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你好,博主看完你的解释,好厉害啊!!佩服。如果想运行看一下效果 ...
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数独人工解法的一些技巧及其python实现 -
lz这么辛苦我也是醉了作为一名oier我说有一个算法叫做dan ...
数独人工解法的一些技巧及其python实现 -
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在《基于树的索引结构介绍》(http://philoscience.iteye.com/admin/blogs/1112759)中提到了二分查找树及其改进版本AVL树(平衡二叉树)。二分查找树比较简单,但是很容易产生不平衡的问题而丧失了二分查找树的优势,AVL树规定了左右孩子树的高度差超过1则为不平衡,为了维持平衡,在插入和删除子节点后,必须进行相应的旋转。还有一种著名的红黑树,红黑树放宽了平衡的要求,从而减少了操作的次数。最后还有伸展树(splay tree,好像也有叫自组织树的),它与我们前面介绍过的自组织链表中的moveToFront策略是一样的,不过用的数据结构不再是链表,而是二叉树。这几天通过亲身实现了这几种二叉树以及调试,了解了其中的很多细节,对其思想也算是有所掌握了。
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class Tree{ protected: int count; Tree( int c=0 ){ count = c; } virtual ~Tree(){}; public: virtual bool insert( const Elem& )=0; //search本来应该是const成员函数的,可是后面的splaytree在search过后 //还要进行翻转,没办法是const的,不知道在设计上应该怎么做比较好。 virtual bool search( const Key&, Elem& ) =0; virtual bool remove( const Key&, Elem& ) =0; virtual void print() const =0; int size(){ return count; } };
//BSTTree.h #ifndef BSTTREE_H #define BSTTREE_H template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class BST : public Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ protected: struct BinNode{ Elem e; BinNode* left; BinNode* right; BinNode( Elem ee, BinNode* l=0, BinNode* r=0 ){ e = ee; left = l; right = r; } }; using Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count; BinNode* root; private: void printHelp( BinNode* subroot, int level ) const; void clear( BinNode* subroot ); public: BST(){ root = 0; } ~BST(){ clear( root ); } virtual bool search( const Key& k, Elem& e ); virtual bool insert( const Elem& e ); virtual bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ); //it's hard to print it non recursively.... virtual void print() const{ if( root == 0 ) cout<<"empty tree"<<endl; else printHelp( root, 0 ); } }; #include "BSTTree.cpp" #endif
//BSTTree.cpp template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: printHelp( BinNode* subroot, int level ) const{ if( subroot == 0 ){ return; } printHelp( subroot->left, level+1 ); for( int i=0; i<level; i++ ) cout<<"___"; cout<<subroot->e<<endl; printHelp( subroot->right, level+1 ); } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: clear( BinNode* subroot ){ if( subroot == 0 ) return; clear( subroot->left ); clear( subroot->right ); delete subroot; } //non recursive implementation template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: search( const Key& k, Elem& e ) { BinNode* p = root; while( p != 0 ){ if( KEComp::eq( k, p->e ) ){ e = p->e; return true; } if( KEComp::lt( k, p->e ) ) p = p->left; else p = p->right; } return false; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: insert( const Elem& e ){ BinNode* p = root, *i=0; while( p!=0 ){ i = p; if( EEComp::lt( e, p->e ) ) p = p->left; else p = p->right; } p = new BinNode( e ); if( i == 0 ) root = p; else{ if( EEComp::lt( e, i->e ) ) i->left = p; else i->right = p; } count++; return true; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ BinNode* p = root, *i=0; while( p!=0 ){ if( KEComp::eq( k, p->e ) ) break; i = p; if( KEComp::lt( k, p->e ) ) p = p->left; else p = p->right; } if( p == 0 ) return false; e = p->e; BinNode* removeP = p; if( p->right != 0 ){ removeP = p->right; i = p; while( removeP->left != 0 ){ i = removeP; removeP = removeP->left; } p->e = removeP->e; } if( i == 0 ) root = removeP->left; else{ if( i->left == removeP ) i->left = (removeP->left==0 ? removeP->right : removeP->left); else i->right = (removeP->right==0 ? removeP->left :removeP->right); } delete removeP; count--; return true; }
//AVLTree.h #ifndef AVLTREE_H #define AVLTREE_H template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class AVLTree : public BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ protected: typedef typename BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::BinNode BSTNode; using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count; using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::root; struct HeightBinNode : public BSTNode{ int height; HeightBinNode( Elem ee, HeightBinNode* l=NULL, HeightBinNode* r=NULL, int h=1 ):BSTNode(ee, l, r){ height = h; } }; private: //return the height of a subtree, if the subroot is null, return 0; int Height( HeightBinNode* t ){ if( t == NULL ) return 0; return t->height; } Key (*getKey)(const Elem& e ); //insert into the left subtree of subroot's left child HeightBinNode* rotateL( HeightBinNode* subroot ); //insert into the right subtree of subroot's right child HeightBinNode* rotateR( HeightBinNode* subroot ); //return a subroot which is modified by an inserted/removed element HeightBinNode* insertHelp( const Elem& e, HeightBinNode* subroot ); HeightBinNode* removeHelp( HeightBinNode* subroot, const Key& k, HeightBinNode*& t ); public: AVLTree( Key (*g)(const Elem& e) ):BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>(){ getKey = g; } //since it's really hard to implement insert without recursion, //I decide to realize it recursively bool insert( const Elem& e ){ (HeightBinNode*)root = insertHelp( e, (HeightBinNode*)root ); if( root == NULL ) return false; count++; return true; } bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ HeightBinNode* t=0; root = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)root, k, t ); if( t == NULL ) return false; e = t->e; delete t; count--; return true; } }; #include "AVLTree.cpp" #endif
//AVLTree.cpp template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: rotateL( HeightBinNode* subroot ){ HeightBinNode* alter_root = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; HeightBinNode* leftChild = (HeightBinNode* )alter_root->left, *rightChild = (HeightBinNode*) alter_root->right; if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == -1 ) alter_root = rotateR( alter_root ); subroot->left = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->right; alter_root->right = subroot; leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; subroot->height = (Height(leftChild) > Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild):Height(rightChild))+1; leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->right; alter_root->height = (Height(leftChild) > Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild):Height(rightChild))+1; return alter_root; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: rotateR( HeightBinNode* subroot ){ HeightBinNode* alter_root = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; HeightBinNode* leftChild, *rightChild; leftChild = (HeightBinNode*) alter_root->left; rightChild=(HeightBinNode*)alter_root->right; if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == 1 ) alter_root = rotateL( alter_root ); subroot->right = alter_root->left; alter_root->left = subroot; leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left, rightChild=(HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; subroot->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1; leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->left, rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)alter_root->right; alter_root->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1; return alter_root; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: insertHelp( const Elem& e, HeightBinNode* subroot ){ if( subroot == NULL ){ subroot = new HeightBinNode(e); return subroot; }else{ HeightBinNode* leftChild, *rightChild; leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; if( EEComp::lt( e, subroot->e ) ){ leftChild = insertHelp( e, leftChild ); subroot->left = leftChild; if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == 2 ) subroot = rotateL( subroot ); }else{ rightChild = insertHelp( e, rightChild ); subroot->right = rightChild; if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == -2 ) subroot = rotateR( subroot ); } subroot->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1; return subroot; } } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> typename AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HeightBinNode* AVLTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: removeHelp( HeightBinNode* subroot, const Key& k, HeightBinNode*& t ){ if( subroot == NULL ) return NULL; HeightBinNode* leftChild, *rightChild; if( KEComp::eq( k, subroot->e ) ){ t = subroot; if( subroot->right == NULL ){ subroot = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; }else{ BSTNode* temp = subroot->right; while( temp->left != NULL ) temp = temp->left; Elem te; te = subroot->e; subroot->e = temp->e; temp->e = te; subroot->right = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right, getKey(temp->e), t ); leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; subroot->height =( Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild):Height(rightChild))+1; } return subroot; }else{ if( KEComp::lt( k, subroot->e ) ){ subroot->left = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left, k, t ); leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == -2 ) subroot = rotateR( subroot ); }else{ subroot->right = removeHelp( (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right, k, t ); leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; if( Height(leftChild)-Height(rightChild) == 2 ) subroot = rotateL( subroot ); } } leftChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->left; rightChild = (HeightBinNode*)subroot->right; subroot->height = (Height(leftChild)>Height(rightChild) ? Height(leftChild) : Height(rightChild))+1; return subroot; }
//RBTree.h #ifndef RBTREE_H #define RBTREE_H template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class RBTree : public BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ protected: typedef enum{ BLACK,RED } Color; typedef typename BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::BinNode BSTNode; using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count; using BST<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::root; struct RBNode : public BSTNode{ Color color; RBNode* parent; RBNode( Elem ee, RBNode* l=0, RBNode* r=0, RBNode* p=0, Color cc=RED ):BSTNode( ee, l, r ){ parent = p; color = cc; } }; void rotateL( RBNode* ); void rotateR( RBNode* ); void insertFixUp( RBNode* ); void removeFixUp( RBNode* ); /*测试用 void printHelp( RBNode* subroot, int level ) const{ if( subroot == 0 ) return; printHelp( (RBNode*)subroot->left, level+1); for( int i=0; i<level; i++ ) cout<<"___"; if( subroot->color == BLACK ) cout<<"("<<subroot->e<<")"<<endl; else cout<<"|"<<subroot->e<<"|"<<endl; printHelp( (RBNode*)subroot->right, level+1 ); }*/ public: RBTree(){ //很多实现都利用了一个nilNode来做哨兵,为了利用BST的打印和删除, //这里没有进行这样的实现 // nilNode = new RBNode(); // root = nilNode; } ~RBTree(){ // delete nilNode; } bool insert( const Elem& e ); bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ); /*void print() const{ printHelp( (RBNode*)root, 0 ); }*/ }; #include "RBTree.cpp" #endif
//RBTree.cpp template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::insert( const Elem& e ){ if( root == 0 ){ root = new RBNode( e ); ((RBNode*)root)->color = BLACK; count ++; return true; } RBNode *current=(RBNode*)root, *insertP; while( current != 0 ){ insertP = current; if( EEComp::lt( e, current->e ) ) current = (RBNode*)current->left; else current = (RBNode*)current->right; }; RBNode* insertNode = new RBNode( e ); insertNode->parent = insertP; if( EEComp::lt( e, insertP->e ) ) insertP->left = insertNode; else insertP->right = insertNode; count ++; insertFixUp( insertNode ); } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: rotateL( RBNode* subroot ){ if( subroot == 0 || subroot->left == 0 ) return; RBNode* leftChild = (RBNode*)subroot->left; RBNode *rightChild = (RBNode*)leftChild->right; leftChild->parent = subroot->parent; if( subroot->parent == 0 ) root = leftChild; else{ if( subroot->parent->left == subroot ) subroot->parent->left = leftChild; else subroot->parent->right = leftChild; } leftChild->right = subroot; subroot->parent=leftChild; subroot->left = rightChild; if( rightChild != 0 ) rightChild->parent = subroot; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: rotateR( RBNode* subroot ){ if( subroot == 0 || subroot->right == 0 ) return; RBNode* rightChild = (RBNode*)subroot->right; RBNode* leftChild = (RBNode*)rightChild->left; rightChild->parent = subroot->parent; if( subroot->parent == 0 ) root = rightChild; else{ if( subroot->parent->left == subroot ) subroot->parent->left = rightChild; else subroot->parent->right = rightChild; } rightChild->left = subroot; subroot->parent = rightChild; subroot->right = leftChild; if( leftChild != 0 ) leftChild->parent = subroot; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: insertFixUp( RBNode* current ){ while( current->parent != 0 && current->parent->color == RED ){ RBNode* uncle; if( current->parent == current->parent->parent->left ){ uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->parent->right; if( uncle !=0 && uncle->color == RED ){ current->parent->color = BLACK; uncle->color = BLACK; current = current->parent->parent; current->color = RED; }else{ if( current == current->parent->right ){ current = current->parent; rotateR( current ); } current->parent->color = BLACK; current->parent->parent->color = RED; rotateL( current->parent->parent ); } }else{ uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->parent->left; if( uncle != 0 && uncle->color == RED ){ current->parent->color = BLACK; uncle->color = BLACK; current = current->parent->parent; current->color = RED; }else{ if( current == current->parent->left ){ current = current->parent; rotateL( current ); } current->parent->color = BLACK; current->parent->parent->color = RED; rotateR( current->parent->parent ); } } } ((RBNode*)root)->color = BLACK; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ RBNode* index=(RBNode*)root, *removeNode=0; //get the node to be removed while( index != 0 ){ if( KEComp::eq( k, index->e ) ){ e = index->e; if( index->right == 0 ){ removeNode = index; break; }else{ BSTNode* temp = index->right; while( temp->left != 0 ) temp = temp->left; removeNode = (RBNode*)temp; index->e = temp->e; break; } } if( KEComp::lt( k, index->e ) ) index = (RBNode*)index->left; else index = (RBNode*)index->right; } if( removeNode == 0 ) return false; //没有使用哨兵的结果还是挺严重的,代码写得很不简洁。 if( removeNode->color == RED ){ //red child is a leaf if( removeNode->parent->left == removeNode ) removeNode->parent->left = 0; else removeNode->parent->right = 0; }else{ if( removeNode == root ){ root = removeNode->left; if( root != 0 ) ((RBNode*)root)->color = BLACK; } else{ RBNode* child=0; if( removeNode->left != 0 ) child = (RBNode*)removeNode->left; else child = (RBNode*)removeNode->right; RBNode* temp=0; if ( child == 0 ){ temp = new RBNode(e); child = temp; child->color = BLACK; child->parent = removeNode->parent; } bool left; if( removeNode == removeNode->parent->left ){ left = true; removeNode->parent->left = child; } else{ removeNode->parent->right = child; left = false; } removeFixUp( child ); if( temp != 0 ){ if( left ) temp->parent->left = 0; else temp->parent->right = 0; delete temp; } } } delete removeNode; count --; return true; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void RBTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: removeFixUp( RBNode* current ){ while( current != root && current->color == BLACK ){ RBNode* uncle, *leftChild, *rightChild; if( current == current->parent->left ){ //left child uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->right; //uncle is impossible to be null if( uncle->color == RED ){ current->parent->color = RED; uncle->color = BLACK; rotateL( current->parent ); uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->right; } leftChild = (RBNode*)uncle->left; rightChild =(RBNode*)uncle->right; if( (leftChild==0||leftChild->color==BLACK) && (rightChild==0 || rightChild->color==BLACK) ){ uncle->color = RED; current = current->parent; }else{ if( leftChild!=0 && leftChild->color == RED ){ leftChild->color = BLACK; uncle->color = RED; rotateL( uncle ); uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->right; } uncle->color = current->parent->color; current->parent->color = BLACK; ((RBNode*)uncle->right)->color = BLACK; rotateR( current->parent ); current = (RBNode*)root; } }else{ //right child, which is symmetric with left child uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->left; if( uncle->color == RED ){ current->parent->color = RED; uncle->color = BLACK; rotateL( current->parent ); uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->left; } leftChild = (RBNode*)uncle->left; rightChild = (RBNode*)uncle->right; if( (leftChild==0 || leftChild->color==BLACK) && (rightChild==0 || rightChild->color==BLACK) ){ uncle->color = RED; current = current->parent; }else{ if( rightChild->color == RED ){ uncle->color = RED; rightChild->color = BLACK; rotateR( uncle ); uncle = (RBNode*)current->parent->left; } uncle->color = current->parent->color; current->parent->color = BLACK; ((RBNode*)uncle->left)->color = BLACK; rotateL( current->parent ); current = (RBNode*)root; } } } current->color = BLACK; }
//BSTTree.h #ifndef BSTTREE_H #define BSTTREE_H template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class BST : public Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ protected: struct BinNode{ Elem e; BinNode* left; BinNode* right; BinNode( Elem ee, BinNode* l=0, BinNode* r=0 ){ e = ee; left = l; right = r; } }; using Tree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::count; BinNode* root; private: void printHelp( BinNode* subroot, int level ) const; void clear( BinNode* subroot ); public: BST(){ root = 0; } ~BST(){ clear( root ); } virtual bool search( const Key& k, Elem& e ); virtual bool insert( const Elem& e ); virtual bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ); //it's hard to print it non recursively.... virtual void print() const{ if( root == 0 ) cout<<"empty tree"<<endl; else printHelp( root, 0 ); } }; #include "BSTTree.cpp" #endif
//SplayTree.cpp template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: rotateL( SPNode* subroot ){ if( subroot == 0 || subroot->left == 0 ) return; SPNode* leftChild = (SPNode*)subroot->left, *rightChild = (SPNode*)leftChild->right; if( subroot == root ) root = leftChild; else{ if( subroot == subroot->parent->left ) subroot->parent->left = leftChild; else subroot->parent->right = leftChild; } leftChild->parent = subroot->parent; leftChild->right = subroot; subroot->parent = leftChild; subroot->left = rightChild; if( rightChild != 0 ) rightChild->parent = subroot; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: rotateR( SPNode* subroot ){ if( subroot == 0 || subroot->right == 0 ) return; SPNode* rightChild = (SPNode*)subroot->right, *leftChild =(SPNode*)rightChild->left; if( subroot == root ) root = rightChild; else{ if( subroot == subroot->parent->left ) subroot->parent->left = rightChild; else subroot->parent->right = rightChild; } rightChild->parent = subroot->parent; rightChild->left = subroot; subroot->right = leftChild; subroot->parent = rightChild; if( leftChild != 0 ) leftChild->parent = subroot; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> void SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: splay( SPNode* from, SPNode* to ){ //rotate from under to if( from == 0 ) return; while( from->parent != to ){ if( from->parent->parent == to ){ if( from == from->parent->left ) rotateL( from->parent ); else rotateR( from->parent ); } else{ SPNode* p=from->parent, *g=p->parent; if( from == (SPNode*)p->left ){ if( p == (SPNode*)g->left ){ rotateL( g ); rotateL( p ); }else{ rotateL( p ); rotateR( g ); } }else{ if( p == (SPNode*)g->right ){ rotateR( g ); rotateR( p ); }else{ rotateR( p ); rotateL( g ); } } } } } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: insert( const Elem& e ){ if( root == 0 ){ root = new SPNode( e ); ((SPNode*) root)->parent = 0; count ++; return true; } SPNode* index=(SPNode*)root, *insertP; while( index != 0 ){ insertP = index; if( EEComp::lt( e, index->e ) ) index = (SPNode*)index->left; else index = (SPNode*)index->right; } index = new SPNode( e ); index->parent = insertP; if( EEComp::lt( e, insertP->e ) ) insertP->left = index; else insertP->right = index; splay( index, 0 ); count++; return true; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ SPNode* removeP = (SPNode*)root; SPNode* splayP; while( removeP != 0 ){ if( KEComp::eq( k, removeP->e ) ){ e = removeP->e; splayP = removeP->parent; if( removeP->right == 0 && splayP !=0 ){ if( removeP == splayP->left ) splayP->left = removeP->left; else splayP->right = removeP->left; if( removeP->left != 0 ) ((SPNode*)removeP->left)->parent = splayP; }else{ SPNode* temp = (SPNode*)removeP->right; while( temp->left != 0 ) temp = (SPNode*)temp->left; temp->parent->left = temp->right; if( temp->right != 0 ) ((SPNode*)temp->right)->parent = temp->parent; removeP->e = temp->e; removeP = temp; } delete removeP; splay( splayP, 0 ); count--; return true; }else{ if( KEComp::lt( k, removeP->e ) ) removeP = (SPNode*)removeP->left; else removeP = (SPNode*)removeP->right; } } return false; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool SplayTree<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>:: search( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const{ SPNode* searchP = (SPNode*)root; while( searchP != 0 ){ if( KEComp::eq( k, searchP->e ) ){ e = searchP->e; splay( searchP ); return true; }else{ if( KEComp::lt( k, searchP->e ) ) searchP = searchP->left; else searchP = searchP->right; } } return false; }
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编程珠玑 -- 关于堆
2011-12-28 15:31 1136堆是这样一种数据结构,它首先是一棵二叉树,而且还是一棵完全二叉 ... -
编程珠玑 -- 关于排序
2011-12-27 20:12 987《编程珠玑》主要提到 ... -
编程珠玑 -- 数据结构?
2011-12-21 21:15 663又开始看《编程珠玑》,发现之前看的也许不是很认真吧,再看一遍的 ... -
2011-07-01 17:59 2646转眼又七月份了。6月份后来就变成考试月了。因为图论要求写阅读报 ... -
Moment in Peking
2011-06-05 17:01 1031"Moment in Peking" wa ...
在数据结构的学习中,理解并掌握AVL树的概念、特性以及操作是至关重要的。 平衡二叉树的概念: 平衡二叉树的主要目标是解决普通二叉搜索树可能产生的高度不平衡问题,以提高查找、插入和删除操作的效率。在AVL树中...
"数据结构--二叉树--思维导图" 二叉树是一种常见的数据结构,它是一种树形结构,每个节点最多有两个孩子节点,分别是左子树和右子树。二叉树可以用来存储大量数据,并且可以快速地查找、插入和删除数据。 二叉树的...
二叉树(Binary Tree)是一种重要的数据结构,在计算机科学中有广泛的应用。二叉树中的每个节点最多有两个子节点,分别称为左子节点和右子节点。在Java中实现二叉树时,可以通过数组或者链表来存储二叉树的数据。 ###...
平衡二叉树(Balanced Binary Tree)是数据结构中的一个重要概念,尤其在算法设计和数据库系统中发挥着关键作用。本实验是针对广东工业大学(简称“广工”)学生的一次数据结构课程实践,旨在让学生深入理解平衡...
数据结构中的二叉树是一种特殊的树形数据结构,它的每个节点最多只有两个子节点,分别称为左子节点和右子节点。二叉树的概念源于计算机科学,被广泛应用于算法设计和数据存储。以下是对二叉树相关知识的详细阐述: ...
"算法大全-面试题-链表-栈-二叉树-数据结构"这个压缩包文件提供了丰富的知识资源,旨在帮助学习者深入理解和应用这些核心概念。 链表是一种线性数据结构,与数组不同,它的元素在内存中不是连续存储的。链表由一...
相关链接 二叉树的基础知识点:数据结构-----树和二叉树的定义与性质_Gretel Tade的博客-CSDN博客堆的相关方法代码实现:数据结构-----堆(完全二叉树)_Gretel Tade的博客-CSDN博客二叉树的链式存储结构 #include...
树 二叉树 的相关算法 大程序噢 有树的存储结构 先序遍历 中 后 层次 广度
该资源中为【数据结构】专栏——C语言实现二叉树篇章中涉及到的代码 代码中包含以下内容: 1. 二叉树相关头文件: - 二叉链表的数据类型声明 - 链队列结点类型声明 - 链队列类型声明 - 二叉树基本功能(二叉树的...
这是一个用C实现的AVL tree,带MFC的测试程序。 在我的机器上(P4 T2050 Duo, 1G memory)列C盘所有文件并组织成AVL tree,一共是70000多个文件和目录,耗时大约是5-7秒
An AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. In an AVL tree, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one; if at any time they differ by more than one, rebalancing is...