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Cascading Terminology and Concepts


Cascading is a data processing API and processing query planner used for defining, sharing, and executing data-processing workflows on a single computing node or distributed computing cluster. On a single node, Cascading's "local mode" can be used to efficiently test code and process local files before being deployed on a cluster. On a distributed computing cluster using Apache Hadoop platform, Cascading adds an abstraction layer over the Hadoop API, greatly simplifying Hadoop application development, job creation, and job scheduling. Java developers can leverage Cascading to develop robust Data Analytics and Data Management applications on Apache Hadoop. You can find a kick start example in this blog post.


Terminology of Cascading

The Cascading processing model is based on a metaphor of pipes (data streams) and filters (data operations). Thus the Cascading API allows the developer to assemble pipe assemblies that split, merge, group, or join streams of data while applying operations to each data record or groups of records.


In Cascading, we call a data record a tuple, a simple chain of pipes without forks or merges a branch, an interconnected set of pipe branches a pipe assembly, and a series of tuples passing through a pipe branch or assembly a tuple stream.


Pipe assemblies are specified independently of the data source they are to process. So before a pipe assembly can be executed, it must be bound to taps, i.e., data sources and sinks. The result of binding one or more pipe assemblies to taps is a flow, which is executed on a computer or cluster using the Hadoop framework.



Multiple flows can be grouped together and executed as a single process. In this context, if one flow depends on the output of another, it is not executed until all of its data dependencies are satisfied. Such a collection of flows is called a cascade.


Concepts of Cascading

  • Pipe Assemblies:  Pipe assemblies define what work should be done against tuple streams, which are read from tap sources and written to tap sinks. The work performed on the data stream may include actions such as filtering, transforming, organizing, and calculating. Pipe assemblies may use multiple sources and multiple sinks, and may define splits, merges, and joins to manipulate the tuple streams.
  • Pipes:  The base class cascading.pipe.Pipe and its subclasses are shown in the diagram below.

    The following table summarizes the different types of pipes.

    We will talk more about pipes in another blog post.
  • Connector: Cascading supports pluggable planners that allow it to execute on differing platforms. Planners are invoked by an associated FlowConnector subclass. Currently, only two planners are provided: LocalFlowConnector and HadoopFlowConnector.

    LocalFlowConnector provides a local mode planner for running Cascading completely in memory on the current computer while HadoopFlowConnector provides a planner for running Cascading on an Apache Hadoop cluster.
  • Tap:  All input data comes in from, and all output data goes out to, some instance of cascading.tap.Tap. A tap can be read from, which makes it a source, or written to, which makes it a sink. Or, more commonly, taps act as both sinks and sources when shared between flows. Below is the class diagram of Taps:

    We're not going to talk about all of taps here, please refer to Cascading javadoc for details of these taps classes.
  • Scheme: If the Tap is about where the data is and how to access it, the Scheme is about what the data is and how to read it. Every Tap must have a Scheme that describes the data. Cascading provides four Scheme classes: TextLine, TextDelimited, SequenceFile, WritableSequenceFile, below is the class diagram of Scheme:

  • Field Set:  Cascading applications can perform complex manipulation or "field algebra" on the fields stored in tuples, using Fields sets, a feature of the Fields class that provides a sort of wildcard tool for referencing sets of field values. These predefined Fields sets are constant values on the Fields class. They can be used in many places where the Fields class is expected. 
     /** Field UNKNOWN */
      public static final Fields UNKNOWN = new Fields( Kind.UNKNOWN );
      /** Field NONE represents a wildcard for no fields */
      public static final Fields NONE = new Fields( Kind.NONE );
      /** Field ALL represents a wildcard for all fields */
      public static final Fields ALL = new Fields( Kind.ALL );
      /** Field KEYS represents all fields used as they key for the last grouping */
      public static final Fields GROUP = new Fields( Kind.GROUP );
      /** Field VALUES represents all fields used as values for the last grouping */
      public static final Fields VALUES = new Fields( Kind.VALUES );
      /** Field ARGS represents all fields used as the arguments for the current operation */
      public static final Fields ARGS = new Fields( Kind.ARGS );
      /** Field RESULTS represents all fields returned by the current operation */
      public static final Fields RESULTS = new Fields( Kind.RESULTS );
      /** Field REPLACE represents all incoming fields, and allows their values to be replaced by the current operation results. */
      public static final Fields REPLACE = new Fields( Kind.REPLACE );
      /** Field SWAP represents all fields not used as arguments for the current operation and the operations results. */
      public static final Fields SWAP = new Fields( Kind.SWAP );
      /** Field FIRST represents the first field position, 0 */
      public static final Fields FIRST = new Fields( 0 );
      /** Field LAST represents the last field position, -1 */
      public static final Fields LAST = new Fields( -1 );
    The chart below shows common ways to merge input and result fields for the desired output fields. A few minutes with this chart may help clarify the discussion of fields, tuples, and pipes. Also see Each and Every Pipes for details on the different columns and their relationships to the Each and Every pipes and Functions, Aggregators, and Buffers.

  • Flow:  When pipe assemblies are bound to source and sink taps, a Flow is created. Flows are executable in the sense that, once they are created, they can be started and will execute on the specified platform. If the Hadoop platform is specified, the Flow will execute on a Hadoop cluster. A Flow is essentially a data processing pipeline that reads data from sources, processes the data as defined by the pipe assembly, and writes data to the sinks. 

  • Cascade:  A Cascade allows multiple Flow instances to be executed as a single logical unit. If there are dependencies between the Flows, they are executed in the correct order. Further, Cascades act like Ant builds or Unix make files - that is, a Cascade only executes Flows that have stale sinks (i.e., output data that is older than the input data). 
    CascadeConnector connector = new CascadeConnector();
    Cascade cascade = connector.connect( flowFirst, flowSecond, flowThird );

Reference: http://docs.cascading.org/cascading/2.1/userguide/pdf/userguide.pdf

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    1.版本:matlab2014/2019a/2024a 2.附赠案例数据可直接运行matlab程序。 3.代码特点:参数化编程、参数可方便更改、代码编程思路清晰、注释明细。 4.适用对象:计算机,电子信息工程、数学等专业的大学生课程设计、期末大作业和毕业设计。


    内容概要:本文介绍了使用 Matlab 实现基于 BO(贝叶斯优化)的 Transformer 结合 GRU 门控循环单元时间序列预测的具体项目案例。文章首先介绍了时间序列预测的重要性及其现有方法存在的限制,随后深入阐述了该项目的目标、挑战与特色。重点描述了项目中采用的技术手段——结合 Transformer 和 GRU 模型的优点,通过贝叶斯优化进行超参数调整。文中给出了模型的具体实现步骤、代码示例以及完整的项目流程。同时强调了数据预处理、特征提取、窗口化分割、超参数搜索等关键技术点,并讨论了系统的设计部署细节、可视化界面制作等内容。 适合人群:具有一定机器学习基础,尤其是熟悉时间序列预测与深度学习的科研工作者或从业者。 使用场景及目标:适用于金融、医疗、能源等多个行业的高精度时间序列预测。该模型可通过捕捉长时间跨度下的复杂模式,提供更为精准的趋势预判,辅助相关机构作出合理的前瞻规划。 其他说明:此项目还涵盖了从数据采集到模型发布的全流程讲解,以及GUI图形用户界面的设计实现,有助于用户友好性提升和技术应用落地。此外,文档包含了详尽的操作指南和丰富的附录资料,包括完整的程序清单、性能评价指标等,便于读者动手实践。





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