A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for reading, writing and deleting cookies.
一个轻量级读、写和删除cookies的JQuery 插件
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Include script after the jQuery library (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else):
<script src="/path/to/jquery.cookie.js"></script>
Do not include the script directly from GitHub (http://raw.github.com/...). The file is being served as text/plain and as such being blocked in Internet Explorer on Windows 7 for instance (because of the wrong MIME type). Bottom line: GitHub is not a CDN.
请不要直接引用github.com jquery.cookie.js文件,github 不是CDN
The plugin can also be loaded as AMD module.
插件也支持AMD 模块加载. AMD百科
Create session cookie:
$.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value');
Create expiring cookie, 7 days from then:
$.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value', { expires: 7 });
Create expiring cookie, valid across entire site:
$.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value', { expires: 7, path: '/' });
Read cookie:
$.cookie('the_cookie'); // => "the_value"
$.cookie('not_existing'); // => undefined
Read all available cookies:
$.cookie(); // => { "the_cookie": "the_value", "...remaining": "cookies" }
Delete cookie:
// Returns true when cookie was found, false when no cookie was found...
// Same path as when the cookie was written...
// 同样的路径cookie会被重写
$.removeCookie('the_cookie', { path: '/' });
Note: when deleting a cookie, you must pass the exact same path, domain and secure options that were used to set the cookie, unless you're relying on the default options that is.
By default the cookie value is encoded/decoded when writing/reading, usingencodeURIComponent
. Bypass this by setting raw to true:
$.cookie.raw = true;
Turn on automatic storage of JSON objects passed as the cookie value. Assumes JSON.stringify
开启自行存存储为JSON对象,使用 JSON.stringify 和 JSON.parse实现
$.cookie.json = true;
Cookie Options
Cookie attributes can be set globally by setting properties of the $.cookie.defaults
object or individually for each call to $.cookie()
by passing a plain object to the options argument. Per-call options override the default options.
expires: 365
Define lifetime of the cookie. Value can be a Number
which will be interpreted as days from time of creation or a Date
object. If omitted, the cookie becomes a session cookie.
定义cookie的生命周期. 值可以是个数字类型也可以是Date对象,如果值为数将会被直接当做天数来创建. 如果不填,则cookie则变成会话cookie,会话失效则cookie销毁
path: '/'
Define the path where the cookie is valid. By default the path of the cookie is the path of the page where the cookie was created (standard browser behavior). If you want to make it available for instance across the entire domain use path: '/'
. Default: path of page where the cookie was created.
Note regarding Internet Explorer:
Due to an obscure bug in the underlying WinINET InternetGetCookie implementation, IE’s document.cookie will not return a cookie if it was set with a path attribute containing a filename.
(From Internet Explorer Cookie Internals (FAQ))
This means one cannot set a path using path: window.location.pathname
in case such pathname contains a filename like so: /check.html
(or at least, such cookie cannot be read correctly).
domain: 'example.com'
Define the domain where the cookie is valid. Default: domain of page where the cookie was created.
secure: true
If true, the cookie transmission requires a secure protocol (https). Default: false
如果为true,则必须是https协议 默认:false
Provide a conversion function as optional last argument for reading, in order to change the cookie's value to a different representation on the fly.
Example for parsing a value into a number:
$.cookie('foo', '42');
$.cookie('foo', Number); // => 42
Dealing with cookies that have been encoded using escape
(3rd party cookies): 取出的值会先使用传入的方法进行处理
$.cookie.raw = true;
$.cookie('foo', unescape);
You can pass an arbitrary conversion function.
cookie设置插件jquery.cookie.min.js 文章《javascript设置cookie高级篇可跨域访问》https://blog.csdn.net/cplvfx/article/details/117822956
Bootstrap提供了大量的预定义CSS样式、组件和JavaScript插件,用于快速构建响应式、移动优先的网站。这个压缩包中的`bootstrap.min.js`包含Bootstrap的核心JavaScript功能,如模态框、下拉菜单、按钮组等。 综上所...
`jQuery.cookie.js` 是一个轻量级的JavaScript库,用于在浏览器端管理和操作Cookie。这个插件使得与Cookie交互变得简单,尤其在处理用户偏好设置、临时存储数据或者实现基本的会话管理时非常实用。在标题提到的...
`jquery.cookie.js`是jQuery的一个扩展插件,它使得在Web应用中管理和操作Cookie变得更加简单。本篇文章将深入探讨`jquery.cookie.js`包及其在实现“记住密码”功能中的应用。 首先,我们来了解什么是Cookie。...
jquery cookie.js 官方下载,一款优秀的 jquery 插件,提供了非常轻量级、简单、实用的操作 cookie 的方法,包括读写、删除等操作,jquery cookie 路径,jquery cookie 时间,jquery cookie 有效期,jquery cookie ...
总结,jQuery 1.4.2作为一款经典版本,提供了丰富的DOM操作和事件处理能力,而jQuery Cookie插件则弥补了JavaScript原生对Cookie操作的不足,两者结合,为开发者构建交互性强、用户体验优良的Web应用提供了便利。...
`jquery.cookie.js`是jQuery的一个扩展插件,用于处理浏览器Cookie。Cookie在Web应用中常用于存储用户状态或设置。 8. **使用jQuery Cookie** 要使用jQuery Cookie,首先需要在页面加载后引入`jquery.cookie.js`...
### 使用jQuery.cookie.js插件实现网站换肤功能详解 #### 一、引言 随着互联网技术的不断发展,用户体验成为衡量网站质量的重要标准之一。而换肤功能作为一种提升用户体验的方式,越来越受到开发者的重视。本文将...
jquery.cookie.js 提供了jquery中非常简单的操作cookie的方法。 $.cookie('the_cookie'); // 获得cookie $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value'); // 设置cookie $.cookie('the_cookie', 'the_value', { expires: 7 })...
要使用 `jquery.cookie`,你需要先引入 jQuery 和 `jquery.cookie.js` 文件。确保在 HTML 文档的 `<head>` 标签中加入以下代码: ```html <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script> ...
jQuery cookie是个很好的cookie插件,大概的使用方法如下 example $.cookie(’name’, ‘value’); 设置cookie的值,把name变量的值设为value example $.cookie(’name’, ‘value’, {expires: 7, path: ‘/’, ...
jQuery.Cookie是由James Padolsey编写的插件,它简化了JavaScript中的Cookie操作。这个插件允许我们轻松地读取、设置和删除Cookie,极大地提高了开发效率。其核心功能包括: 1. 设置Cookie:`$.cookie(name, value,...
-- jQuery.cookie.js 插件 --> <script src="json2.js"></script> <!-- json2.js 用于浏览器不支持JSON时的兼容 --> ``` 接下来,我们将探讨如何操作JSON数据: 1. **添加JSON到Cookie**: 使用jQuery.cookie插件...
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.cookie.js"> ``` #### 三、基本操作 ##### 3.1 创建会话 Cookie 创建一个会话 Cookie(即不指定过期时间,默认在浏览器关闭后失效)非常简单: ```javascript...
而`jQuery.cookie.js`是jQuery的一个扩展插件,它允许我们在浏览器端存储和读取cookie数据。 Cookie是Web开发中的一个基础概念,用于在用户浏览器中存储小量信息。这些信息可以是用户偏好设置、登录状态或临时数据...