这是2010年Google Code Jam里的一道问题,我将原题的大概意思翻译成中文了,附上自己的解决过程。
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { int x = 0; for( int j = 0; j < N; j++ ) { if( piece[i][j] != '.' ) { piece[i][x] = piece[i][j]; x++; } } while( x<N ) { piece[i][x] = '.'; x++; } }
for( int i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { int x = N-1; for( int j = N-1; j >= 0; j-- ) { if( piece[i][j] != '.' ) { piece[i][x] = piece[i][j]; x--; } } while( x>=0 ) { piece[i][x] = '.'; x--; } }
//对有颜色的点的8个方向进行判断K步 /* 1 2 3 . . . 8 . R . 4 . . . 7 6 5 */ bool Test_8_Director( vector<vector<char> > piece, int i, int j, char color, int N, int K ) { int n = 1; //方向1 while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (i-n)<0 || (j-n)<0 ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i-n][j-n] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; //方向2 n = 1; while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (i-n)<0 ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i-n][j] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; //方向3 n = 1; while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (i+n)>=N || (j+n)>=N ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i+n][j+n] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; //方向4 n = 1; while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (j+n)>=N ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i][j+n] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; //方向5 n = 1; while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (i+n)>=N || (j+n)>=N ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i+n][j+n] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; //方向6 n = 1; while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (i+n)>=N ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i+n][j] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; //方向7 n = 1; while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (i+n)>=N || (j-n)<0 ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i+n][j-n] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; //方向8 n = 1; while( n <= K ) { //没达到K步就到边上了 if( (j-n)<0 ) break; //没有连续K个相同 if( piece[i][j-n] != color ) break; n++; } if( n >= K ) return true; return false; }
We study the problem of learning representations of entities and relations in knowledgegraphsforpredictingmissinglinks. Thesuccessofsuchataskheavily relies on the ability of modeling and inferring the...
Rotate Iterator按照垂直顺序遍历多个迭代器。 ```java public class RotateIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { private List<Iterator<T>> iterators; private int currentIteratorIndex = 0; public ...
在ABAQUS中,plot图形可以通过cae命令来调整,例如,使用plot命令来生成图形,然后使用rotate命令来旋转图形。 6.fil文件后处理: 在ABAQUS中,fil文件可以使用patran或hypermesh等后处理软件来分析。 7.摩擦系数...
It uses a procedural/functional approach to solving a decade old problem, and it's quite powerful as well: - Powerful animation queue system - Move, rotate, scale almost anything - Execute ...
该组件取决于react-native-image-rotate和@react-native-community/image-editor库。 它们需要先安装并链接到您的项目。 安装步骤: 1. * npm install --save react-native-image-rotate @react-native-community/...
Column 13: Set representations for the problem in Column 12 sets.cpp -- Several data structures for sets. genbins.c (Column 9) implements the bin data structure in C. Column 14: Heaps priqueue....
My example code takes the following approach to this problem: Only video is written using the AVAssetWriter instance, or it would be impossible to distinguish video from audio in the mdat atom. ...
在这个过程中,SAT(Satisfiability Problem)求解器被用来自动化解决复杂的逻辑问题,从而帮助研究人员寻找不可能差分或零相关区分器。 不可能差分是一种密码分析方法,用于检测密码系统中是否存在可能导致信息...
旅行商问题(Traveling Salesman Problem,简称TSP)是一个经典的组合优化问题,其核心是寻找一条访问n个城市的最短回路,每个城市仅访问一次,最后返回起点。解决这个问题通常需要运用到复杂的算法,其中遗传算法是...
探路者In "The Martian," astronaut Mark Watney is stranded on Mars. In order to contact with NASA, Watney digs up ... All they have is a camera on a platform which can rotate 360 degrees.That's a start.
# [LeetCode](https://leetcode.com/problemset/algorithms/) ![Language](https://img.shields.io/badge/language-Python%20%2F%20C++%2011-orange.svg) [![License]...
Rotate N Log Files - specifies number of log files to rotate - minimum 1. Rotated files will have numeric extention added: *.000 *.001 etc. Every N Hour(s) or Day(s) or Week(s) or Month(s) - ...
LeetCode中的这类问题涵盖了排序、查找、反转等操作,如“两数之和”(Two Sum)、“旋转数组”(Rotate Array)和“合并两个有序链表”(Merge Two Sorted Lists)。 2. **栈和队列**:这两种线性结构在处理逆序...
- **背包问题(Knapsack Problem)**: 一个组合优化的问题,能够解决如何选取物品装入背包,使得背包中物品的总价值最大。 #### 基础算法 - **分治算法(Divide and Conquer)**: 一种解决问题的策略,将大问题分解成小...
本文对量子旋转门进行了改进,这是传统量子进化算法在种群更新中的主要操作。 定义了新的旋转角度,以防止算法在中期和后期容易陷入局部最佳状态。 根据TSP的特点,提出了一种改进的量子旋转门,根据进化代数和对...
cube.zip This example demonstrates how to rotate a cube in visual basic.<END><br>17 , sprite1.zip This is an Excellent example on how to use sprites in your program.<END><br>18 , charcreate.zip...
- FIX: The PointOnLine() function calulations have "single" type numbers overflow problem (changed to "double"). - FIX: The pfJoin and pfClose flags incorrectly calculates in GetEditPathCaps(). ...