This article is recommends three sources for better ways to work. It’s not about testing in particular, just working.
Working in technology can be chaotic. You will often get a lot of training in the deeply technical. What you rarely get well trained in are the things that everyone needs to do all the time. This seems a little strange to me. The tester in me asks “how can we do better?”
You can learn to organize your work and work towards meaningful objectives. You can learn to present your great ideas clearly and powerfully. You can also keep an eye out for other ways to evolve your work habits.
Learn from the experts and get your career into high gear. Here are two books and one web site that came highly recommended to me and I highly recommend in turn.
Beyond Bullet Points will teach you how to communicate ideas effectively.
Cliff Atkinson's guide is a breath of fresh air about communicating in the business world. It has a science based approach grounded in communications research. You will never look at a PowerPoint slide deck the same way again.
Start on the right foot.
When you are transmitting your ideas to another person or a group you need to know the answers to five basic questions. What’s the current setting? Who is the main actor (usually the audience)? What is keeping us from succeeding? Where do we want to end up? How do we get there? Cliff’s book boils this down to a template and has solid advice and examples on how to answer them and then communicate that reasoning fully and clearly. Basically how to hook your audience in the first few slides and keep them focused and interested.
Tell a good story
Rooted in successful techniques millennia old, good story tellers have been using the ideas that Aristotle cataloged in Poetics (335 BC) with great success. Cliff boils the ideas down and shows you how to create powerful presentations that scale from five to forty-five minutes. The ideas in the book can be easily adapted to essay writing and even email.
Use slides to communicate instead of bore.
We often end up in meetings with slides projected up on a screen. Hearing someone read a bullet list to you gets old fast. Learn how to use the slides to engage your audience instead of boring them into a trance. Aristotle didn’t have to compete with television and movies. You do, and cliff shows you how to take advantage of the media culture to get your points across.
Take Back Your Life will teach you how to use your precious time for maximum impact.
Sally McGhee’s book will teach you how to use your email, calendar, task list and PDA to make your life more organized.
Learn to apply powerful filters to your to-do lists.
We all have a lot of input coming at us all the time. It’s easy to over commit or get distracted. It’s also easy to lose track of all the things we want to do. Sally has concrete steps for identifying, concentrating and processing your inputs.
Gain the ability to make commitments and deliver on them.
People who have goals and strive to achieve them are more effective. This goal seeking behavior doesn’t come naturally to me. I don’t know many people who are “naturally organized.” Sally has a great system for the rest of us. It takes the whole book to lay it out, but it’s well worth it.
Find out these toys are actually good for something.
We all have access to email, cell phones, calendar software and task tracking. Sally’s advice ties this all together in a cohesive system that makes these systems work for you. Even a Blackberry or PDA can be a powerful source of organizational instead of a constant distraction.
Read for new productivity ideas.
Lifehacker has a blog style and filtered comments based on the theme of getting things done. They ask questions all the time about life that any good hacker would ask about any technology.
Lot of good tips
Every week you can probably find something to make your life more focused and faster in some ways. Articles range from experimental sleep cycle programs to applets to let you use your screen real-estate more effectively.
Lots of distractions
One man’s productivity booster is another man’s time suck. There are a lot of good ideas here, but there are also a lot of distractions. Sometimes distractions can be a good thing and fuel our creativity. Don’t read it when you are on a tight deadline and you will be fine.
Smoothly transition your life into the next gear.
If your inbox is overflowing and last time you explained your great ideas people said “I don’t get it” then read some great books and articles to learn how tame these problems and more.
Will you move your career to the next level? You only have to get a little more effective to see big long term gains.
So be on the lookout for the little and big ways you can be more effective today.
在MATLAB环境中,"matlab开发-mph2stl"是一个工具,用于将Comsol Multiphysics的mph格式几何模型转换成STL(立体光刻)格式。STL是一种广泛用于3D打印和计算机辅助制造(CAM)的文件格式,它以三角形网格的形式存储...
标题中的“Simple Kph to Mph Converter App in Python Free Source code”表明这是一个使用Python编程语言编写的简单程序,它的功能是将公里每小时(Kph)的速度单位转换为英里每小时(Mph)。这个应用可能是一个...
Comsol56复现光子晶体案例集:涵盖一、二、三维光子晶体及边界态求解的40多个mph文件实战教程,Comsol56复现光子晶体一书中部分案例。 目前包含40多个mph文件,涵盖一维、二维、三维光子晶体、光子晶体板能带求解,...
增材制造.mph 激光焊接.mph run- 激光熔覆-可行.mph 激光烧蚀.mph 激光熔铸.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 激光打孔.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 案例7-激光打孔榕池(2).mp4 案例7-激光打孔熔池(3...
增材制造.mph 激光焊接.mph run- 激光熔覆-可行.mph 激光烧蚀.mph 激光熔铸.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 激光打孔.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 案例7-激光打孔榕池(2).mp4 案例7-激光打孔熔池(3...
增材制造.mph 激光焊接.mph run- 激光熔覆-可行.mph 激光烧蚀.mph 激光熔铸.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 激光打孔.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 案例7-激光打孔榕池(2).mp4 案例7-激光打孔熔池(3...
增材制造.mph 激光焊接.mph run- 激光熔覆-可行.mph 激光烧蚀.mph 激光熔铸.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 激光打孔.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 案例7-激光打孔榕池(2).mp4 案例7-激光打孔熔池(3...
文件信息中包含的只是标题和描述,以及一些零散的字母和网址,这些内容不足以提供关于公共卫生硕士MPH的多项选择题练习的具体知识点。 为了生成相关的知识点,我需要具体的文档内容,比如关于流行病学、卫生政策与...
mph(英里每小时) 2. mps(米每秒) 3. kmph(公里每小时) 4. kts(海里每小时) 5. ftps(英尺每秒) 例如,从节转换为米每秒。 vel_kts = 100; vel_mps = kts2mph(vel_kts); 显示(vel_mps) * 更新 * 还...
目前包含40多个mph文件,涵盖一维、二维、三维光子晶体、光子晶体板能带求解,边界态求解等。 ,核心关键词:Comsol56;光子晶体;案例复现;mph文件;一维光子晶体;二维光子晶体;三维光子晶体;光子晶体板;能带...
comsol模拟三轴试验.mph 源文件
增材制造.mph 激光焊接.mph run- 激光熔覆-可行.mph 激光烧蚀.mph 激光熔铸.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 激光打孔.mph 激光打孔·飞溅-较好-原始.mph 案例7-激光打孔榕池(2).mp4 案例7-激光打孔熔池(3...
标题中的“论文应力应变.mph_.mph_应力应变_”表明这是一份与应力应变相关的学术研究,可能涉及工程力学或地质力学领域,其中的".mph"文件是专用于Multiphysics软件的数据格式,例如COMSOL Multiphysics。...
在使用 COMSOL 进行了几天令人沮丧的工作后,我刚刚完成了这项...MPH2STL(infile) 与上述相同,但将数据保存在 (infile without extension)+'stl' MPH2STL 或 MPH2STL([],outfile) 在工作空间中搜索几何对象(以链接模
COMSOL计算非饱和一维 rainfall example dual porosity macropore 模型文件