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你好,博主看完你的解释,好厉害啊!!佩服。如果想运行看一下效果 ...
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chenxun1012033254 写道lz这么辛苦我也是醉了 ...
数独人工解法的一些技巧及其python实现 -
lz这么辛苦我也是醉了作为一名oier我说有一个算法叫做dan ...
数独人工解法的一些技巧及其python实现 -
恨毕业--读研一年总结 -
呵呵 肯踏實的學東西已經很不錯了。畢業了工作之後,你就會發現個 ...
对于每个结点, 左子树中所有后继结点的值都小于第一个键的值, 而其中间子树中所有结点的值都大于或等于第一个键的值。如果结点有右子树的话( 相应地, 结点存储两个键值) , 那么其中间子树中所有后继结点的值都小于第二个键的值, 而其右子树中所有后继结点的值都大于或等于第二个键的值。同时,同一层的键值从左到右增大。
//TTTree.h #ifndef TTTREE_H #define TTTREE_H #include<iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class TTTree : public Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ protected: using Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count; struct TTNode{ Elem elems[2]; TTNode* ptrs[3]; TTNode(){ ptrs[0] = ptrs[1] = ptrs[2] = 0; } TTNode( Elem empty ){ ptrs[0] = ptrs[1] = ptrs[2] = 0; elems[0] = elems[1] = empty; } }; TTNode* root; Elem EMPTY; int height; void splitNode( TTNode* subroot, TTNode* inPtr, Elem inVal, TTNode*& retPtr, Elem& retVal ); bool insertHelp( TTNode* subroot, const Elem& e, TTNode*& retPtr, Elem& retVal ); void clear( TTNode* subroot ); void borrowLeft( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ); void borrowRight( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ); void mergeLeft( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ); void mergeRight( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ); void removeHelp( TTNode* subroot, const Key& k, Elem& e ); public: TTTree( const Elem& em ){ root = 0; height = 0; EMPTY = em; } ~TTTree(){ clear( root ); } bool insert( const Elem& e); bool remove( const Key& k ,Elem& e ); bool search( const Key& k, Elem& e ); void print() const; }; #include "TTTree.cpp" #endif
//TTTree.cpp template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: search( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ TTNode* current=root; while( current != 0 ){ if( KEComp::eq( k, current->elems[0] ) ){ e = current->elems[0]; return true; } if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, current->elems[1] ) && KEComp::eq( k, current->elems[1] ) ){ e = current->elems[1]; return true; } if( KEComp::lt( k, current->elems[0] ) ) current = current->ptrs[0]; else if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, current->elems[1] ) || KEComp::lt( k, current->elems[1] ) ) current = current->ptrs[1]; else current = current->ptrs[2]; } return false; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: clear( TTNode* subroot ){ if( subroot == 0 ) return; for( int i=0; i<3; i++ ) clear( subroot->ptrs[i] ); delete subroot; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: print() const{ if( root == 0 ){ cout<<"empty tree"<<endl; return; } queue<TTNode*> nodeQueue; nodeQueue.push(root); TTNode* current; int h = height; int intent=1; string BLANK=" "; for( int i=1; i<height; i++ ) intent *= 3; int num = 1; while( h>0 && !nodeQueue.empty() ){ for( int i=0; i<num; i++ ){ current = nodeQueue.front(); nodeQueue.pop(); if( current != 0 ){ for( int j=0; j<3; j++ ) nodeQueue.push( current->ptrs[j] ); for( int j=0; j<intent/2; j++ ) cout<<BLANK; cout<<"|"<<current->elems[0]<<"|"; if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, current->elems[1] ) ) cout<<"__|"; else cout<<current->elems[1]<<"|"; for( int j=0; j<intent/2; j++ ) cout<<BLANK; }else{ for( int j=0; j<3; j++ ) nodeQueue.push( 0 ); for( int j=0; j<intent; j++ ) cout<<BLANK; } } cout<<endl; intent /= 3; num *= 3; h--; } } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: splitNode( TTNode* subroot, TTNode* inPtr, Elem inVal, TTNode*& retPtr, Elem& retVal ){ retPtr = new TTNode( EMPTY ); if( EEComp::lt( inVal, subroot->elems[0] ) ){ retVal = subroot->elems[0]; subroot->elems[0] = inVal; retPtr->elems[0] = subroot->elems[1]; retPtr->ptrs[0] = subroot->ptrs[1]; retPtr->ptrs[1] = subroot->ptrs[2]; subroot->ptrs[1] = inPtr; }else{ if( EEComp::lt( inVal, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ retVal = inVal; retPtr->elems[0] = subroot->elems[1]; retPtr->ptrs[0] = inPtr; retPtr->ptrs[1] = subroot->ptrs[2]; }else{ retVal = subroot->elems[1]; retPtr->elems[0]=inVal; retPtr->ptrs[0] = subroot->ptrs[2]; retPtr->ptrs[1] = inPtr; } } subroot->ptrs[2] = 0; subroot->elems[1] = EMPTY; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: insertHelp( TTNode* subroot, const Elem& e, TTNode*& retPtr, Elem& retVal ){ Elem tempRetVal; TTNode* tempRetPtr=0; if( subroot->ptrs[0] == 0 ){ //leaf if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ if( EEComp::lt( e, subroot->elems[0] ) ){ subroot->elems[1] = subroot->elems[0]; subroot->elems[0] = e; }else subroot->elems[1] = e; }else splitNode( subroot, 0, e, retPtr, retVal ); }else if( EEComp::lt( e, subroot->elems[0] ) ) insertHelp( subroot->ptrs[0], e, tempRetPtr, tempRetVal ); else if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) || EEComp::lt( e, subroot->elems[1] ) ) insertHelp( subroot->ptrs[1], e, tempRetPtr, tempRetVal ); else insertHelp( subroot->ptrs[2], e, tempRetPtr, tempRetVal ); if( tempRetPtr != 0 ){ if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ if( EEComp::lt( tempRetVal, subroot->elems[0] ) ){ subroot->elems[1] = subroot->elems[0]; subroot->elems[0] = tempRetVal; subroot->ptrs[2] = subroot->ptrs[1]; subroot->ptrs[1] = tempRetPtr; }else{ subroot->elems[1] = tempRetVal; subroot->ptrs[2] = tempRetPtr; } }else splitNode( subroot, tempRetPtr, tempRetVal, retPtr, retVal ); } return true; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: insert( const Elem& e ){ if( root == 0 ){ root = new TTNode( EMPTY ); root->elems[0] = e; height++; count++; return true; } Elem myRetVal; TTNode* myRetPtr = 0; if( insertHelp( root, e, myRetPtr, myRetVal ) ){ count++; if( myRetPtr != 0 ){ TTNode* temp = new TTNode(EMPTY); temp->elems[0] = myRetVal; temp->ptrs[0] = root; temp->ptrs[1] = myRetPtr; root = temp; height ++; } return true; } return false; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: removeHelp( TTNode* subroot, const Key& k, Elem& e ){ if( subroot == 0 ){ e = EMPTY; return ; } e = EMPTY; Elem tempElem = EMPTY; int ptrIndex = -1; if( KEComp::eq( k, subroot->elems[0] ) ){ e = subroot->elems[0]; if( subroot->ptrs[0] == 0 ){ //leaf node if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ subroot->elems[0]=subroot->elems[1]; subroot->elems[1]= EMPTY; }else subroot->elems[0] = EMPTY; return ; }else{ //if not leaf node, find a leaf node to take place of it TTNode* replace=subroot->ptrs[1]; while( replace->ptrs[0] != 0 ) replace = replace->ptrs[0]; subroot->elems[0]=replace->elems[0]; ptrIndex = 1; removeHelp( subroot->ptrs[1], getKey(replace->elems[0]), tempElem ); tempElem = e; } }else if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) && KEComp::eq( k, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ e = subroot->elems[1]; if( subroot->ptrs[0] == 0 ){ subroot->elems[1] = EMPTY; return; }else{ TTNode* replace=subroot->ptrs[2]; while( replace->ptrs[0] != 0 ) replace = replace->ptrs[0]; subroot->elems[1] = replace->elems[0]; ptrIndex = 2; removeHelp( subroot->ptrs[2], getKey( replace->elems[0] ), tempElem ); tempElem = e; } }else if( KEComp::lt( k, subroot->elems[0] ) ){ ptrIndex = 0; removeHelp( subroot->ptrs[0], k, tempElem ); }else if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) || KEComp::lt( k, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ ptrIndex = 1; removeHelp( subroot->ptrs[1], k, tempElem ); }else{ ptrIndex = 2; removeHelp( subroot->ptrs[2], k, tempElem ); } if( ptrIndex>=0 && !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, tempElem ) ){ e = tempElem; if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->elems[0]) ){ if( ptrIndex == 0 ){ if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->ptrs[1]->elems[1] ) ){ borrowRight( subroot, 0 ); }else if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ mergeRight( subroot, 0 ); }else if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->ptrs[2]->elems[1] ) ){ borrowRight( subroot, 0 ); borrowRight( subroot, 1 ); }else{ borrowRight( subroot, 0 ); mergeRight( subroot, 1 ); } }else if( ptrIndex == 1 ){ if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->ptrs[0]->elems[1] ) ){ borrowLeft( subroot, 1 ); }else if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->elems[1] ) ){ mergeLeft( subroot, 1 ); }else if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->ptrs[2]->elems[1] ) ){ borrowRight( subroot, 1 ); }else{ mergeRight( subroot, 1 ); } }else if( ptrIndex == 2 ){ if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->ptrs[1]->elems[1] ) ){ borrowLeft( subroot, 2 ); }else if( !EEComp::eq( EMPTY, subroot->ptrs[0]->elems[1] ) ){ borrowLeft( subroot, 1 ); borrowLeft( subroot, 2 ); }else{ mergeLeft( subroot, 2 ); } } } } } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: borrowRight( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ){ if( ptrIndex<0 || ptrIndex>1 ) return; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->elems[0] = subroot->elems[ptrIndex]; subroot->elems[ptrIndex] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->elems[0]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->elems[0] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->elems[1]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->elems[1] = EMPTY; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->ptrs[1] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[0]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[0] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[1]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[1] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[2]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[2] = 0; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: borrowLeft( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ){ if( ptrIndex>2 || ptrIndex<1 ) return; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->elems[1] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->elems[0]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->elems[0] = subroot->elems[ptrIndex-1]; subroot->elems[ptrIndex-1] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex-1]->elems[1]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex-1]->elems[1] = EMPTY; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->ptrs[1] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->ptrs[0]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->ptrs[0] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex-1]->ptrs[2]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex-1]->ptrs[2] = 0; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: mergeRight( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ){ if( ptrIndex<0 || ptrIndex>1 ) return; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->elems[0] = subroot->elems[ptrIndex]; subroot->elems[ptrIndex] = EMPTY; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->elems[1] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->elems[0]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->ptrs[1] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[0]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->ptrs[2] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]->ptrs[1]; delete subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex+1] = 0; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: mergeLeft( TTNode* subroot, int ptrIndex ){ if( ptrIndex<1 || ptrIndex>2 ) return; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex-1]->elems[1] = subroot->elems[ptrIndex-1]; subroot->elems[ptrIndex-1] = EMPTY; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex-1]->ptrs[2] = subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]->ptrs[0]; delete subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex]; subroot->ptrs[ptrIndex] = 0; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool TTTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ e = EMPTY; removeHelp( root, k, e ); if( e == EMPTY ) return false; if( EEComp::eq( EMPTY, root->elems[0] ) ){ TTNode* temp = root; root = root->ptrs[0]; height --; } return true; }
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4. **Model类**:代表应用的数据模型,通常负责数据处理和业务逻辑。 5. **网络请求和响应处理**:可能包含URLSession或其他第三方库如Alamofire来处理网络通信。 6. **第三方库和框架**:可能引入了CocoaPods或...
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2. **Xcode IDE**:开发iOS应用离不开Apple的集成开发环境(IDE)——Xcode。它包含了代码编辑器、调试工具、模拟器以及构建系统,用于创建、测试和发布iOS应用。 3. **用户界面(UI)设计**:iOS应用的界面设计...
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