5. Identifying people by occupation
Who are you?
I am a student.
Who is that over there?
He is a student too. (He's)
Is that lady a student?
No,she isn't.
Those men are students either.
Am I your teacher?
Yes,you are.
That man is a teacher,isn't he?
Yes,he is.
Who are those people?
May be the farmers.Maybe they are farmers.
Are these students?
I really don't know.
6. Introductions and courtesies
What's your name?
My name is Jones.
What's your first name?
My first name is Bill.
How do you spell your last name?
What's your friend's name?
His name is Jone Smith.
Jone and I are all friends. old
Are you Jone's brother.
No,I'm not.
This is Mr. Jones.
How do you do.
Mr.Jones, this is Mr. John Smith.
Very pleased to meet you.
7. Days and months of the calendar
What day is today?
Today is Monday.
What day was yesterday?
Yesterday was Sunday.
What day is tomorrow?
What month is this?
This is January.
Last month was December, wasn't it.
Yes,it was.
What month is next month?
I was in the hospital for several weeks.
Where were you on Tuesday?
Do you were here Febuary, what you? You were here in February, weren't you?
No, I wasn't.
Your friend was here several week go, wasn't he?
Your friend was here a week ago, wasn't he?
最近做微信端的页面遇到了一个之前没有遇到过的一个页面,刚开始放在那没有去...<p class=identifying-title>输入企业提供的验证码,即可完成签到 <!--黑色横线框--> <div class=pass-box> <div class=pass-line>
(d) writing an English description of the data that the user needs Correct answer is (a) Your score on this question is: 10.00 Feedback: See section 1.2.3 in the course notes. (a) ...
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In this paper, we propose a novel density based spatial clustering algorithm called K-DBSCAN with the main focus of identifying clusters of points with similar spatial density. This contrasts with ...
### 多实例异常检测概述 #### 一、研究背景与意义 随着大数据技术的发展,越来越多的应用场景涉及到复杂的数据结构处理,比如在入侵检测、事件发现等领域。传统的异常检测方法主要针对单实例数据进行分析,而多实例...
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英语九百句 English900 英语九百句 English900 是一本英语学习资料,内容涵盖日常生活中常用的英语会话句子,包括问候语、课堂用语、辨别物品、关于所有物等多个方面。下面是从这本材料中提取的相关知识点: 一、...
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### SSD7 Unit1 Skill Builder: Identifying Keys and Integrity Constraints B #### 客户表 (Customer) **主键(Primary Key, PK):** - **ID**: 每个客户都有一个唯一的标识符,用于区分不同的客户。这个字段是...
最后,【Identifying people by occupation】(辨别身份)这部分将涉及到根据职业来识别人的内容,虽然具体句子没有给出,但通常会包含如何用英语询问和介绍他人的职业,例如"Are you a doctor?"或"This is my ...
根据提供的文件信息,本文将深入探讨由Maksim Kitsak等人于2011年在预印本服务器arXiv上发表的研究成果,该成果题为《在复杂网络中识别有影响力的传播者》(Identifying influential spreaders in complex networks...
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* Identifying People 辨另 U 身份 * About Introduction 关于介绍 * Year, Month And Day 年、月、日 * Talking About Objects 谈论事物动名词做主语 * Talking About Time 叙述日寸间 * About Dates 关于 日期 ...
最近做微信端的页面遇到了一个之前没有遇到过的一个页面,刚开始放在那没有...<p class=identifying-title>输入企业提供的验证码,即可完成签到 <!--黑色横线框--> <div class=pass-box> <div class=pass-line
4. **Identifying people by occupation辨别身份** - 了解如何根据职业来识别和介绍他人。 - 练习描述他人的职业,并学会询问对方的职业信息。 5. **Introductions and courtesies介绍和礼节** - 学习自我介绍的...
6. **后处理**:识别结果可能存在误差,因此可能需要进行后处理,比如使用NLP(自然语言处理)技术进行错误校正。 在这个项目中,"Identifying code-red.rar"的压缩包很可能包含了实现这些步骤的Python脚本、必要的...
【标题】"英语九百句English900(含录音下载)"是一份英语学习资料,主要目的是通过900个常用的英语句子帮助学习者提升日常英语交流能力。 【描述】文档可能包含了各种情境下的英语对话,包括问候语、课堂用语、区分...
7. **DNS和TTL信息的重要性** DNS响应中的地址和TTL(Time To Live)信息提供了关于加密流使用的地址和域名的相关性,这些信息对于识别潜在威胁至关重要。 8. **混淆特征值** 通过对特征值进行混淆,威胁行为者...