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恩, 不错. 有参考价值
Designing a website with InfoGlue components
Unfortunately, skin will not bounce back in its pure state if it's been stretched by rapid growth due to pregnancy, weight gain, or extreme weight loss. Instead, it becomes decorated by a form of scarring called stretch marks, or striae. Stretch marks often start off as reddish or purplish in color, then become glossy skin that appears streaked in silver or white.
Stretch marks occur in the dermis, the elastic middle layer of skin that allows it to retain its shape. However, when constantly stretched, the dermis can break down leaving behind stretch marks. Men and women can get stretch marks on several areas of their bodies, including the abdominal area, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms or lower back.
Preventing Stretch Marks - Diet and Exercise Helps
Make sure you are maintaining healthy skin! Mama always told you to drink plenty of water. Maybe she knew this: it helps prevent stretch marks, too! Proper water intake keeps your skin soft and less likely to develop stretch marks. Caffeine can increase your risk of stretch marks. If you're stuck on your caffeinated coffee or tea, make sure you balance the fluids. Drink just as much - or more - water as you drink coffee, tea or soda
Remember, stretch marks can also result from nutritional deficiency. Be sure to consume foods that promote skin health.
Zinc-rich foods such as nuts or fish Foods high in vitamins A, C, D, such as carrots, citrus fruits and milk. Protein-rich foods (such as eggs).
What Can I Do About Existing Stretch Marks?
There are several treatment options for stretch marks. If you are serious about dealing with unwanted stretch marks, you may prefer to be in the care of a surgeon or dermatologist who can recommend your best options. He or she will take a detailed medical history, including medications you are taking. Some medications can cause stretch marks, and it is very important to be open and honest with your doctor. Those medications include hormones and steroids.
Other people have found various skin peel products to be beneficial in improving or eliminating unsightly stretch marks.
A chemical peel is the application of an acid to the skin to achieve a controlled burn in order to remove the top layers of skin. Chemical peels are often used to remove fine lines, stretch marks, small scars, discolorations such as tattoos, semi-permanent makeup, freckles or liver spots, sun damaged skin, and spots of precancerous keratosis which are removable at the top layers of skin (the epidermis). Peels may be applied to the entire face or to isolated areas, such as the upper lip. Peels can be applied to most areas of the body, using caution on thinner skin areas such as around the eyes. Various peel solutions are used by physicians to remove warts, moles, and calluses. The type and concentration of acid controls the depth of the burn used to achieve light, medium, and deep peels.
Chemical peels come in 3 basic categories - Light, Medium and Deep. TCA falls into the medium category (depending on %) and is the most desired type since it gives quicker results over the lighter alpha hydroxy acids but is not as traumatic as the heavier phenol peels. 25% TCA is considered a medium strength of TCA and works well on superficial skin imperfections.
Strengths and Applications
Light - AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) including Glycolic, Salicylic and Lactic Acids
Medium - TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) and Jessners solution
Deep - Phenol, which requires application by a physician
Until recently, you had to visit a skin care specialist (dermatologist, esthetician, or cosmetic surgeon) to get a “TCA Peel“ (chemical peel treatment using trichloroacetic acid). The specialist would have you come in for consultation, advise you on how the peel is done, and give you a mild alpha hydroxy acid lotion (AHA) to apply for one to two weeks prior to the peel treatment. The AHA lotion or gel conditions the skin and begins the exfoliation process. On your next visit your specialist would apply the TCA solution and remind you of the post treatment care … avoiding sun exposure and keeping the treated skin protected with an antibacterial ointment, then he’d send you on your way.
Well now you can purchase at-home TCA Peel Kits designed to give you everything you need to apply a peel treatment yourself in the privacy of your home, saving you the expense of office visits and money. Yavonae Skin Care offers TCA Peel Kits that include everything you’ll need from TCA peel solution, cotton pads, and alpha hydroxy acid prep lotions to ointment, sunblock, fans, and concealers. These kits come with complete instructions including how to apply a patch test to determine your skin’s reaction to the peel solution and what strength to use. Unlike deep peels, medium peels may be performed safely on people with darker skin tones TCA is a great alternative when milder peels stop producing desired benefits.
For more information on Yavonae TCA Peel Kits and/or to place an order visit our website.
Note: Buyer assumes full responsibility for use of peel products purchased through Yavonae Skin Care. Yavonae Skin Care does not make personal recommendations of any kind to any person and is held harmless for results, whether positive or negative, obtained through proper or improper use of peel products.
Yvonne Merritt, owner of Yavonae Skin Care, is a licensed esthetician who specializes in chemical peel treatments for achieving flawless complexions. She has written several articles on skin issues and offers an affordable line of professional exfoliation products through her online store at http://www.tcapeels.com Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yvonne_Merritt |
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