Agile Process的四个理念:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive document
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
HW. 1
Simplicity-the art of maximizing the amount of work not done -- is essential
另一方面,一项复杂的任务可以分解成若干简单的任务。每一个任务的完成都是一个working software。
HW. 2
Goal of Agile强调一下两点:
Sustainable shortest time scale to delivery product
To release a software application into production as quickly and cost efficiently as possible
zara和H&M都是比较出名的时装品牌,也被看做是快速市场反应的典范。拿zara来说,Zara 通过在消费者和店铺经理、店铺经理与市场专员和设计师、设计师和成品流水线员工、买手和分销商之间建立了顺畅的信息交流机制,使得公司的产品能及时对顾客需求的变化做出反应。Zara 从设计到新品上柜的时间最快可达 15 天左右。店铺是Zara 商业模式开始的起点,也是终点。店铺经理将客户的需求传导给设计师,通过尽可能快的生产,最终将真正时尚产品呈现。集团约有 1000 名设计师负责产品设计和开发。Zara 的设计师每年大约推出 4 万款设计,其中约 1 万款会被采纳。
Scrum Framework
Scrum Roles: Product Ower, Scrum Team, Scrum Manager
Scrum Activities: Sprint Planning, Daily scrum, sprint Demo, sprint retrospection
Scrum Artifacts: Product backlog, sprint backlog, burndown charts
在IT行业的软件开发领域,敏捷过程(Agile Process)已成为一种主流的方法论,它强调适应性和灵活性,以应对快速变化的市场需求和项目需求。本文将深入探讨敏捷过程的核心概念、其在组织中的引入策略,以及如何克服...
1 edition (February 22, 2005) <br> This book describes how to apply ICONIX Process (a minimal, use case-driven modeling process) in an agile software project. Its full of practical advice for ...
Agile methods are displacing traditional, process-heavy project management techniques, and are poised to migrate from software development to the rest of IT, and to the entire enterprise. Agile’s ...
这些问题的答案基于作者多年的经验总结,非常实用且具有参考价值。 #### 四、结语 总而言之,《Essential Scrum》是一本全面介绍了 Scrum 方法论的重要书籍。无论你是刚刚接触敏捷开发的新手,还是已经在实践中...
Elssamadisy walks you through the process of defining your optimal agile adoption strategy with case studies and hands-on exercises that illuminate the key points. He systematically examines the most ...
Flexible and robust, Agile ALM offers “just enough process” to get the job done efficiently and utilizes the DevOps focus on communication and collaboration to enhance interactions among all ...
what it takes to move to a more agile process. We have taken all of our migration experiences and rolled them into this book to help you with your own agile adoption. To make the adoption steps even ...
JIRA Agile is a plugin that adds agile project management to any JIRA project. It allows you to visualize your existing process and stimulate incremental improvement. JIRA Agile brings the power of ...
#### 三、总结 通过《对象入门指南:敏捷建模技术介绍》第二版,读者不仅能够了解到面向对象和组件开发的关键技术,还能学习到如何在敏捷环境中有效运用这些技术。书中详细介绍的各种建模技术和工具,如活动图、类...
Sim-to-Real: Learning Agile Locomotion For Quadruped Robots笔记 Sim-to-Real: Learning Agile Locomotion For Quadruped Robots笔记 Sim-to-Real: Learning Agile Locomotion For Quadruped Robots 笔记 Protects more of your application than any other obfuscator because it knows what is safe to change and what needs to be left alone. Nevertheless, it gives you full control of the ...
本文将深入探讨"Sim-to-Real: Learning Agile Locomotion For Quadruped Robots"这一主题,主要基于提供的代码库sim2real_code,来阐述如何通过模拟训练实现四足机器人的敏捷行走。 一、四足机器人敏捷行走的挑战 ...
An introductory guide to the JIRA Agile add-on for JIRA and a tour of the most interesting JIRA Agile ... Use this book to guide your evaluation process or quickly get up to speed with JIRA Agile.
Agile for dummies, very good article to introduce how to use agile.