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/* mediastream.c的一些说明 */
/* */
/* author: atom chan */
/* date: 2008.11.1 */
1 利用mediastreamer2库封装的filter完成:从声卡捕捉声音,编码后通过rtp发送给远端主机,同时接收远端主机发来的rtp包,解码到声卡回放。
filter graph如下:
soundread -> ec -> encoder -> rtpsend
rtprecv -> decode -> dtmfgen -> ec -> soundwrite
2 利用mediastreamer2库封装的filter完成:从摄像头捕捉图像,编码后通过rtp发送给远端主机(有本地视频预览),同时接收远端主机发来的rtp包,解码后视频回放。
filter graph如下:
source -> pixconv -> tee -> encoder -> rtpsend
tee -> output
rtprecv -> decoder -> output
牢 记rfc3550 Page 17中的所说“Separate audio and video streams SHOULD NOT be carried in a single RTP session and demultiplexed based on the payload type or SSRC fields. ”
程序中audio_stream_new() video_stream_new()内使用create_duplex_rtpsession()建立起监听端口。
比较奇怪的是video_stream_start()最后没有attach上rtprecv。而audio_stream_start_full()里有attach rtprecv。
编译的时候,别忘了加-D VIDEO_ENABLED启用视频支持。
mediastream --local <port> --remote <ip:port> --payload <payload type number>
[ --fmtp <fmtpline>] [ --jitter <miliseconds>]
Sets a send parameters (fmtp) for the PayloadType. This method is provided for applications using RTP with SDP, but actually the ftmp information is not used for RTP processing.
jitter就是设定缓冲时间,也就是队列的阀值。具体可以参见Comer所著TCP/IP 卷一的RTP一章。默认是80ms(还是50ms?),没必要修改它。
主机A IP
主机B IP
主机A 运行 ./mediastream --local 5010 --remote --payload 110
主机B 运行 ./mediastream --local 6014 --remote --payload 110
如果你的机子上并没有这些库,却又指定了这些库的payload type,那么mediastreamer2初始化的时候,会在终端输出错误信息找不到xxx.so之类,那么请换另一种payload type。
关于rtp session,不知道你会不会像我有一些误解(尤其是双工的session)。
我 觉得session是一个难以一言蔽之的概念(否则rfc3550上也不会唠唠叨叨说一大堆,Page 9),虽然也可以精炼说成“The distinguishing feature of an RTP session is that each maintains a full, separate space of SSRC identifiers”,但是这样没什么意义,让人理解起来反而更困难。
我个人认为不必深究session的确切定义,而要细细体会rfc3550 Page 68 Section 11。(我每次有疑问时,就再来看一遍这一节)
1.RTP relies on the underlying protocol(s) to provide demultiplexing of RTP data and RTCP control streams. For UDP and similar protocols,RTP SHOULD use an even destination port number and the corresponding RTCP stream SHOULD use the next higher (odd) destination port number.
2.For applications in which the RTP and RTCP destination port numbers are specified via explicit, separate parameters (using a signaling protocol or other means), the application MAY disregard the restrictions that the port numbers be even/odd and consecutive although the use of an even/odd port pair is still encouraged.
3.The RTP and RTCP port numbers MUST NOT be the same since RTP relies on the port numbers to demultiplex the RTP data and RTCP control streams.
4.In a unicast session, both participants need to identify a port pair for receiving RTP and RTCP packets. Both participants MAY use the same port pair. A participant MUST NOT assume that the source port of the incoming RTP or RTCP packet can be used as the destination port for outgoing RTP or RTCP packets.
5.RTP data packets contain no length field or other delineation,therefore RTP relies on the underlying protocol(s) to provide a length indication. The maximum length of RTP packets is limited only by the underlying protocols.
6.(原话找不到了)RTP本身并不知道该使用remote host的什么端口来传输,这需要用Non-RTP means来告知(比如和远端主机之间的信令交互得知),而本程序中没有信令交互,是显式指定。
[atom@localhost code]$ ./mediastream --local 5010 --remote --payload 110 > atom
ortp-message-Registering all filters...
ortp-message-Registering all soundcard handlers
ortp-message-Card ALSA: default device added
ortp-message-Card ALSA: Ensoniq AudioPCI added
ortp-message-Card OSS: /dev/dsp added
ortp-message-Card OSS: /dev/dsp added
ortp-message-Loading plugins
ortp-message-Cannot open directory /usr/lib/mediastreamer/plugins: No such file or directory
ortp-message-ms_init() done
ortp-message-Setting audio encoder network bitrate to 8000
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSAlsaRead:0x93f0db0,0-->MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0-->MSAlsaWrite:0x93f0e28,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0-->MSRtpSend:0x93f0c18,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSRtpRecv:0x93f0c88,0-->MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0-->MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0
ortp-message-Using bitrate 2150 for speex encoder.
ortp-message-alsa_open_r: opening default at 8000Hz, bits=16, stereo=0
ortp-message-synchronizing timestamp, diff=960
ortp-message-synchronizing timestamp, diff=320
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=47
number of rtp bytes sent=1636 bytes
number of rtp packet received=49
number of rtp bytes received=1927 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=1739
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=107
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=99
number of rtp bytes sent=3254 bytes
number of rtp packet received=102
number of rtp bytes received=3683 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=3629
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=213
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=152
number of rtp bytes sent=5554 bytes
number of rtp packet received=154
number of rtp bytes received=5077 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=5038
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=318
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=205
number of rtp bytes sent=6671 bytes
number of rtp packet received=207
number of rtp bytes received=5964 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=5925
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=424
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=258
number of rtp bytes sent=8632 bytes
number of rtp packet received=260
number of rtp bytes received=7422 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=7292
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=530
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SR
ortp-message-interarrival jitter=121
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SDES
ortp-message-Found CNAME=unknown@unknown
ortp-message-Found TOOL=oRTP-0.14.2
ortp-message-Found NOTE=This is free sofware (LGPL) !
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=312
number of rtp bytes sent=10280 bytes
number of rtp packet received=314
number of rtp bytes received=10202 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=9970
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=636
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=364
number of rtp bytes sent=12382 bytes
number of rtp packet received=365
number of rtp bytes received=11527 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=11501
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=742
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=416
number of rtp bytes sent=14337 bytes
number of rtp packet received=419
number of rtp bytes received=14520 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=14346
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=847
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=470
number of rtp bytes sent=16216 bytes
number of rtp packet received=472
number of rtp bytes received=15832 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=15752
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=953
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=523
number of rtp bytes sent=18399 bytes
number of rtp packet received=524
number of rtp bytes received=16604 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=16578
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1059
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SR
ortp-message-interarrival jitter=133
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SDES
ortp-message-Found CNAME=unknown@unknown
ortp-message-Found TOOL=oRTP-0.14.2
ortp-message-Found NOTE=This is free sofware (LGPL) !
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=575
number of rtp bytes sent=20072 bytes
number of rtp packet received=578
number of rtp bytes received=17986 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=17754
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1164
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=629
number of rtp bytes sent=22106 bytes
number of rtp packet received=630
number of rtp bytes received=20753 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=20637
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1270
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=681
number of rtp bytes sent=24917 bytes
number of rtp packet received=683
number of rtp bytes received=21885 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=21859
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1376
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=734
number of rtp bytes sent=27703 bytes
number of rtp packet received=736
number of rtp bytes received=22594 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=22555
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1481
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=788
number of rtp bytes sent=28977 bytes
number of rtp packet received=789
number of rtp bytes received=23637 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=23483
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1587
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SR
ortp-message-interarrival jitter=127
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SDES
ortp-message-Found CNAME=unknown@unknown
ortp-message-Found TOOL=oRTP-0.14.2
ortp-message-Found NOTE=This is free sofware (LGPL) !
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=840
number of rtp bytes sent=30072 bytes
number of rtp packet received=837
number of rtp bytes received=25564 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=25564
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1692
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Audio session's RTP statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=840
number of rtp bytes sent=30072 bytes
number of rtp packet received=837
number of rtp bytes received=25564 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=25564
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1693
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSAlsaRead:0x93f0db0,0-->MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0-->MSAlsaWrite:0x93f0e28,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0-->MSRtpSend:0x93f0c18,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSRtpRecv:0x93f0c88,0-->MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0-->MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0
ortp-message-MSTicker thread exiting
Remote addr: ip= port=6014
Starting audio stream.
Bandwidth usage: download=26.614873 kbits/sec, upload=24.850787 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=24.757891 kbits/sec, upload=23.288695 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=21.915512 kbits/sec, upload=28.845805 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=18.254627 kbits/sec, upload=19.849715 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=22.314123 kbits/sec, upload=26.907152 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=33.280316 kbits/sec, upload=24.266766 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=21.465322 kbits/sec, upload=27.740203 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=34.365668 kbits/sec, upload=26.550016 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=21.669883 kbits/sec, upload=26.035174 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=17.581689 kbits/sec, upload=28.368437 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=22.050596 kbits/sec, upload=23.840863 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=32.469631 kbits/sec, upload=27.263791 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=19.910096 kbits/sec, upload=32.475279 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=16.712168 kbits/sec, upload=32.902848 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=19.092574 kbits/sec, upload=21.455217 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=24.896035 kbits/sec, upload=19.984568 kbits/sec
stoping all...
/* mediastream.c的一些说明 */
/* */
/* author: atom chan */
/* date: 2008.11.1 */

1 利用mediastreamer2库封装的filter完成:从声卡捕捉声音,编码后通过rtp发送给远端主机,同时接收远端主机发来的rtp包,解码到声卡回放。
filter graph如下:
soundread -> ec -> encoder -> rtpsend
rtprecv -> decode -> dtmfgen -> ec -> soundwrite
2 利用mediastreamer2库封装的filter完成:从摄像头捕捉图像,编码后通过rtp发送给远端主机(有本地视频预览),同时接收远端主机发来的rtp包,解码后视频回放。
filter graph如下:
source -> pixconv -> tee -> encoder -> rtpsend
tee -> output
rtprecv -> decoder -> output
牢 记rfc3550 Page 17中的所说“Separate audio and video streams SHOULD NOT be carried in a single RTP session and demultiplexed based on the payload type or SSRC fields. ”
程序中audio_stream_new() video_stream_new()内使用create_duplex_rtpsession()建立起监听端口。
比较奇怪的是video_stream_start()最后没有attach上rtprecv。而audio_stream_start_full()里有attach rtprecv。
编译的时候,别忘了加-D VIDEO_ENABLED启用视频支持。
mediastream --local <port> --remote <ip:port> --payload <payload type number>
[ --fmtp <fmtpline>] [ --jitter <miliseconds>]
Sets a send parameters (fmtp) for the PayloadType. This method is provided for applications using RTP with SDP, but actually the ftmp information is not used for RTP processing.
jitter就是设定缓冲时间,也就是队列的阀值。具体可以参见Comer所著TCP/IP 卷一的RTP一章。默认是80ms(还是50ms?),没必要修改它。
主机A IP
主机B IP
主机A 运行 ./mediastream --local 5010 --remote --payload 110
主机B 运行 ./mediastream --local 6014 --remote --payload 110
如果你的机子上并没有这些库,却又指定了这些库的payload type,那么mediastreamer2初始化的时候,会在终端输出错误信息找不到xxx.so之类,那么请换另一种payload type。
关于rtp session,不知道你会不会像我有一些误解(尤其是双工的session)。
我 觉得session是一个难以一言蔽之的概念(否则rfc3550上也不会唠唠叨叨说一大堆,Page 9),虽然也可以精炼说成“The distinguishing feature of an RTP session is that each maintains a full, separate space of SSRC identifiers”,但是这样没什么意义,让人理解起来反而更困难。
我个人认为不必深究session的确切定义,而要细细体会rfc3550 Page 68 Section 11。(我每次有疑问时,就再来看一遍这一节)
1.RTP relies on the underlying protocol(s) to provide demultiplexing of RTP data and RTCP control streams. For UDP and similar protocols,RTP SHOULD use an even destination port number and the corresponding RTCP stream SHOULD use the next higher (odd) destination port number.
2.For applications in which the RTP and RTCP destination port numbers are specified via explicit, separate parameters (using a signaling protocol or other means), the application MAY disregard the restrictions that the port numbers be even/odd and consecutive although the use of an even/odd port pair is still encouraged.
3.The RTP and RTCP port numbers MUST NOT be the same since RTP relies on the port numbers to demultiplex the RTP data and RTCP control streams.
4.In a unicast session, both participants need to identify a port pair for receiving RTP and RTCP packets. Both participants MAY use the same port pair. A participant MUST NOT assume that the source port of the incoming RTP or RTCP packet can be used as the destination port for outgoing RTP or RTCP packets.
5.RTP data packets contain no length field or other delineation,therefore RTP relies on the underlying protocol(s) to provide a length indication. The maximum length of RTP packets is limited only by the underlying protocols.
6.(原话找不到了)RTP本身并不知道该使用remote host的什么端口来传输,这需要用Non-RTP means来告知(比如和远端主机之间的信令交互得知),而本程序中没有信令交互,是显式指定。
[atom@localhost code]$ ./mediastream --local 5010 --remote --payload 110 > atom
ortp-message-Registering all filters...
ortp-message-Registering all soundcard handlers
ortp-message-Card ALSA: default device added
ortp-message-Card ALSA: Ensoniq AudioPCI added
ortp-message-Card OSS: /dev/dsp added
ortp-message-Card OSS: /dev/dsp added
ortp-message-Loading plugins
ortp-message-Cannot open directory /usr/lib/mediastreamer/plugins: No such file or directory
ortp-message-ms_init() done
ortp-message-Setting audio encoder network bitrate to 8000
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSAlsaRead:0x93f0db0,0-->MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0-->MSAlsaWrite:0x93f0e28,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0-->MSRtpSend:0x93f0c18,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSRtpRecv:0x93f0c88,0-->MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_link: MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0-->MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0
ortp-message-Using bitrate 2150 for speex encoder.
ortp-message-alsa_open_r: opening default at 8000Hz, bits=16, stereo=0
ortp-message-synchronizing timestamp, diff=960
ortp-message-synchronizing timestamp, diff=320
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=47
number of rtp bytes sent=1636 bytes
number of rtp packet received=49
number of rtp bytes received=1927 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=1739
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=107
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=99
number of rtp bytes sent=3254 bytes
number of rtp packet received=102
number of rtp bytes received=3683 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=3629
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=213
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=152
number of rtp bytes sent=5554 bytes
number of rtp packet received=154
number of rtp bytes received=5077 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=5038
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=318
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=205
number of rtp bytes sent=6671 bytes
number of rtp packet received=207
number of rtp bytes received=5964 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=5925
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=424
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=258
number of rtp bytes sent=8632 bytes
number of rtp packet received=260
number of rtp bytes received=7422 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=7292
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=530
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SR
ortp-message-interarrival jitter=121
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SDES
ortp-message-Found CNAME=unknown@unknown
ortp-message-Found TOOL=oRTP-0.14.2
ortp-message-Found NOTE=This is free sofware (LGPL) !
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=312
number of rtp bytes sent=10280 bytes
number of rtp packet received=314
number of rtp bytes received=10202 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=9970
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=636
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=364
number of rtp bytes sent=12382 bytes
number of rtp packet received=365
number of rtp bytes received=11527 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=11501
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=742
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=416
number of rtp bytes sent=14337 bytes
number of rtp packet received=419
number of rtp bytes received=14520 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=14346
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=847
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=470
number of rtp bytes sent=16216 bytes
number of rtp packet received=472
number of rtp bytes received=15832 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=15752
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=953
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=523
number of rtp bytes sent=18399 bytes
number of rtp packet received=524
number of rtp bytes received=16604 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=16578
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1059
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SR
ortp-message-interarrival jitter=133
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SDES
ortp-message-Found CNAME=unknown@unknown
ortp-message-Found TOOL=oRTP-0.14.2
ortp-message-Found NOTE=This is free sofware (LGPL) !
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=575
number of rtp bytes sent=20072 bytes
number of rtp packet received=578
number of rtp bytes received=17986 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=17754
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1164
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=629
number of rtp bytes sent=22106 bytes
number of rtp packet received=630
number of rtp bytes received=20753 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=20637
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1270
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=681
number of rtp bytes sent=24917 bytes
number of rtp packet received=683
number of rtp bytes received=21885 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=21859
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1376
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=734
number of rtp bytes sent=27703 bytes
number of rtp packet received=736
number of rtp bytes received=22594 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=22555
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1481
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=788
number of rtp bytes sent=28977 bytes
number of rtp packet received=789
number of rtp bytes received=23637 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=23483
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1587
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SR
ortp-message-interarrival jitter=127
ortp-message-Receiving RTCP SDES
ortp-message-Found CNAME=unknown@unknown
ortp-message-Found TOOL=oRTP-0.14.2
ortp-message-Found NOTE=This is free sofware (LGPL) !
Global statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=840
number of rtp bytes sent=30072 bytes
number of rtp packet received=837
number of rtp bytes received=25564 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=25564
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1692
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
Audio session's RTP statistics :
number of rtp packet sent=840
number of rtp bytes sent=30072 bytes
number of rtp packet received=837
number of rtp bytes received=25564 bytes
number of incoming rtp bytes successfully delivered to the application=25564
number of times the application queried a packet that didn't exist=1693
number of rtp packet lost=0
number of rtp packets received too late=0
number of bad formatted rtp packets=0
number of packet discarded because of queue overflow=0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSAlsaRead:0x93f0db0,0-->MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0-->MSAlsaWrite:0x93f0e28,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSSpeexEnc:0x93f0ea0,0-->MSRtpSend:0x93f0c18,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSRtpRecv:0x93f0c88,0-->MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0
ortp-message-ms_filter_unlink: MSSpeexDec:0x93f0f60,0-->MSDtmfGen:0x93f0d30,0
ortp-message-MSTicker thread exiting
Remote addr: ip= port=6014
Starting audio stream.
Bandwidth usage: download=26.614873 kbits/sec, upload=24.850787 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=24.757891 kbits/sec, upload=23.288695 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=21.915512 kbits/sec, upload=28.845805 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=18.254627 kbits/sec, upload=19.849715 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=22.314123 kbits/sec, upload=26.907152 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=33.280316 kbits/sec, upload=24.266766 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=21.465322 kbits/sec, upload=27.740203 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=34.365668 kbits/sec, upload=26.550016 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=21.669883 kbits/sec, upload=26.035174 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=17.581689 kbits/sec, upload=28.368437 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=22.050596 kbits/sec, upload=23.840863 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=32.469631 kbits/sec, upload=27.263791 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=19.910096 kbits/sec, upload=32.475279 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=16.712168 kbits/sec, upload=32.902848 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=19.092574 kbits/sec, upload=21.455217 kbits/sec
Bandwidth usage: download=24.896035 kbits/sec, upload=19.984568 kbits/sec
stoping all...
PCM (脉冲编码调制)
2011-02-21 15:40 2524http://baike.baidu.com/view/868 ... -
2011-02-20 15:17 3945首先分别介绍下几个RTP (Real-time Transpo ... -
2011-02-15 21:40 5225http://www.linphone. ... -
2011-02-14 12:01 2412From: http://www.rosoo.net/a/20 ...
XMediaStream的目标是一个导播软件,目前是第一版只是一个多源推流工具,最大6路同时推流上传,源支持文件(多种格式)、网络(多种协议)、硬件、NDI、桌面采集等。 为了简单易用,所以许多参数都做了内部自动设置。...
RTSP(Real-Time Streaming Protocol,实时流传输协议)是一种应用层协议,用于控制多媒体数据的实时传输。在本文中,我们将深入探讨RTSP协议的基本原理、客户端与服务器端的交互过程,以及如何使用C++来实现这样的...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨MediaStream的核心概念、API用法以及在实际项目中的应用场景。 一、MediaStream基础 1. **什么是MediaStream?** MediaStream是HTML5 WebRTC(Real-Time Communication)标准的一部分,...
4. **libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll**:这是GNU C运行时库的一部分,用于异常处理和线程支持。 5. **swscale-0.dll**:FFmpeg中的色彩空间转换工具,用于调整视频帧的大小和色彩空间,以适应不同的显示设备。 6. **avutil-...
**linphone-android SDK详解** **一、linphone简介** Linphone是一款开源的VoIP(Voice over IP)软件,它提供了跨平台的语音、视频通话功能,支持多种协议,如SIP(Session Initiation Protocol)、RTP(Real-...
如果你没有使用mediastream-volume.bundle.js或者你想要 AMD 支持,请使用mediastream-volume.bundle.js 。重要细节其工作方式是将流中的第一个音频通道替换为通过增益过滤器运行的通道。 但请注意,这会编辑您提供...
媒体流到Webm ...var MediaStreamToWebm = require ( 'mediastream-to-webm' ) < script src =" dist/mediastream-to-webm.js " /> 用法 // Wrap your MediaStream into an encoder var enc
【MediaStream:适用于各种带宽的C#.NET Framework媒体流应用程序】 MediaStream是一个强大的工具,主要用于处理和操作网络上的多媒体数据流。它专为适应不同带宽环境而设计,确保在各种网络条件下的高效、流畅...
分析:在json的论坛中,找到了解决方案:把编译生成的/lib/pkgconfig/这个目录下生成了一个json-c.pc。最后mediastreamer2在调用的时候找的是json.pc。那么我们就把这个文件名改为json.pc #mv json-c.pc json.pc OK...
MediaStream2 的架构采用函数指针管理一系列滤镜,逻辑关系在系统启动时配置加载。数据处理流程通常如下: - **视频采集**:摄像头捕获的原始视频通过一个视频采集滤镜(CAPTURE FILTER),接着进入编码滤镜...
另一种方法是使用WebAssembly和C/C++编写的AMR编解码器,如`emscripten`编译的库,这可以提高解码性能,但增加了项目的复杂性。 最后,考虑到兼容性和用户体验,你还可以考虑使用Web Audio API创建一个音频处理器...
(新) (也称为MediaStream Recording API)的演示实现。 工作于: Firefox 30+ Chrome 47,48(仅视频,启用chrome:// flags的实验性Web平台功能) Chrome49+ 容器和编解码器: Chrome 52+:webm,VP8 / VP9...
MediaStreamRecorder.js视频录制使用的js,版本为MediaStreamRecorder v1.3.4
5. **浏览器兼容性**:由于依赖于ActiveX,这些功能仅限于使用Internet Explorer浏览器的用户,对于其他如Chrome、Firefox等现代浏览器,可能需要寻找替代方案,如使用HTML5的MediaStream API或WebRTC技术。...
我正在使用来填充MediaStream Recording API,将video/webm 10秒文件捕获到服务器。 用于执行繁重的视频处理任务(探测视频信息和webm到mpegts的转换)。 注意:出于捕获目的,Google Chrome仅捕获视频,而Firefox...
MediaStream录制API 本文档指定了本地和远程视频和音频实时录制的方法。 规格和样品 ,包括代码示例。 不同浏览器中的实施状态: 。 欢迎您来贡献! 让我们摆脱困境吧! 关于骑车棚的注意事项 :person_biking: ...
灰烬视听器用ember install ember-audio-visualizer 然后在模板中: {{audio-visualizer audioStream=audioStream}} ,其中audioStream是MediaStream
在描述中提到的`MediaStreamRecorder\demos`目录下的文件,很可能是包含了一些使用`MediaStreamRecorder`API的演示代码。 在JavaScript中,使用`MediaDevices.getUserMedia()`方法可以请求访问用户的音频和/或视频...
MediaStream-GifRecorder 该库提供了接口的实现,用于将MediaStream(例如来自网络摄像头或桌面捕获的MediaStream)记录到GIF。 基本用法 以下将以每秒5帧的速度记录5秒钟的GIF。 navigator.mediaDevices....