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//假如有n个value,该查找将返回任意一个 int bSearch( int* array, int n, int value ){ int l = 0, r = n-1; int m; while( l<=r ){ m = (l+r)/2; if( *(array+m)<value ) l=m+1; else{ if( *(array+m) == value ) return m; else r=m-1; } } return -1; } //该查找将返回第一个值为value的key int bSearch2( int* array, int n, int value ){ int l=0, r = n-1; int m; while( l<r ){ m = (l+r)/2; if( *(array+m)<value ) l=m+1; else r=m; } if( *(array+l) == value ) return l; else return -1; }
如果是非排序的,那么只能用线性查找了。《数据结构与算法分析》里面还讨论了一种自组织链表,他的目的在于尽量把越经常被查找的记录放在链表的越前面,这样平均查找一个key的需要访问其他多余key的期望值就减少了。但是我们又几乎没有办法预知访问的模式的(access pattern)的,因此只好通过动态地改变链表中key的分布来达到该目的,这种链表就是自组织链表(self organized list)。如何动态地改变链表中key分布?有三种模式:
#include<iostream> using namespace std; //self organized list for //count //move to front //transpose class KeyComp{ public: static bool eq( const int i, const int j ){ return i==j; } static bool eq( const char a, const char b ){ return a==b; } static bool eq( const char* a, const char* b ){ while( (*a!='\0')&&(*b!='\0')&&(*a++==*b++) ); return *a == *b; } }; //总结: //模板将被编译两次,第一次检查语法,第二次具现化。不同模板参数将产生一个不同的具现化 //当编译器遭遇CountList定义时,并不知道它继承什么样的class,因为它的父类SelfOrganizedList<T,KeyComp>还未被具现化 //因此,在第一次编译时,编译器就会报错,说明num,keys未声明。 //有三种解决方法,分别如CountList,MoveToFrontList和Transpose所示。 template<class T, class Comp> class SelfOrganizedList{ protected: T* keys; int num; SelfOrganizedList( int n, T* k ){ keys = k; num = n; } int searchHelp( T value ){ T hold = keys[num]; keys[num] = value; int i=-1; while( !Comp::eq( keys[++i], value )); keys[num] = hold; return i; } public: virtual T* search( T value )=0; void printKeys(){ for( int i=0; i<num; i++ ) cout<<keys[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } virtual ~SelfOrganizedList(){} }; template<class T, class Comp> class CountList: public SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>{ private: int* counts; //方法一:使用using声明将被掩盖的base class名称带入一个derived class作用域 protected: using SelfOrganizedList<T,Comp>::num; using SelfOrganizedList<T,Comp>::keys; public: CountList( int n, T* k ):SelfOrganizedList<T,Comp>(n, k){ counts = new int[num+1]; counts++; for( int i=0; i<num; i++ ) counts[i]=0; }; T* search( T value ){ int i=searchHelp( value ); if( i == this->num ) return 0; counts[i]++; counts[-1] = counts[i]; T hold = keys[i]; while( counts[i-1]<counts[-1] ){ counts[i]=counts[i-1]; keys[i]=keys[i-1]; i--; } counts[i]=counts[-1]; keys[i]=hold; return &keys[i]; } ~CountList(){ delete []counts; } }; template<class T, class Comp> class MoveToFrontList:public SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>{ //方法二:每次使用父类的成员时,使用this指针。 public: MoveToFrontList( int n, T* k ):SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>( n, k ){ } T* search( T value ){ int i=searchHelp( value ); if( i == this->num ) return 0; T hold = this->keys[i]; while( i>0 ) this->keys[i]=this->keys[--i]; this->keys[0] = hold; return &this->keys[0]; } }; template<class T, class Comp> class Transpose : public SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>{ //方法三:明确指出该成员位于base class内 public: Transpose( int n, T* k ) : SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>( n, k ){ } T* search( T value ){ int i = searchHelp( value ); if( i == SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>::num ) return 0; if( i>0 ){ T hold = SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>::keys[i-1]; SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>::keys[i-1] = SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>::keys[i]; SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>::keys[i] = hold; } return &SelfOrganizedList<T, Comp>::keys[i-1]; } }; int main(){ int NUM = 8, SRC = 12; char keys[] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H' }; char pattern[] = { 'F', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'E', 'G', 'F', 'A', 'D', 'F', 'G', 'E' }; SelfOrganizedList<char, KeyComp>* test; // test = new CountList<char, KeyComp>( NUM, keys ); // test = new MoveToFrontList<char, KeyComp>( NUM, keys ); test = new Transpose<char, KeyComp>( NUM, keys ); char* res; for( int i=0; i<SRC; i++ ) if( (res=test->search(pattern[i])) != 0 ) cout<<*res<<" "; else cout<<"not searched"<<endl; cout<<endl; test->printKeys(); return 0; }
除了排序和非排序的线性组织方法,其实还有一种,就是通过key与其下标的映射函数来插入和查找key,这就是哈希函数(hashing function)。一般情况下,我们很难找到key和下标(位置)之间的一一映射,如果两个Key计算出来的下标相同,我们就说发生了冲突。好的哈希函数应该尽量让发生冲突的机率小一些。
但冲突总是存在的。冲突解决方法基本可以分成两种,一种称为open hashing,open hashing通过将计算出相同下标的Key放在同一个链表上来解决冲突,查找key的时候,首先计算该key的下标,然后通过哈希表中该下标指向的链表,对key进行(线性)查找。就像我们前面的桶排序一下,先把key分在不同的桶里,然后再对小数据进行查找或排序。
另一种称为close hashing,close hasing将所有的记录都放在哈希表上。把key通过哈希函数h(k)计算出来的下标称为home。如果home已经被其他记录占据,close hashing通过为它找到下一个下标而将其仍旧存放在哈希表中。有两种方法获取下一个下标。第一种是bucket hashing.把哈希表分成几个bucket,每个bucket有多个slot,哈希函数计算出来的下标将是指bucket的序号。除了有标号的bucket之外,还有一个overflow bucket,当有标号的bucket里的slot被用完了,元素将被放到overflow bucket里面去。因此,查找一个key时,如果在它对应的bucket里找不到它,而且该bucket是满的,那么必须去overflow buckte里面找。而我们知道overflow bucket里面的Key分布是没有规律的。
第二种是probing(探询)。本质上就是为一个key值设计一个探询函数 p(K, i),如果它的home已经被占据,将根据这个探询函数来为它计算另一个位置,如果这个位置又被占了,再计算第二个,...,第i个... pos=(home+p(K,i))%M,M是下标的范围。最简单的探询函数是线性探询p(K,i)=i,也就是,如果Key的home被占了,那就找沿着它往下挨个找,直到找到一个空的位置。好的探询函数应该使所有的空槽被选中的机会相等,但是是像p(K,i)=i这样的线性探询,将会使探询序列聚合在一起,例如对于home=1的情况,其接下来的可能位置将是2, 3, 4,...,对于Home=2,其接下来的可能位置将是3, 4, 5, ..,跟home=1的序列将很快撞到一起,从而影响性能。这种现象在hashing过程中称为primary clustering。应该尽量使不同Home的候选序列尽早地分散开来。例如使用一个随机数列Perm[]={2,5,32,...},p(K,i)=Perm[i],这样对于home= 1,其候选序列为{3,6,33....}而home=2的候选队列为{4, 7, 34,...}。或者使用二次探询函数:p(K,i)=i^2,则home=1的候选队列为{2,5,10,...},home=2的候选队列为{3,6,11,...}。
伪随机探询和二次探询解决了primary clustering, 但是对于home位置相同的Key,它们的候选队列将是一样的,这形成了second clustering问题。解决的办法是使用复式散列(double hashing):p(K,i)=i*h_2(K).
对于哈希表来说,主要有三个操作:插入(insert),查找(search),以及删除(remove)一个元素。下面实现了前面提到的OpenHashing, CloseHashing中的BucketHashing和ProbeHashing:
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class Hashing{ protected: int M, current; int (*h)(const Key& k); //hash function Key (*getKey)( const Elem& e ); //getting key of an element Hashing( int m, int (*hf)(const Key&), Key (*getkey)(const Elem&) ){ M = m; current = 0; h = hf; getKey = getkey; } public: virtual bool insert( const Elem& ) = 0; virtual bool search( const Key&, Elem& ) const = 0; virtual bool remove( const Key&, Elem& ) = 0; virtual void clear() = 0; virtual void print() = 0; virtual ~Hashing(){}; int size(){ return current; } };
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class OpenHashing: public Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ private: struct node{ Elem e; node* next; node(){ next = 0; } node( Elem ee, node* n ){ e = ee; next = n; } }; node* HT; //searchHelp返回指向元素的前一个node的指针,这样在删除的时候就比较方便 node* searchHelp( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const{ int pos = h(k); node* loc = &HT[pos]; while( loc->next != 0 && !KEComp::eq( k, loc->next->e ) ) loc = loc->next; if( loc->next == 0 ) return 0; e = loc->next->e; return loc; } //释放从HT链出去的node void clearHelp(){ node *p1, *p2; for( int i=0; i<M; i++ ){ p1 = &HT[i]; while( p1!=0 && p1->next != 0 ){ p2 = p1->next; p1 = p2->next; delete p2; } if( p1 != 0 ) delete p1; } } protected: using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::current; using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::M; using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::h; using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::getKey; public: OpenHashing( int s, int (*hf)(const Key& k), Key (*getkey)( const Elem& ) ): Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>(s, hf, getkey){ HT = new node[M]; } bool insert( const Elem& e ){ Key k = getKey( e ); int pos = h(k); node* loc = &HT[pos]; while( loc->next != 0 && !EEComp::eq( e, loc->next->e ) ) loc = loc->next; if( loc->next == 0 ){ node* t = new node( e, 0 ); loc->next = t; current ++; return true; }else{ //duplicate records return false; } } bool search( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const { Elem temp; node* res = searchHelp( k, temp ); if( res == 0 ) return false; e = temp; return true; } bool remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ node* res = searchHelp( k, e ); if( res == 0 ) return false; current --; node* p = res->next; res->next = p->next; delete p; return true; } void clear(){ clearHelp(); current = 0; for( int i=0; i<M; i++ ) HT[i].next = 0; } void print(){ node* cur; for( int i=0; i<M; i++ ){ cur = &HT[i]; while( cur->next != 0 ){ cout<<cur->next->e<<" "; cur = cur->next; } cout<<endl; } } ~OpenHashing(){ clearHelp(); delete HT; } };
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class CloseHashing :public Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ protected: Elem* HT; //hashing table Elem EMPTY, TRASH; using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::current; using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::M; using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::h; using Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::getKey; CloseHashing( int s, int (*h)(const Key&), Key (*getkey)(const Elem&), Elem e, Elem t ): Hashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>( s, h, getkey ){ EMPTY = e; TRASH = t; HT = new Elem[M]; for( int i=0; i<M; i++ ) HT[i] = EMPTY; } ~CloseHashing(){ delete HT; } void clear(){ for( int i=0; i<M; i++ ) HT[i] = EMPTY; current = 0; } void print(){ for( int i=0; i<M; i++ ) cout<<HT[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } };
template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class BucketHashing : public CloseHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ private: int num; //number of buckets int rec; //max number of records in a bucket int overflow; //begin place of overflow bucket //search in the range [start, end), otherwise overflow bucket is checked int searchHelp( const Key& k, Elem& e, int start, int end ) const{ int i=start; while( i<end && (!EEComp::eq(HT[i], EMPTY)) && (!KEComp::eq(k, HT[i])) ) i++; if( i<end ){ if( KEComp::eq( k, HT[i] ) ){ e = HT[i]; return i; } return -1; } if( start<overflow ) return searchHelp( k, e, overflow, M ); return -1; } //insert to the range [start, end), otherwise overflow bucket is checked bool insertHelp( const Elem& e, int start, int end ){ int i=start; int empty_slot = -1; while( i<end && (!EEComp::eq(HT[i], EMPTY))){ if( EEComp::eq( HT[i], e ) ) return false; if( EEComp::eq(HT[i], TRASH) && empty_slot<0 ) empty_slot = i; i++; } if( i<end ){ if( empty_slot>=0 ) i = empty_slot; HT[i] = e; current ++; return true; } i = overflow; while( i<M && (!EEComp::eq(HT[i], EMPTY)) ){ if( EEComp::eq(HT[i],e) ) return false; if( EEComp::eq(HT[i], TRASH) && empty_slot<0 ) empty_slot = i; i++; } if( i<M ){ if( empty_slot>=0 ) i = empty_slot; HT[i] = e; current ++; return true; } return false; } public: //n: number of buckets in the hash table //r: max number of record in a bucket //o: max number of record in the overflow bucket BucketHashing( int n, int r, int o, int (*h)(const Key&), Key (*getkey)(const Elem&), Elem e, Elem d ): CloseHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>( n*r+o, h, getkey, e, d ){ num = n; rec = r; overflow = n*r; //the begin place of overflow bucket; } bool insert( const Elem& e ){ if( current == M ) //table is full return false; Key k = getKey( e ); int home = h(k); return insertHelp( e, home*rec, home*rec+rec ); } bool search( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const{ int home = h(k); return (searchHelp( k, e, home*rec, home*rec+rec )>=0); } bool remove( const Key&k, Elem& e ){ int home = h(k); int res; if( (res=searchHelp( k, e, home*rec, home*rec+rec )) > 0 ){ HT[res] = TRASH; current --; return true; } return false; } };
//closing hashing, probe. template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> class ProbeHashing :public CloseHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>{ private: int (*p)( const Key& k, int i ); //the probing function int searchHelp( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const; protected: using CloseHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::HT; using CloseHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::EMPTY; using CloseHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::TRASH; public: ProbeHashing( int sz, Elem e, Elem d, int (*hf)(const Key&), int (*pf)(const Key&, int), Key (*getkey)(const Elem&) ) :CloseHashing<Elem,Key, KEComp, EEComp>(sz, hf, getkey, e, d ){ p = pf; } bool insert( const Elem& e ); bool search( const Key& e, Elem& ) const; bool remove( const Key& e, Elem& e ); }; template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool ProbeHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::insert( const Elem& e ){ Key k = getKey( e ); int home = h( k ); int pos = home; bool hasTrashPlace = false; for( int i=1; !EEComp::eq(EMPTY, HT[pos]); i++ ){ pos = (home + p(k,i))%M; if( EEComp::eq(e, HT[pos]) ) return false; if( EEComp::eq( TRASH, HT[pos] ) ) hasTrashPlace = true; } if( !hasTrashPlace ){ HT[pos] = e; current ++; return true; } pos = home; for( int i=1; !(EEComp::eq(TRASH, HT[pos])); i++ ) pos = (home + p(k,i))%M; HT[pos] = e; current ++; return true; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> int ProbeHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::searchHelp( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const{ int home = h(k); int pos = home; int i=1; while( (!KEComp::eq(k, HT[pos]))&&(!EEComp::eq(EMPTY, HT[pos])) ) pos = (home+p(k, i++)); if( KEComp::eq(k, HT[pos]) ){ e = HT[pos]; return pos; } else return -1; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool ProbeHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::search( const Key& k, Elem& e ) const{ Elem temp; if( searchHelp( k, temp ) >= 0 ){ e = temp; return true; } return false; } template<class Elem, class Key, class KEComp, class EEComp> bool ProbeHashing<Elem, Key, KEComp, EEComp>::remove( const Key& k, Elem& e ){ int pos = searchHelp( k, e ); if( pos>=0 ){ HT[pos]=TRASH; current--; return true; } return false; }
class Compare{ public: static bool eq( const char a, const char b ){ return a==b; } static bool eq( const char* a, const char* b ){ while( *a!='\0' && *b!='\0' && *a++==*b++ ); return *a == *b; } static bool eq( const int a, const int b ){ return a==b; } }; //EXAMPLE: //以int为例子,假设key的值在[0,100],那么range以外的值都可以拿来当EMPTY和TRASH int EMPTY = -1; int TRASH = -2; int M_SIZE = 11; int BUCKET_SIZE = 3; int OVERFLOW_BUCKET = 10; //int的值本身就是key int getkey( const int& a ){ return a; } //简单的哈希函数 int inth( const int& a ){ return a%M_SIZE; } //线性探询函数 int intp( const int& a, int i ){ return i; } int main(){ Hashing<int, int, Compare, Compare>* test; //test = new BucketHashing<int, int, Compare, Compare>( M_SIZE, BUCKET_SIZE, OVERFLOW_BUCKET, inth, getkey, EMPTY, TRASH ); test = new ProbeHashing<int, int, Compare, Compare>( M_SIZE, EMPTY, TRASH, inth, intp, getkey ); //test = new OpenHashing<int, int, Compare, Compare>( M_SIZE, inth, getkey ); test->insert( 23 ); test->insert( 12 ); test->insert( 1 ); test->insert( 34 ); test->print(); cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<endl; int a=-1; test->search(34, a); cout<<a<<endl; test->search(30, a); cout<<a<<endl; test->search(1, a); cout<<a<<endl; cout<<"--------------------------------------:"<<endl; test->remove( 23, a ); test->remove( 1, a ); test->search( 34, a ); cout<<a<<endl; test->print(); cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<endl; test->insert( 10 ); test->insert( 1 ); test->insert( 34 ); test->print(); cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<endl; cout<<test->size()<<endl; test->clear(); test->print(); cout<<"---------------------------------------"<<endl; }
除了链表/数组的线性组织方式,另一种方式即树的组织方式,我在《基于树的索引结构介绍》(http://philoscience.iteye.com/admin/blogs/1112759 )中总结过,不过至今未实现其代码,呵呵,接下来就来试试。
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《ASP.NET 2.0编程珠玑--来自MVP的权威开发指南》是一本深入探讨ASP.NET 2.0技术的专业书籍,由该领域的专家,即微软最有价值专家(MVP)撰写。这本书旨在帮助开发者充分理解和掌握ASP.NET 2.0的核心概念,提升其在...
《编程珠玑(第 2版·修订版)》是计算机科学方面的经典名著。书的内容围绕程序设计人员面对的一系列实际问题展开。作者JonBentley以其独有的洞察力和创造力,引导读者理解这些问题并学会解决方法,而这些正是程序员...
这本书“ASP.NET 2.0编程珠玑--来自MVP的权威开发指南”深入讲解了这个框架的关键特性和最佳实践,旨在帮助开发者充分利用其功能。 在ASP.NET 2.0中,最重要的改进之一是页面生命周期管理。与前一版本相比,2.0版...
《编程珠玑》一书,由Jon Bentley 编著,不仅是计算机科学领域的一本经典之作,更是一本深受初学者和有经验的开发者喜爱的宝典。该书以其深入浅出的方式探讨了程序设计中的核心问题,特别是如何有效地处理和存储大量...
本书“ASP.NET+2.0编程珠玑--开发指南”是针对这个版本的专业指南,由MVP(Microsoft最有价值专家)撰写,旨在帮助开发者深入理解和掌握ASP.NET 2.0的核心概念和技术。 书中可能涵盖了以下关键知识点: 1. **ASP...
此压缩包文件提供的"ASP.NET+2.0编程珠玑--来自MVP的权威开发指南"是一本深入探讨ASP.NET 2.0技术的书籍,可能包含了以下关键知识点: 1. **ASP.NET 2.0概述**:ASP.NET 2.0在ASP.NET 1.x的基础上进行了许多改进,...
NULL 博文链接:https://philoscience.iteye.com/blog/1010964
2. **算法**:包括排序算法(如快速排序、归并排序)、查找算法(二分查找、哈希查找)等,通过实例展示算法设计和优化的重要性。 3. **问题解决策略**:书中提出了解决编程问题的一些通用方法,如预处理、分治法、...
根据提供的标题“编程珠玑(第二版)答案”和描述“编程珠玑(第二版)答案”,我们可以推测出这是关于《编程珠玑》这本书的相关解答资料。《编程珠玑》是一本经典的计算机科学书籍,作者为Jon Bentley。本书旨在...
《编程珠玑》强调,优化不仅仅是关于速度,而是关于理解代码的运作方式和它对系统资源的影响。书中通过实际案例解释了如何通过分析和重构代码来减少内存消耗,提高程序响应速度,以及如何利用缓存机制来提升性能。 ...