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Father love

Dear Mimi,
Thank you for helping us to build a bridge to go across to establish a spiritual relationship with God. From the first lesson, I know that I have become the spiritual son of God, and also I have been born into his family as a spiritual babe. So I can be faithful with God, and also be honest to my spiritual father.
So I did a pray, I prayed to God that all the not Christian people could be loved and protected the same as the Christian by Jesus, a good and strong communication bridge could be found or built with Chinese Traditional Culture. As a Christian, I love my father, as a Chinese I still very love the Chinese Traditional Culture. Chinese Traditional Culture is not that thing as so many Christians thoughts, a conclusion could not be jumped into without spending sometime to really think about why the Chinese Traditional Culture become like that. My heart had been broken by some pastors. Father, although I was not 100 percent believed in your exist. I came to be your son; because Chinese Traditional Culture taught me to love the other Cultures to make this world more colorful and peaceful, Chinese Traditional Culture could be one of your best friends with your glory love.

Thanks & Regards,
Zhang Yuhua.
4 楼 iaimstar 2009-08-21  

愿意是 来日方长,将来拉你弥撒,中华语言勃大茎深
3 楼 night_stalker 2009-08-20  
经常去彩和坊路 9 号教堂 …… 看别人买书和假装喝咖啡。
2 楼 logicgate 2009-08-20  

1 楼 ddandyy 2009-08-20  


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    高中Like Father Like Son6课件设计.pptx

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    在课堂活动中,学生被引导进行角色扮演,模仿对话:"Father, father, this is my father." 和 "Father, father, I love my father." 以及相应的关于母亲的句子。这样的互动不仅强化了单词的记忆,还练习了简单的自我...


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    2. 实践应用:将课堂所学应用于实际生活,鼓励学生回家后向父母表达爱意,用英语说出"Father and mother, I love you.",这一环节既检验了学习成果,又加深了亲情的情感交流。 总的来说,Unit3 "This is my father...


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    接着,我们学习了如何用英语表达对家人的爱,如"I love you"和"Father and mother, I love you."。这是向他人介绍家庭时表达感情的一种方式。 在课程中,学生被鼓励用所学的词汇介绍自己的家人。例如,"This is my ...


    课件还包括一首歌曲“Father and mother”,歌词简单却富有感情,强调家庭间的爱,如"I love my father, I love my mother, They love me." 歌曲的演唱可以帮助学生在愉快的氛围中加深对家庭成员词汇的记忆。...


    为了巩固新学的词汇,课件设计了一段chant:"Father, father, this is my father. Mother, mother, this is my mother. Sister, sister, this is my sister. Brother, brother, this is my brother. We love each ...


    在第一部分,教程以一首歌曲 "Father and mother, I love you. Family, family, I love my family." 开始,这有助于引入家庭主题,并激发孩子们对学习的兴趣。接下来的几页分别展示了不同的家庭成员,如蝌蚪、丑小鸭...


    此外,PPT还提到了"family"这个词的趣味解释,即"FamIly"代表"Father and mother I love you",以帮助学生记住这个单词的同时,也传达家庭的温暖含义。 总的来说,这个教案覆盖了初级英语学习中的基础词汇、语法和...


    1. 热身活动:唱歌曲《Father Figure》,读韵律诗《I love my family》。 2. 引入新词,通过多种方式让学生接触和理解新词汇。 3. 练习发音和拼写,通过字母发音规则帮助学生正确读出新单词。 4. 分组活动,鼓励学生...


    接着,课程引导学生理解英文单词"family"的含义,它是由首字母F、A、M、I、L、Y组成的,分别代表"Father and mother I love you.",强调家庭的核心是爱。 课程接着介绍了家庭成员的英文名称,如father、mother、...


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    - **结尾表达**:"I love my father. And I love my family. This is me."用以结束自我介绍。 2. **朋友介绍**: - **朋友名字**:"His name is Wang Xiaoming.",注意两个字的名字要连写,首字母大写。 - **...


    In my heart, there stands a towering figure, a person who embodies greatness — my father. He is a great man not because he has accomplished incredible feats, but because of the unwavering love and ...

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    - 句子3:将 father friend 改为 father's friend,表示父亲的朋友。 - 句子4:将 I 改为 my,形容词性物主代词修饰名词。 - 句子5:将 These are apples. 改为 They are apples.,因为问句中使用的是 these。 -...


    - **family=father and mother I love you**:家庭 = 爸爸和妈妈我爱你们。这是向孩子们解释家庭概念的一个温馨表达,强调家庭的爱。 - **This is my family**:这是我的家庭。这是介绍物品或人的基本句型,孩子们...

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