb.append("] [ isLeaf: " + isLeaf);
return sb.toString();
// Generate the root node
private void constructRoot(E elem) {
root = new BTNode();
root.number = 1;
root.AddKey(0, elem);
root.isLeaf = false;
private void addElemToNode(BTNode node, E element, int i) {
node.AddKey(i, element);
node.AddChildren(i, NullBTNode);
public void insertElem(E elem) {
if (root == null) {
// The first node
root.isLeaf = true;
root.AddChildren(0, NullBTNode);
root.AddChildren(1, NullBTNode);
BTNode curNode = root;
if (root.isFull()) {
// Extend the root
constructRoot(curNode.getKey(t - 1));
// Get new node
BTNode newNode = getExtendedNode(curNode);
// Process old full node
// Process root
root.AddChildren(0, curNode);
root.AddChildren(1, newNode);
int i = 0;
BTNode childNode = null;
// Find the node to insert
while (true) {
while ((i < curNode.getSize())
&& (elem.compareTo(curNode.getKey(i)) > 0)) {
childNode = curNode.getChildren(i);
if (childNode.isFull()) {
// Split the node
// Add the element to parent
curNode.AddKey(i, childNode.getKey(t - 1));
// New node for extension
BTNode newNode = getExtendedNode(childNode);
// Process old full node
// Add the new node for parent reference
curNode.AddChildren(i + 1, newNode);
// Down to low layer
if (elem.compareTo(curNode.getKey(i)) < 0) {
curNode = childNode;
} else {
curNode = newNode;
i = 0;
// Down to child node
if (!childNode.isNull()) {
curNode = childNode;
i = 0;
// Insert the element in current node
addElemToNode(curNode, elem, i);
private BTNode getExtendedNode(BTNode fullNode) {
BTNode newNode = new BTNode();
newNode.number = t - 1;
newNode.isLeaf = fullNode.isLeaf;
for (int i = 0; i < t; i++) {
if (i != t - 1) {
newNode.AddKey(i, fullNode.getKey(t + i));
newNode.AddChildren(i, fullNode.getChildren(t + i));
return newNode;
// Should be called after calling getExtendedNode()
private void processFullNode(BTNode fullNode) {
fullNode.number = t - 1;
for (int i = t - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
fullNode.removeKey(t + i - 1);
fullNode.removeChildren(t + i);
public String toString() {
if (root == null)
return "NULL";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
LinkedList<BTNode> queue = new LinkedList<BTNode>();
BTNode tem = null;
while ((tem = queue.poll()) != null) {
for (BTNode node : tem.children) {
if (!node.isNull())
sb.append(tem.toString() + "\n");
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
BTree<Character> tree = new BTree<Character>(3);
Character[] cL = { 'D', 'E', 'F', 'A', 'C', 'B', 'Z', 'H', 'I', 'J' };
for (int i = 0; i < cL.length; i++) {
System.out.println("After insert the: " + cL[i]);
After insert the: D
[N: 1] [values: D, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 2] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: E
[N: 2] [values: D, E, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: F
[N: 3] [values: D, E, F, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 4] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: A
[N: 4] [values: A, D, E, F, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 5] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: C
[N: 5] [values: A, C, D, E, F, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 6] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: B
[N: 1] [values: D, ] [ children: NotNullNode, NotNullNode, ] [childrenSize: 2] [ isLeaf: false]
[N: 2] [values: A, C, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
[N: 2] [values: E, F, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: Z
[N: 1] [values: D, ] [ children: NotNullNode, NotNullNode, ] [childrenSize: 2] [ isLeaf: false]
[N: 2] [values: A, C, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
[N: 3] [values: E, F, Z, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 4] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: H
[N: 1] [values: D, ] [ children: NotNullNode, NotNullNode, ] [childrenSize: 2] [ isLeaf: false]
[N: 2] [values: A, C, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
[N: 4] [values: E, F, H, Z, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 5] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: I
[N: 1] [values: D, ] [ children: NotNullNode, NotNullNode, ] [childrenSize: 2] [ isLeaf: false]
[N: 2] [values: A, C, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
[N: 5] [values: E, F, H, I, Z, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 6] [ isLeaf: true]
After insert the: J
[N: 2] [values: D, H, ] [ children: NotNullNode, NotNullNode, NotNullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: false]
[N: 2] [values: A, C, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
[N: 2] [values: E, F, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 3] [ isLeaf: true]
[N: 3] [values: I, J, Z, ] [ children: NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, NullNode, ] [childrenSize: 4] [ isLeaf: true]
本研究主要探讨如何在Java编程语言中实现B+树算法,以理解其原理并应用到实际项目中。 B+树是一种自平衡的多路查找树,其特点包括以下几点: 1. **分层结构**:B+树具有层级关系,根节点位于最顶层,叶子节点位于...
与传统的B树或B+树不同,R树允许每个节点包含多个边界,这些边界形成一个多边形区域,覆盖了该节点内所有子节点的数据点。通过这种方式,R树能够在高维空间中有效地减少索引的存储开销和查询时间。 2. R树的工作...
下面将详细讨论如何用Java实现B+树。 首先,B+树的节点分为两种类型:内部节点(或索引节点)和叶子节点。内部节点存储键值,不存储数据,而叶子节点则同时存储键值和对应的数据。在Java实现中,我们通常会创建两个...
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在Java实现B树的文件索引过程中,我们需要关注以下几个关键步骤: 1. **节点类设计**:首先,创建一个表示B树节点的类,包括关键字、子节点指针以及必要的辅助方法如分裂、合并等。 2. **B树类设计**:接着,设计B...
以下是一个简单的Java程序来实现汉诺塔问题的解决方案: ```java public class Hanoi { public static void moveTower(int n, char from, char inter, char to) { if (n == 1) { // 基本情况:只剩一个盘子时,...
**B树概述** ...理解和掌握B树的原理及其Java实现,对于提升数据结构和算法能力,优化存储系统性能具有重要意义。在实际应用中,根据具体需求选择合适的B树变种,如B+树、B*树等,可以进一步提高性能。
### KD树Java实现详解 #### 一、简介 在计算机科学领域,KD树(K-Dimensional Tree)是一种用于多维空间的数据结构,主要用于快速解决最近邻搜索问题以及其他类似的问题,如范围查询等。本篇文章将深入探讨一篇...
逻辑结构:描述数据元素之间的逻辑关系,如线性结构(如数组、链表)、树形结构(如二叉树、堆、B树)、图结构(有向图、无向图等)以及集合和队列等抽象数据类型。 存储结构(物理结构):描述数据在计算机中如何...
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